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Large Graph Mining: Power Tools and a Practitioner’s guide

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1 Large Graph Mining: Power Tools and a Practitioner’s guide
Task 5: Graphs over time & tensors Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis CMU KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

2 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Outline Introduction – Motivation Task 1: Node importance Task 2: Community detection Task 3: Recommendations Task 4: Connection sub-graphs Task 5: Mining graphs over time Task 6: Virus/influence propagation Task 7: Spectral graph theory Task 8: Tera/peta graph mining: hadoop Observations – patterns of real graphs Conclusions KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

3 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Thanks to Tamara Kolda (Sandia) for the foils on tensor definitions, and on TOPHITS KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

4 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Detailed outline Motivation Definitions: PARAFAC and Tucker Case study: web mining KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

5 Examples of Matrices: Authors and terms
data mining classif. tree ... John Peter Mary Nick KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

6 Motivation: Why tensors?
Q: what is a tensor? KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

7 Motivation: Why tensors?
A: N-D generalization of matrix: KDD’09 data mining classif. tree ... John Peter Mary Nick KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

8 Motivation: Why tensors?
A: N-D generalization of matrix: KDD’07 KDD’08 KDD’09 data mining classif. tree ... John Peter Mary Nick KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

9 Tensors are useful for 3 or more modes
Terminology: ‘mode’ (or ‘aspect’): Mode#3 data mining classif. tree ... Mode#2 Mode (== aspect) #1 KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

10 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Notice 3rd mode does not need to be time we can have more than 3 modes Dest. port 125 ... 80 IP source IP destination KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

11 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Notice 3rd mode does not need to be time we can have more than 3 modes Eg, fFMRI: x,y,z, time, person-id, task-id From DENLAB, Temple U. (Prof. V. Megalooikonomou +) KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

12 Motivating Applications
Why tensors are useful? web mining (TOPHITS) environmental sensors Intrusion detection (src, dst, time, dest-port) Social networks (src, dst, time, type-of-contact) face recognition etc … KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

13 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Detailed outline Motivation Definitions: PARAFAC and Tucker Case study: web mining KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

14 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Tensor basics Multi-mode extensions of SVD – recall that: KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

15 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Reminder: SVD Best rank-k approximation in L2 n n m A VT m U KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

16 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Reminder: SVD Best rank-k approximation in L2 n 1u1v1 2u2v2 A + m KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

17 Goal: extension to >=3 modes
I x R K x R A B J x R C R x R x R I x J x K +…+ = KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

18 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Main points: 2 major types of tensor decompositions: PARAFAC and Tucker both can be solved with ``alternating least squares’’ (ALS) KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

19 Specially Structured Tensors
Tucker Tensor Kruskal Tensor Our Notation Our Notation +…+ = u1 uR v1 w1 vR wR = U I x R V J x R W K x R R x R x R “core” K x T W I x J x K I x J x K I x R J x S U V = R x S x T KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

20 Tucker Decomposition - intuition
I x J x K A I x R B J x S C K x T R x S x T author x keyword x conference A: author x author-group B: keyword x keyword-group C: conf. x conf-group G: how groups relate to each other KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

21 Intuition behind core tensor
2-d case: co-clustering [Dhillon et al. Information-Theoretic Co-clustering, KDD’03] KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

22 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
n eg, terms x documents m k l n l k m KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

23 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
med. doc cs doc med. terms cs terms term group x doc. group common terms doc x doc group term x term-group KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

24 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Tensor tools - summary Two main tools PARAFAC Tucker Both find row-, column-, tube-groups but in PARAFAC the three groups are identical ( To solve: Alternating Least Squares ) KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

25 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Detailed outline Motivation Definitions: PARAFAC and Tucker Case study: web mining KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

26 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Web graph mining How to order the importance of web pages? Kleinberg’s algorithm HITS PageRank Tensor extension on HITS (TOPHITS) 8 mins KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

27 Kleinberg’s Hubs and Authorities (the HITS method)
Sparse adjacency matrix and its SVD: authority scores for 2nd topic authority scores for 1st topic to from hub scores for 1st topic hub scores for 2nd topic KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis Kleinberg, JACM, 1999

28 HITS Authorities on Sample Data
We started our crawl from and crawled 4700 pages, resulting in cross-linked hosts. authority scores for 2nd topic authority scores for 1st topic to from hub scores for 1st topic KDD '09 hub scores for 2nd topic Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

29 Three-Dimensional View of the Web
Observe that this tensor is very sparse! KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis Kolda, Bader, Kenny, ICDM05

30 Three-Dimensional View of the Web
Observe that this tensor is very sparse! KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis Kolda, Bader, Kenny, ICDM05

31 Three-Dimensional View of the Web
Observe that this tensor is very sparse! KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis Kolda, Bader, Kenny, ICDM05

32 Topical HITS (TOPHITS)
Main Idea: Extend the idea behind the HITS model to incorporate term (i.e., topical) information. term scores for 1st topic term scores for 2nd topic term to from authority scores for 1st topic authority scores for 2nd topic hub scores for 2nd topic hub scores for 1st topic KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

33 Topical HITS (TOPHITS)
Main Idea: Extend the idea behind the HITS model to incorporate term (i.e., topical) information. term scores for 1st topic term scores for 2nd topic term to from authority scores for 1st topic authority scores for 2nd topic hub scores for 2nd topic hub scores for 1st topic KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

34 TOPHITS Terms & Authorities on Sample Data
TOPHITS uses 3D analysis to find the dominant groupings of web pages and terms. wk = # unique links using term k Tensor PARAFAC term scores for 1st topic term scores for 2nd topic term to from authority scores for 1st topic authority scores for 2nd topic hub scores for 2nd topic KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis hub scores for 1st topic

35 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Conclusions Real data are often in high dimensions with multiple aspects (modes) Tensors provide elegant theory and algorithms PARAFAC and Tucker: discover groups KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

36 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
References T. G. Kolda, B. W. Bader and J. P. Kenny. Higher-Order Web Link Analysis Using Multilinear Algebra. In: ICDM 2005, Pages , November 2005. Jimeng Sun, Spiros Papadimitriou, Philip Yu. Window-based Tensor Analysis on High-dimensional and Multi-aspect Streams, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Data Mining (ICDM), Hong Kong, China, Dec 2006 KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

37 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis
Resources See tutorial on tensors, KDD’07 (w/ Tamara Kolda and Jimeng Sun): KDD '09 Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis

38 Tensor tools - resources
Toolbox: from Tamara Kolda: T. G. Kolda and B. W. Bader. Tensor Decompositions and Applications. SIAM Review, Volume 51, Number 3, September 2009 T. Kolda and J. Sun: Scalable Tensor Decomposition for Multi-Aspect Data Mining (ICDM 2008) KDD '09 ICDE’09 Copyright: Faloutsos, Tong (2009) Faloutsos, Miller, Tsourakakis 2-38 2-38

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