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Literary Analysis Concepts

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1 Literary Analysis Concepts
Symbolism, figurative language, literal language, simile, metaphor, extended metaphor, & personification 1/18-1/21

Literal language is meaning exactly what you say; e.g. Go jump in the lake. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Figurative language is saying one thing and meaning another; e.g. ‘Go jump in a lake!’ What would the meaning of these sentences be if you took them literally: The test was a real killer! Are you chilling? Please give me a break! That boy is two-faced! My friend drives me up the wall! Read the sentences and decide if they should be taken literally (L) or figuratively (F): He was the apple of my eye. He was very nice. She had a mouth like a speedboat. He had a crush on her. She was a very good student. He had a bleeding heart for animals. 2

3 Symbolism Definition: A person, place, or object that represents something beyond itself. Examples: The flag – represents America/USA A heart -- represents the feeling of love Glasses – smart, intellectual, studiousness

4 Metaphors She is very fast. She is a speedboat.
A metaphor compares two unlike things using the words ‘is or was’; e.g. ‘He is a computer’. Read each sentence and write a metaphor for each. For example: She is very fast. She is a speedboat. He is very angry. She is a warm person. He is very mean. She is very pretty. He is very gentle. She is very slow. 4

5 Similes A simile compares two unlike things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’; e.g. ‘My friend is like a diamond’. Read each sentence and write a simile for each. For example: She shines like …….. the sun. He laughs like a ……….. He waddled like a …….. The crowd poured into Jade Stadium like ……… into a paddock. As big as a ……… The players lumbered like …….. through mud to get to the try line. He clung like a ……. to his surfboard. 5

6 Extended Metaphors A metaphor that is used throughout a piece of literature. (it continues beyond more than just one or two sentences or lines of a poem.) Example: In Mother to Son by Langston Hughes the metaphor of “life is a staircase” is extended for the entire poem.

7 Personification Definition: Giving human characteristics, or qualities, to an inanimate object (something that is not human) Examples: - The sun smiled on us today. - I frantically cleaned my room as my cell phone yelled on.

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