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Emergency Preparedness Jeopardy…

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Preparedness Jeopardy…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Preparedness Jeopardy…

2 Emergency Information Tips for Specific Disabilities
Today’s Categories… Emergency Kits Emergency Information Tips for Specific Disabilities

3 Emergency Kits Emergency Information Tips for Specific Disabilities $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400

4 Emergency kits - $100 One gallon of water
What is the amount of water you should keep on hand for each person of your family/day? Back to Board

5 Emergency kits - $200 Hand-operated (crank) can opener
What is something you should store with your non-perishable canned food items? Back to Board

6 Emergency kits - $300 Prescription medication
What is an important thing to keep in your emergency kit? Daily Double!!!!!! Place your wager. How much extra medication should you keep on hand? Back to Board

7 Emergency kits - $400 A “Go Kit”
What is a small backpack or bag containing supplies for 72 hours and emergency papers, in case of emergency evacuation? Back to Board

8 Emergency information - $100
2-1-1 What is a number you can call for current information on emergencies, evacuation orders and temporary shelters? Back to Board

9 Emergency information - $200
1/8 of a teaspoon per gallon of water What is the appropriate amount of regular household liquid bleach to sanitize water? Back to Board

10 Emergency information - $300
I.C.E. This acronym stands for “In Case of Emergency.” If you do nothing else after this session, please program ICE into your phone so that first responders can notify your loved ones in the event of an emergency! Back to Board

11 Emergency information - $400
WEA, EAS, and NOAA What are different kinds of emergency alerts? Wireless Emergency Alerts, Emergency Alert System, and NOAA Weather Radio are all ways to get information when there is an emergency. Back to Board

12 Tips for People with Disabilities - $100
Picture communication card What is a card you can use to facilitate communication for people who do not communicate verbally or for people with an intellectual disability? Back to Board

13 Tips for People with Disabilities - $200
Practicing an emergency plan that you have written down or drawn in pictographs. What is a good way to make sure you know what to do in an emergency (especially if you have an intellectual disability)? Back to Board

14 Tips for People with Disabilities - $300
Leash, food, toys, and medical records in a “go kit” What do you need to have ready if you have a service animal that will need to evacuate with you? Back to Board

15 Tips for People with Disabilities - $400
Speech-to-Speech Relay Service What is a service that helps with verbal communication for those who have trouble being understood? (STS Relay Service: in AK.) Daily Double!!!! Place your wager. People with what kinds of disabilities could use this service? Back to Board

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