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Co-Evolution Review.

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1 Co-Evolution Review

2 ©2015

3 Describe the temperature change of the layers as you go to the center of the Earth. Increases Describe how pressure changes as you go to the center of the Earth. Why is the core of Earth so hot? Radioactive materials that are decaying, releasing heat.

4 What scientist came up with the theory of continental drift?
Alfred Wegener What is continental drift? Pangea, a large continent broke up and the pieces drift into their current positions What 4 pieces of evidence was used to support the scientist in #5’s theory? Map Fit Fossils Same rock on two continents Glaciers in deserts/Deserts in Alaska

5 What is the name of the “supercontinent” of early Earth
What is the name of the “supercontinent” of early Earth? Pangea Transform: 2 plates are sliding past each other horizontally Convergent: 2 tectonic plates are colliding (coming together) Divergent: 2 tectonic plates are moving away from each other

6 What explains how large pieces of the lithosphere move and change shape? Plate Tectonics/Continental Drift

7 Label these parts on the diagram below: core, lithosphere, asthenosphere and convection current. Which 2 plates are converging? (say letters) B & C Which 2 plates are diverging? (say letters) A & B Asthenosphere Lithosphere Convection Currents Core ©2015

8 Label it as divergent, convergent or transform.
16. For each picture: Label it as divergent, convergent or transform. Name the plates involved –oceanic, continental List its effects. Convergent Oceanic/Continental Volcanism, earthquakes, & Offshore trench ©2015

9 Volcanic Islands, Earthquakes & Deep Ocean Trench
Convergent Oceanic/Oceanic Volcanic Islands, Earthquakes & Deep Ocean Trench Continental/Continental Mountain Building ©2015 ©2015

10 Continental/Continental Earthquakes
©2015 Transform Continental/Continental Earthquakes

11 Sea-Floor spreading creates new lithosphere
Sea-Floor spreading creates new lithosphere. Label each of the following as True or False: (T or F) Explains continental movement True (T or F) Rocks closer to ridges are younger than rocks farther away. (T or F) Continental rock is younger than oceanic rock. False

12 What are mid-ocean ridges
What are mid-ocean ridges? Areas of sea floor spreading Where do they occur? Plate boundaries Why didn’t Wegener use them as evidence for continental drift? Mid-ocean ridges were not discovered until WWII after his death.

13 Explain how plate tectonics works at mid- oceanic ridges: First magma heats up in the asthenosphere and rises, then it Erupts along a fissure Then Pushes the plate apart and cools

14 ©2016
Name two plates that are diverging: North American Plate & Eurasian Plate Name two plates that are converging: Nazca Plate & South American Plate

15 What do the dots on the graph represent?
Volcanoes Earthquakes

16 The dots form mostly on the same lines
The dots form mostly on the same lines. What are these lines representing? Plate Boundaries

17 What is the Ring of Fire? Where is the ring of fire on the above diagram?
An Arc of intensive seismic and volcanic activity surrounding the Pacific Plate.

18 What U.S. states are a part of the Ring of Fire?
Alaska Washington Oregon California

19 What U.S. State is in the middle of the ring of fire?

20 How is an earthquake produced?
With the sudden movement of the ground caused by the release of energy when the rocks move along a fault.

21 Label the parts in the earthquake picture.

22 A break in the rock where movement occurs.
What is a fault? A break in the rock where movement occurs.

23 What is the epicenter of an earthquake?
A point on the Earth’s surface where the Earthquake is first felt

24 What is the focus of the earthquake?
Where the first movement occurs in the Earth’s Crust

25 What piece of equipment can measure seismic waves?
A Seismograph

26 The area in the picture where no seismic waves occur after the earthquake is called the:
Shadow Zone

27 Label the diagrams below.

28 Identify each wave as either an S-Wave or a P-wave

29 Speed of wave A: Speed of wave B: Fastest 2nd Fastest A Movement: B Movement: Back and Forth Perpendicular A moves through: B moves through: Solid, Liquid, Gas Solid

30 What does the Richter Scale tells about an earthquake?
Magnitude; Strength

31 What does the Mercalli scale tell us about an earthquake?
Intensity: the amount of damage that occurred

32 The damage an earthquake does is called:
Its Intensity – Mercalli Scale

33 The strength of an earthquake is called its:
Magnitude – Richter Scale

34 What is a tsunami? A giant wave that forms after a volcanic eruption, submarine earthquake or landslide.

35 Where is magma found? Below ground

36 Where would lava be found?
Above Ground

37 Label the three types of volcanoes
Cinder Cone Shield Composite

38 Describe the slopes of each volcano.
In-between Gently sloping Steep

39 Describe the eruptions of each volcano?
Local Quiet Explosive

40 28) Crater Lake, Oregon is a _______________ that formed when the magma chamber below a volcano partially emptied and cause the ground to sink. Caldera

41 What is relative age? The age of a rock compared to the ages of other rocks
What is absolute age? The exact age of something. Using the picture, what is the relative age of the woman? The woman is older than the boy Using the picture, what is an absolute age for the boy? The boy is 7

42 Matching: match each geological age principle or law with its definition.
Law of crosscutting relationships B. A fault is younger than any layer of rock it cuts through. Principle of Uniformitarianism D. Geological processes that occurred in the past can be explained by current processes. Law of Superposition C. Layers of rock on the bottom are the oldest Principle of Original Horizontality A. Sedimentary rocks left undisturbed will remain in horizontal layers.

43 In the picture, which letter represents a fault
In the picture, which letter represents a fault? E In the picture, which letter represent the oldest rock? A In the picture, which letter represents the youngest rock? D

44 What are boundaries between old and new rock that interrupt the rock record called? Unconformities
Label each picture and write a definition for it. Angular Unconformity = Rock layers are tilted or folded, then eroded away and new sedimentary rock is laid on top

45 Disconformity = Sedimentary rock is eroded & new sedimentary rock is laid on top Nonconformity = Igneous/Metamorphic rock is exposed, eroded away & new sedimentary rock is laid on top

46 J

47 Use the diagram in the last slide to answer the following questions
Use the diagram in the last slide to answer the following questions. Put the rocks in order from oldest to youngest. E, G, L, C, H, M, D, J, A, N, K, B, F What is letter A called? Nonconformity Which is younger, A or D? A

48 C12, C13, and C14 all have different masses, what are they called
C12, C13, and C14 all have different masses, what are they called? Isotopes What are 3 things that can happen to radioisotopes? A. The Nucleus can break apart B. Release energy C. Can decay into an atom of a different type

49 What is the half-life of the isotope on the graph? 100 Years

50 What are 5 ways that fossils can form?
Mummification Amber Tar Seeps Freezing Petrification Molds/Casts Coprolites Gastrolithes Name some types of fossils: Imprints Gastroliths

51 How did scientists figure out how long ago the Iceman Otzi died
How did scientists figure out how long ago the Iceman Otzi died? Carbon-15 Dating, Wooden Ax Handle (Contains Carbon) ~5700 Years Why were they able to figure out his age this way? Carbon-14 builds in living organisms while they are alive at decays at a measured rate after death

52 How many millions of years ago did dinosaurs evolve? 225 mya Go extinct? 65 mya How many millions of years ago did humans evolve? Less than 1 mya About how old do scientists think the Earth is? 4.6 Billion Years How many fossils have been found? Some of plants and animals.

53 What are the 4 Geological Time Eras and give a unique fact about each one.
Precambrian: Earth Forms, Fossils Rare, Stromatolites Paleozoic: Echinoderms/Fish Appear, Growth of Multicellular Life Mesozoic: Age of Dinosaurs, Pangea Cenozoic: Age of Mammals, Modern World

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