What do you know? # Statement T/F

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know? # Statement T/F"— Presentation transcript:


2 What do you know? # Statement T/F
1 We should provide training that is tailored to the individual’s learning style. 2 Left-brain people are analytical and right-brain people are creative. 3 You learn 70% on the job, 20% from coaching and 10% from formal training. 4 You only use 10% of your brain. 5 Adults learn differently than children. (Pedagogy/Andragogy) 6 You learn in your sleep by playing an audio tape. 7 Playing video games will harm brain function. 8 Cognitive decline is inevitable as we age. 9 Your brain is in you skull. 10 Everything you have experienced is held in your brain somewhere. What do you know?

3 About me …

4 Name Role Your burning question Introductions

5 What is the worst training you’ve ever experienced?
Discussion Discussion cc: mariskar -

6 It’s easy to describe what we don’t want.

7 Create learning experiences that help people learn.

8 Lesson One: How do we learn?
Lesson Two: Designing Learning Agenda

9 How do we learn? Lesson 1

10 Survival

11 Attention

12 Plasticity

13 Complexity

14 Prediction

15 Apply these brain-aware principles
Survival Plasticity Attention Complexity Prediction Use at least three Be ready to share: Topic Activity How is this different? Discussion Discussion cc: mariskar -

16 Repetition

17 Connections

18 Emotion

19 Social

20 Pattern

21 Pattern

22 Pattern

23 Apply these brain-aware principles
Repetition Connection to Prior Learning Emotions Social Pattern Recognition Use at least three Be ready to share: Topic Activity How is this different? Discussion Discussion cc: mariskar -

24 Exploration

25 Experiment

26 Visual

27 Story

28 Body/Mind

29 Apply these brain-aware principles
Exploration Experiment Visual Story Body/Mind Use at least three Be ready to share: Topic Activity How is this different? Discussion Discussion cc: mariskar -

30 3 to 5 Cognitive Load

31 Mirror Neurons

32 Oxytocin

33 Target

34 Construction

35 Reflection

36 Apply these brain-aware principles
Cognitive Load Mirror Neurons Oxytocin Target Construction Reflection Use at least three Be ready to share: Topic Activity How is this different? Discussion Discussion cc: mariskar -

37 Unlearning

38 Forgetting Curve

39 And get ready to unlearn more!
Unlearn These

40 Questions

41 Reflection What surprised you? What did you already know?
What will you take away? What questions do you have? How did it make you feel? Reflection

42 Designing Learning Designing Learning Lesson 2

43 Gagne’s 9 Events

44 Nothing happens until we pay attention to it.
Gain Attention

45 Your brain is a target-seeking missile.
Describe Goal

46 Your brain connects all new info to previous info.
Prior Learning

47 Use a wide range of sensory input for maximum learning.
Present Material

48 Your brain loves patterns. Give it some structure.
Process & Order

49 Your brain can’t tell the difference between real and imagined events.

50 Your brain observes itself and creates a feedback loop.

51 Your brain is competitive. It wants to win.

52 Learning must be reinforced to move from short to long-term memory.

53 Template

54 Apply Gagne’s model to a current project.
Challenge Discussion cc: mariskar -

55 Questions

56 Reflection What surprised you? What did you already know?
What will you take away? What questions do you have? How did it make you feel? Reflection

57 Putting it all together


59 Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.



62 Action Plan

63 Feedback

64 Let’s Connect! @margiemeachm ATD Education Online
Ebook: Leadership Newsletter Brain Matters @margiemeachm Let’s Connect!

65 Coming Soon …

66 Keep Learning

67 cc: vernhart - https://www.flickr.com/photos/37183619@N00

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