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Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Appendicular Skeleton
Chapter 6

2 Appendicular Skeleton Includes
Pectoral girdles (shoulders) Upper limbs Pelvic girdle (hip) Lower Limbs

3 1. Pectoral Girdle includes 4 bones (2 clavicle and 2 scapulae)
Slender S-shaped Very weak

4 Scapula (shoulder blades, resembles a triangle)
Acromion process-clavicle meets Coracoid process-muscle attaches Glenoid cavity-humerus inserts

5 2. Upper Arm-4 (but hand has 3)
Humerus (see figure 6.19 pg. 140) Proximal End Head Deltoid tuberosity-where deltoid muscle attaches

6 Humerus contd. Distal End
capitulum-rounded knob that articulates with the head Trochlea-spool-shaped that articulates with ulna Coronoid fossa-when ulna is bent Olecranon fossa-for ulna extended



9 Radius Ulna-longer than radius Hand--includes Carpals (8)- Sally left the party to take Cathy home 1. scaphoid, 2. lunate, 3. triangular, 4. pisiform, 5. trapezium, trapezoid, 7. capitate, 8. hamate Metacarpels (5) Phalanges (3 each, except for thumb)

10 Hands have 28 bones (more than the feet)

11 Pelvic Girdle-attaches lower limbs to the axial skeleton
Consists of 2 hip bones or coxal bones Joined by the Pubic Symphysis

12 Hip Bones *At age 23 they have all fused together *Acetabulum:
Socket for head of femur Add the acetabulum to the picture

13 Lower Limbs (30 bones) Femur, patella, tibia, fibula, 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsels, 14 phalanges ACL holds the femur, patella and tibia together Femur: thigh, longest and Heaviest Patella: knee-cap Tibia: shin-bone Fibula: runs parallel to tibia


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