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Nelson Mandela-a modern hero

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1 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero
Unit 5 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero Extensive Reading

2 DISCUSSION What do you think the people in prison will do?

3 The Rest of Elias’ story
Read the text , and do the exercise on Page 38

4 Elias was unhappy in the prison because _______________________________.
Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because ____________________________________________________________________. Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because _______________________________. As leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by _______________________________. he could not study for a degree he let the guards study even though the prisoners could not take the exams. he could study with the guards giving them an education

5 Read the text again and answer the following questions:
How did Mr. Mandela help Elias in the prison? When did Elias lose his job? Does Elias like his present work?

6 Reading Task Bill Gates

7 Bill Gates, father of microsoft, what kind of man he is in your heart?
I think he is a great man because… I think he is not a great man because…

8 Remember that is your point of view, now read through the evidence carefully, then fill in the information sheet

Job Achievements What did he give up for his beliefs? Generosity Why does he have enemies? Why attacked by the government? Chief executive officer Produced Microsoft none Gave money to the causes Other people are jealous of his success They think he is too big and too powerful, unfair

10 Afterthought Now you have to decide what you think of Bill Gates. He is a successful and rich man but is he a great man? Has he given up anything (not money) in his life to help other people and made things fairer in the world?

11 Thanks for your coming Bye-bye!

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