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Just enough to get going!

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1 Just enough to get going!
A little on JavaScript! Just enough to get going!

2 CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! Your ideas are BRILLIANT Your labs went great
NOT EASY to get the files right when you are new to this! Debriefing… “video1”, good question for quiz! Jsfiddle of HelloPlanet -> 3 files! A3 helper, pdf and video

3 Next… two questions how do we help you with your teamwork?
how do we make those apps REAL?!  Ok… remember… PROTOTYPE FIRST!

4 theory vs practice everybody is invested, participating, learning
a lot of different skill sets are an asset SURVIVOR!  we need teams to be cohesive and productive it often comes down to one person though… we have to try to avoid that!

5 Deisgn phase You HAVE a wireframe You HAVE a set of webpages…
One from each team member! Let’s bring it together! For the next lab EACH INDIVIDAL has an html/css mockup of all the pages, with the flow! A little javascript exercise for good measure!!! 

6 TOO FREAKING COOL! (thank you Cameron)
Let’s get a little crazy with this example… 

7 js Javascript is a programming language that was created in 1995 by engineers working on the Netscape browser also known as ECMAscript looks like Java, but the behaviour of the two languages differs greatly in significant ways

8 for us… initially regarded as a sort of "toy" language, it has grown into a core building block of web services begun to spread to applications outside web pages, for example in PDF documents we are going to keep it somewhat simple!

9 The <script> Tag
to a web page using the <script> tag. set the type attribute to "text/javascript". can (DO!) link to external Javascript files by using the src attribute. useful when you want to re-use Javascript on multiple pages, or import code that other people have developed. can use script tags in both the head in the body

10 example <html> <head> <title>First Javascript Example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('Hello, world!'); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>

11 statements Javascript consists of a sequence of statements, each ending in a semi-colon the only statement was "document.write('Hello, world!');” calls "document.write”, parentheses contain the list of arguments to the function, in this case 'Hello, world!'. browser executes statements in the order in which they are listed.

12 alert function! <html> <head> <title>Alerts Example</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('First alert.'); alert('Second alert.'); </script> </body> </html>

13 variables <html> <head> <title>Arithmetic Example</title> </head> <body id="the_body"> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = 5; var y = 7; var z = x + y; document.write(z); </script> </body> </html>

14 DOM Document Object Model (DOM for short) is a reference for all the objects used to represent a web page is exposed to Javascript by way of the "document" object If you check the DOM, you'll see that the document object contains a property named 'URL' which gives the URL of the page getElementById() method, returns the object which represents the element with the given id

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