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Presentation on theme: "HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS Speaker A"— Presentation transcript:

You’re preparing for your holidays and you’ve found some wonderful all inclusive package holidays. You need to convince your partner. Speaker B You hate that kind of holidays and have to discourage your partner. Explain the disadvantages.


Talk about the last time you fell ill. Mention the cause, diagnosis , treatment and recovery. Do not forget to use functional language: Advice, suggestion, permission….

4 MONEY MONOLOGUE Do you agree with these statements?:
Money doesn´t grow on trees We all need to save for a rainy day Money makes the world go round The love of money is the root of all evil Money isn´t everything Anybody can get rich if they work hard enough Giving is better than receiving

WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING DO YOU USUALLY SPEND YOUR MONEY ON? Social life food rent mortgage the gym transportation entertainment Bills clothing

What was the most extravagant restaurant, party, or social event that you´ve ever been to like? Imagine that you could change lives for a day with a person of great wealth. Who would you change places with? Why? What is something you are saving up for? If you inherited a large sum of money, what is the first thing you´d spend it on? Why? What is something you´d never do for money?

7 MONEY Do you save a lot of money? Are you a big spender?
Have you ever wasted your money on unnecessary things? Do you use cards? What can´t money buy? Do you often buy things on the Internet? Generous or mean?

8 INTERACTION Student A Student B
You and your friend feel too stressed and you think you need some change in your lifes. Try to convince your friend that the best option is joining a laughter club, doing some meditation and eating according to a heathy diet. Give arguments. You and your friend feel too stressed and you think you need some change in your lifes. Try to convince your friend that the best option is enrolling on a gym, to relax with aerobic, body building and fitness exercises; going clubbing more often. Give arguments 8

You are feeling ill and have different symptoms. Explain them to the doctor in detail. When the doctor tell you what to do, explain him you can not follow his / her recommendations and make up some reason. Tell your patient what he/she should do to recover and what would happen if she / her should do to get better, and what would happen if he / her does not follow your advice. 9

10 Speaker A You’re preparing for your holidays. You’ve chosen going abroad as it is the most interesting option for you. Speaker B You don’t agree with your partner. You prefer domestic holidays and have to explain why.

11 Speaker A You’re preparing for your holidays and you’ve found a beautiful campsite with lots of facilities. You need to convince your partner to come with you. Speaker B You are for sightseeing. Culture is your passion. Suggest a destination and convince your partner to come with you.

12 You have just arrived from the worst holidays in your lifetime
You have just arrived from the worst holidays in your lifetime. Get back to the travel agency and complain. Explain why you feel so disappointed.

13 You have just visited somewhere exotic tell how you arranged your trip and everything which happened to you. Make recommendations, warnings…

14 You talk to a foreign friend who is visiting Spain in summer.
WARNING A VISITOR M O N L G U E You talk to a foreign friend who is visiting Spain in summer. He wants to go on a tour of Spain for 15 days. Give him warnings or pieces of advice for his trip. Think about weather, reservations, crowded places, security, opening hours for shops, eating, finding information about the places to visit, finding help, dealing with people , music/theatre eventsetc.

15 He wants to tour Spain for 15 days.
WARNING A VISITOR I N T E R A C O A Your partnes is a Polish friend who wants to visit your country in the summer. He wants to tour Spain for 15 days. Think about warnings and pieces of advice to take into account when preparing his trip. Think about weather, reservations, places to visit, security, music/theatre evets etc B You plan to visit Spain for 15 days next summer. You talk to a Spanish friend. Ask for warnings and advice when visiting his country. Ask any question you have , to be prepared for the tour.

16 A thinks that working freelance is better than working for a firm.
You´ve applied for different jobs lately, but you didn´t like the working conditions, so you´ve arrived to the conclusion that the best you can do is work freelance. Persuade B B A thinks that working freelance is better than working for a firm. You disagree and think that a steady job is what he/she needs. Persuade A

17 Answer his/her questions and pretend that you are not disappointed.
WORKING CONDITIONS I N T E R A C O A You are unemployed. You used to have a job but left it last month because of the bad working conditions. You have just met an old friend. He/she is very nosey and wants to know about your life. Answer his/her questions and pretend that you are not disappointed. B You have just met an old friend. It´s ages since you last saw him/her. He´ll tell you he left because of the bad working conditions, but in fact, he´s been fired for some reason. Find out what happened, but don´t argue.

18 COMPLAINING (interaction)
You have been having lunch in a restaurant. When you got the bill you realised they charged for a bottle of red wine you didn´t actually order; you found a hair in your salad; you noticed the plates were not clean enough; the service was too slow; the waiters were rude to you. Ask to talk to the manager to discuss the problem and ask for a compensation. B You are the manager. Listen to the customer, but at first you don´t think they are totally right. Give reasons to support your point of view. (Try to use reported speech) Finally, agree to compensate the customer and apologise.

19 COMPLAINING (monologue)
Choose one of these situations: Talk about the last time you got an awful service in a hotel. Talk about the last time you bought an electrical appliance which got broken down and how you complained. Talk about the last time a shop assistant did not treat you politely. Talk about the last time you asked for a refund after buying something you didn´t find useful.

20 What are the three most/least important conditions for you?
JOBS M O N L G U E JOBS CONDITIONS What are the three most/least important conditions for you? Support your opinions with some reasons. You can also add your own ideas. -Flexibility -Possibility of working from home -Company car -Travel expenses paid -Holidays -Good salary…

21 You are trying to find the best candidate for a job.
JOB INTERVIEW I N T E R A C O B You are trying to find the best candidate for a job. You interview this candidate and like his/her CV and experience. But you feel that he/she may be lying and you insist on double-checking his/her answers asking for more detail. A You are unemployed. You go for a job interview and answer the questions the employer asks you. You are eager to find a job, so you decide to be “creative” in your answers.

22 The retreat lasted 3 weeks, you lost 6 kilos and paid $2,000.
HEALTH AND ILLNESS I N T E R A C O A You´ve been feeling very stressed lately, so last month you decided to do a retreat. The retreat lasted 3 weeks, you lost 6 kilos and paid $2,000. Tell B about the fasting programme and how your eating habits have changed since then. B A is going to tell you about a retreat he/she did last month You think she has spent too much money on that. Ask him/her questions about the fasting programme and say how different everything would have been if she had gone to the doctor instead. *To do a retreat: the period of time you spend resting in a private place

23 -How can you keep healthy? -How often do you go to the doctor´s?
M O N L G U E -How can you keep healthy? -How often do you go to the doctor´s? -What are the most common health problems nowadays? -Could you describe some of their symptoms and medical treatment? -Have you ever had a serious health problem? If so, describe it. If you haven´t, tell us about somebody else´s problem.

24 At the doctor's Speaker A
You are a doctor. Your next patient has just moved to his town and you haven’t seen him/ her before. Find out some information about his / her health. Speaker B You are the patient. Explain your symptoms, answer the doctor’s questions and let him / her know about your allergies…

25 GOOD NEWS, BAD NEWS M O N L G U E Where do you usually get your news from: the tv, the radio or the internet? Which do you prefer? Why? Tell us some stories that are in the news at the moment, they can be either good or bad ones.

26 Which house would you like to live in?
HOMES M O N L G U E Which house would you like to live in? How is your house similar to / different from the ones in the pictures? What problems might you face in each type of house? Think about noise, neighbours, distance to shops, facilities, space… 26

27 HOMES I N T E R A C O A You’ve been living together for five years. You’ve got a spare room which is full of old junk. Now you need that room for some reason and you need to get rid of quite a lot of things in order to get some space. Get organised, discuss which things you want to keep, tell your partern how tidy/untidy he is…. B You’ve been living together for five years. You’ve got a spare room which is full of old junk. Now you need that room for some reason (some long-term visit, a new baby, a grandmother… ) so it is obvious that you need to get rid of things. Tell your partner to get rid of the things you think he doesn’t need any more

28 Explain what things are important for you
HOUSES I N T E R A C O A You are getting married very soon and you are looking for a place to live. Tell student B (state agent) about the kind of home you are looking for. Explain what things are important for you B You are a estate agent. Your partner is looking for a house. Listen to your client’s needs, ask appropriate questions and try to find the perfect home for him/her. Think about location, rooms they need, type of neighbourhood

29 How do children spend their free time these days?
PARENTS AND CHILDREN M O N L G U E When you were a child, what did your parents make you do? What did they let you do? Compare obligations and prohibitions for children in our day and in the old times. How do children spend their free time these days? How is this different to when you were a child?

30 Say if you agree or disagree with the following, and explain why
PARENTS AND CHILDREN M O N L G U E Say if you agree or disagree with the following, and explain why Life for children is harder now than it used to be. Parents protect their children too much these days. Children do not want to play outside any more.

31 Explain the differences and support your opinion with examples.
PARENTS AND CHILDREN I N T E R A C O A You believe life for children in the old times was much better than today. Explain the differences and support your opinion with examples. Try to convince your partner you should be bringing up your children as your parents brought you up. B You think that life for children these days is better than in the past. Explain the differences and support your opinion with examples. Try to convince your partner to abandon old-fashioned methods and start bringing up your children as it is done in modern times.

32 Give arguments for your choice.
NEWS AND THE PRESS I N T E R A C O A You like reading newspapers and you buy two daily newspaper and weekend magazines. Your partner likes getting the news from the internet or the radio and thinks buying newspapers is a waste of money. Give arguments for your choice. B You like getting your news from the internet and the radio and you think buying newspapers is a waste of money. Your partner likes buying newspapers and magazines and doesn´t mind paying for them. Give arguments for your choice

33 Where do you get the news from: TV, newspapers, radio, internet?
NEWS AND THE PRESS M O N L G U E Where do you get the news from: TV, newspapers, radio, internet? Why do you prefer that and not the others? Do you think that the news is necessary? Why or why not? About newspapers, what are the most popular quality papers in your country? Do you thing newspapers will disappear in the future? Which papers are considered right-wing or left-wing? What kind of articles do you find most interesting? 33

34 Explain what you use your computer for
COMPUTERS M O N L G U E Explain what you use your computer for Are you good at using your computer? Explain what you can do with it and how often you do those things. Say if you agree or disagree with the following statements and say why: Computer games are bad for children. The Internet makes people less sociable. People depend on computers too much.

35 You think it is easy to deal with technology.
COMPUTER ABILITIES I N T E R A C O A You think it is easy to deal with technology. Explain how computer literate you are. Talk about things you can do and the things you didn’t know how to do but you finally learnt. B You think it is difficult to work with computers. Explain how computer literate you are. Talk about the things you find most difficult and the things you can do.

36 Tell your partner the things you can do and can’t do with a computer.
COMPUTER ABILITIES I N T E R A C O A Tell your partner the things you can do and can’t do with a computer. Talk about you life a few years ago when you didn’t know how to do any of these things. Compare yourself with your partner. B Tell your partner the things you can do and can’t do with a computer. Talk about you life a few years ago when you didn’t know how to do any of these things. Compare yourself with your partner.

37 TECHNOLOGY Speaker A You are a person who can’t live without the latest technology. There is nothing like being updated. Give details. Discuss the topic with B. Speaker B You never rely on technology. You don’t see the point in using so many gadgets. You still believe in face ti face conversations and traditional communication. Give details. Discuss the topic with A.

38 TECHNOLOGY How important is technology in your daily life?
Can you live without it? How has technology changed your life? Regarding work / school, how has it affected your progress?

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