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Zheng ZHANG 1-st year PhD candidate Group ILES, LIMSI

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1 Zheng ZHANG 1-st year PhD candidate Group ILES, LIMSI
word2vec in TensorFlow Zheng ZHANG 1-st year PhD candidate Group ILES, LIMSI 07/03/2017

2 TensorFlow Some basic concepts A linear regression program
Ref: TensorFlow Some basic concepts A linear regression program y = W * x + b I will tell you some basics of TensorFlow by using a linear regression program as an example. 07/03/2017

3 TensorFlow The central unit of data
Ref: TensorFlow The central unit of data A tensor consists of a set of primitive values shaped into an array of any number of dimensions.  I will show you some basics of TensorFlow by using a linear regression program as an example. 07/03/2017

4 Ref:
Node Each node takes zero or more tensors as inputs and produces a tensor as an output. Constant Variable Placeholder (not sure…) Operations I will tell you some basics of TensorFlow by using a linear regression program as an example. One type of node is a constant 07/03/2017

5 Ref:
Computational graph A computational graph is a series of TensorFlow operations arranged into a graph of nodes. Build A TensorFlow Core programs contains two sections: Building the computational graph. Running the computational graph. Run 07/03/2017

6 Placeholder A placeholder is a promise to provide a value later.
Ref: Placeholder A placeholder is a promise to provide a value later. To initialize all the variables in a TensorFlow program, tf.global_variables_initializer() is needed. Build This graph is not especially interesting because it always produces a constant result. Run 07/03/2017

7 Variable Variables allow us to add trainable parameters to a graph.
Ref: Variable Variables allow us to add trainable parameters to a graph. They are constructed with a type and initial value. Build To make the model trainable, we need to be able to modify the graph to get new outputs with the same input. Run 07/03/2017

8 Model Evaluation & Training
Ref: Model Evaluation & Training To evaluate the model on training data: loss function TensorFlow provides optimizers that slowly change each variable in order to minimize the loss function. (In this example we use gradient descent.) Build A loss function measures how far apart the current model is from the provided data. Run 07/03/2017

9 Ref:
Session To actually evaluate the nodes, we must run the computational graph within a session. A session encapsulates the control and state of the TensorFlow runtime. Build Run 07/03/2017

10 APIs TensorFlow provides multiple APIs
Ref: APIs TensorFlow provides multiple APIs TensorFlow Core (the lowest API) provides complete programming control. TensorFlow also provides higher level abstractions for common patterns, structures and functionality. tf.contrib APIs level You may think only a linear regression program already takes too many lines of code… TensorFlow Core 07/03/2017

11 word2vec in TensorFlow Run more efficiently
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Run more efficiently Optimization More advanced features 07/03/2017

12 Vector Representations of Words
Ref: Vector Representations of Words (Learning vector representations of words)  Distributional Hypothesis, which states that words that appear in the same contexts share semantic meaning. 07/03/2017

13 word2vec in TensorFlow Skip-Gram Model
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Skip-Gram Model Skip-gram predicts source context- words from the target words. Example: “the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” predict each context word from its target word (quick, the), (quick, brown), (brown, quick), (brown, fox), ... except that CBOW predicts target words (e.g. 'mat') from source context words ('the cat sits on the'), while the skip-gram does the inverse so the task becomes to predict 'the' and 'brown' from 'quick', 'quick' and 'fox' from 'brown', etc. 07/03/2017

14 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 1: Download the data & Read the data into a list of strings. Step 2: Build the dictionary and replace rare words with UNK token. Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model. Step 4: Build and train a skip- gram model. Step 5: Begin training. Step 6: Visualize the embeddings. Talks about step1&2 07/03/2017

15 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model. generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window) batch_size 07/03/2017

16 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model. generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window) skip_window: Number of context words in one side of target word 07/03/2017

17 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model. generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window) num_skips: number of context words in labels for each target word 07/03/2017

18 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the skip-gram model. generate_batch(batch_size, num_skips, skip_window) The skip-gram model takes two inputs. One is a batch full of integers representing the source context words, the other is for the target words. 07/03/2017

19 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 4: Build and train a skip-gram model. Placeholders for inputs The skip-gram model takes two inputs. One is a batch full of integers representing the source context words, the other is for the target words. 07/03/2017

20 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 4: Build and train a skip-gram model. Embeddings: tf.Variable embedding_size vocabulary_size 07/03/2017

21 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 4: Build and train a skip-gram model. NCE (noise-contrastive estimation) loss 07/03/2017

22 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 4: Build and train a skip-gram model. SGD optimizer Compute gradients and update the parameters 07/03/2017

23 word2vec in TensorFlow
Ref: word2vec in TensorFlow Step 5: Begin training.  using a feed_dict to push data into the placeholders and with this new data in a loop. 07/03/2017

24 TensorFlow in our server
full3.5b 07/03/2017

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