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Using Traditional Advertising Media

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1 Using Traditional Advertising Media
Chapter Fourteen Using Traditional Advertising Media  2007 Thomson South-Western

2 Chapter Fourteen Objectives
Describe the four major traditional advertising media. Discuss newspaper advertising and its strengths and limitations.

3 Chapter Fourteen Objectives
Evaluate magazine advertising and its strengths and limitations. Discuss radio advertising and its strengths and limitations Discuss television advertising and its strengths and limitations

4 Traditional Major Advertising Media
Out-of-home advertising Newspaper Magazines Radio Television Advertisers attempt to select the media and vehicles whose characteristics are most compatible with the advertised brand in reaching its target audience and conveying its intended message

5 Which Media Do It Best? Consider: Advertiser’s objectives
Creative needs Competitive challenge Budget availability

6 Buying Newspaper Space
Standard Advertising Units (SAU) Six column widths 1 column=2 1/16 inches Depth from 1” to 21 Premium charges for preferred space Space rates apply to ROP (Run of Press)

7 Newspaper Audience in right mental frame Mass audience coverage
Flexibility Ability to use detailed copy Timeliness Clutter Not highly selective Higher rates for occasional advertisers Mediocre reproduction quality National Buying complicated Changing composition of readers

8 Buying Magazine Space Selecting magazines that reach the target market
Cost considerations Media Kits CPM (Cost-per-thousand) Mediamark Research, Inc. (MRI) Simmons Market Research Bureau (SMRB)

9 Magazine Can reach large audiences Selectivity Long life
High reproduction quality Detailed information possible Convey information with authority High involvement potential Not intrusive Long lead times Clutter Limited geographic options Circulation patterns vary by market

10 Magazine Audience Measurement
The number of subscriptions to a magazine and the number of people who read the magazine are not equivalent. MRI and Simmons specialize in measuring magazine readership and determining audience size. Each use different research methods, and their results are often discrepant.

11 The advertiser must weigh:
The size of the potential audience that a vehicle might reach. The attractiveness of its coverage as revealed by the total product purchasers exposed to that vehicle and compared with other media. Its cost compared with other vehicles Its appropriateness for the advertised brand

12 Radio Advertising Over 11,000 commercial radio stations in the U.S.
Nearly 100% of home and cars have radios. Radio reaches about 94% of all persons ages 12 and over.

13 Buying Radio Time Matching station format with target market
Geographic coverage using ADIs Day part choice

14 Radio Can reach segmented audiences Intimacy Economy Short lead times
Transfer of imagery from TV Use of local personalities Clutter No visuals Audience fractionalization Buying difficulties

15 Radio Audience Measurement
Arbitron is the major company involved with measuring listenership and audience demographics. RADAR (Radio’s All Dimension Audience Research) Arbitron uses a paper-based diary approach to measure listener behavior. Navigauge new service tracks radio-listening behaviors in motor vehicles using continuous tracking devices.

16 Television Advertising
Slightly more than 98% of all households have televisions Uniquely personal and demonstrative, yet expensive to produce and broadcast

17 Television Programming Segments
Prime Time 8p.m.-11p.m. (7p.m.-10p.m.) Daytime Early morning news - 4:30p.m. Fringe Time Preceding and following prime time

18 Television Network Market product nationally
Major networks (ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC) Expensive but can be a cost efficient means to reach mass audience Spot Syndicated Cable Local

19 Television Network Advertising is placed only in selected markets
Regional-oriented marketing and geodemographic segmentation of consumer markets Spot Syndicated Cable Local

20 Television Network Syndicated programming occurs when an
independent company markets a TV show to as many network-affiliated or cable TV stations as possible Spot Syndicated Cable Local

21 Television Network 80% of households with television sets
Narrow areas of viewing interest Cable subscribers are more economically upscale and younger Spot Syndicated Cable Local

22 Television Network Local advertisers are turning to television
Inexpensive during the fringe time Spot Syndicated Cable Local

23 Television Demonstration ability Intrusion value
Ability to generate excitement One-on-one reach Ability to use humor Effective with sales force and trade Ability to achieve impact Escalating costs Erosion of audience Audience fractionalization Zipping and zapping Clutter

24 Infomercials Introduced in the early 1980s
Long commercial (28 to 30 minutes) The production cost is expensive Especially effective promotional tool for moving merchandise

25 Brand Placements in TV Programs
Reason: fear that TV advertising is no longer as effective as it used to be Brand managers pay to get prominent placement for their brands “Survivor” program is the poster child for this trend Advertisers who purchased commercial time in “Survivor” got prime brand placement in the program

26 Television Audience Measurement
Higher rated programs command higher prices Ratings are difficult to come by accurately One primary rating service—Nielsen’s People Meter and one under development—SRI’s SMART System

27 Measuring Away-from-Home Viewers and Listeners
College students viewing TV in dorms and people consuming radio and TV at bars, gyms, and restaurants are not accounted for in the typical at-home viewing measurements. Nielsen and Arbitron are testing PPM (portable people meter) technology that can track radio and TV exposure at any location. Competition has come and gone and Nielsen remains the one company measuring TV viewership.

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