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Unity amidst Diversity

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1 Unity amidst Diversity
Building Community Unity amidst Diversity

2 Journal The US Catholic Bishops in their pastoral letter, Economic Justice For All, state “Human dignity can be realized and protected only in community” Do you agree or disagree AND WHY?

3 Social by Nature In understanding the need of human beings to “build communities” we must start with an anthropological statement: HUMAN BEINGS ARE SOCIAL BY NATURE

4 Social By Nature How does being “social by nature” reinforce the statement that we are “created in the image of a loving God?” How is love itself require social dimensions?

5 Social by Nature Our social nature draws us together to form communities - groups of people who relate to one another on the basis of common characteristics, circumstances, or interests. Our understanding of how communities are developed depends on our understanding of exclusion and inclusion

6 Two Approaches to Community
1) exclusion attempts to determine who does and does not belong to the community by focusing on the differences that separate people from one another. What are some examples of exclusion?

7 Two Approaches to Community
2) inclusion recognizes the differences of individuals in groups are small when compared to the dignity people share in common as the image of God What are some examples in inclusion?

8 Participation Participation in a community is both a right and a responsibility: “Social justice implies that persons have an obligation to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a duty to enable them to participate in this way” (Economic Justice For all)

9 What makes a good community?
Last semester, when addressing the Kingdom of God, we talked about utopias and recognized the often unrealistic expectations associated with a “utopia.” What might some realistic characteristics of a good community be?

10 What makes a good community?
In his First Letter to the Corinthians St. Paul described a realistic community using the Body of Christ as a metaphor “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. (12:4-7)

11 Key Themes Building a community called church requires a recognition of our unity in diversity thus: 1) Although we all have different gifts, we are all loved equally by God 2) We need one another 3) Solidarity what holds a love-centered community together

12 Pleasantville In the film Pleasantville two teenagers are transported to a black and white 1950s sitcom where everything is “perfect.” The classic “Leave it to Beaver” black and white morality creates a community where all are the same. However, given the influence of the two new characters, things begin to change in the community for good and for bad. The film provides an excellent example of inclusion, exclusion, and the search for unity in diversity.


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