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A Marketing Research Fable Narrated by Rob Sloan

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Presentation on theme: "A Marketing Research Fable Narrated by Rob Sloan"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Little Pigs Teach Us About the Importance of Conducting Marketing Research
A Marketing Research Fable Narrated by Rob Sloan Illustrations by Dick Hartley & L. Kirby-Parrish

2 Once upon a time there were three little pigs named Curly, Larry and Maureen …

3 Those three little pigs studied the building trades at Conestoga College, and when they graduated they left their mother to set out into the world to make their fortunes …

4 Curly looked around him and saw that most of the houses were made of straw …

5 Knock-knock came the rap on the door
Knock-knock came the rap on the door. “Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in …”

6 Larry remembered from his marketing class that he should find out about people’s needs …

7 Through the window Larry saw a big, bad wolf at the door …

8 … and Larry was no more.

9 Now Maureen had approached the business of building houses differently than her brothers. First she went to the public library and sketched out a plan …

10 The Market Research Process
Define the problem Plan the research design Conduct exploratory research Secondary data (internal data, published reports & data) Primary data (focus groups, bulletin boards, interviews, social listening ) Collect primary quantitative research Surveys Experiments Observation Analyze and interpret data Prepare recommendations & reports

11 Maureen purchased a load of bricks and had it delivered to her building site on the banks of the Grand River …

12 Then there was a knock at the door.
“Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in …”

13 And he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed and he could not blow that house in …

14 The wolf found a ladder at the rear of the building and he climbed onto the roof and down the chimney. But Maureen was a step ahead of that villain …

15 The End.

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