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Legislative Appropriation Request

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1 2018-2019 Legislative Appropriation Request
Johnette McKown, Ed.D., TACC Chair, President, McLennan Community College Gregory Williams, Ed.D., TACC Chair-Elect, President, Odessa College Raymond Lewis, Jr., CCATT Chair, Board of Regents Chairperson, Galveston College Jacob Fraire, President and CEO, Texas Association of Community Colleges

2 Community Colleges: At the Intersection of Workforce and Education
Higher Ed. Community Colleges

3 Educating the Texas Workforce
Community colleges are primary providers of technical education. Community Colleges awarded 91.5% of all Technical Associates and Certificates in Texas public higher education. Across community colleges, 184,476 students are in technical programs (fall 2015). Share of tech students varies widely across the colleges; some are closer to a 50/50 split between technical and academic programs. Panola College and Costal Bend College are each at 55% technical program enrollment. Angelina College, Brazosport College, College of the Mainland, Del Mar College, Grayson College, Kilgore College, Lee College, and Tyler Junior College are each at or above 40% technical program enrollment.

4 Educating the Workforce
Community college technical program students see success after graduation. In the year following graduation 89.8% are employed or enrolled in a 4 year or 2 year institution. 76.7% are employed 9.2% are enrolled in a 4 year or 2 year institution 3.9% are employed and enrolled

5 Texas Community Colleges Serve the State at Scale
Community colleges are the largest sector of Texas higher education Fall 2015 Enrollment % of Enrollment Community Colleges 700,892 47.1% Academic 515,642 34.6% Technical 184,476 12.4% Bachelor of Applied Tech. 774 0.05% Texas State Technical College 10,689 1.5% Lamar State Colleges 6,966 1% Public Universities 619,284 41.6% Public Medical Institutions 23,523 1.6% Private Institutions 128,280 8.5%

6 Texas Community Colleges Serve the State at Scale
Community colleges serve a diverse and underserved population

7 The Primary Providers of Dual Credit
Enrollment in dual credit has steadily increased from 11,921 students in fall 1999 to 133,342 students in fall 2015. All 50 community college districts in Texas offer dual credit opportunities. 93 percent of the dual credit students were enrolled in Texas community colleges in fall (123,893 of 133,342 students). In fall 2015, the average semester credit hours earned per dual credit student was 5.4 SCH; slightly less than 2 courses per student.

8 Students in Dual Credit Reflect the Diversity of Texas
Fall 2015 Dual Credit Enrollment Texas High School Population

9 Success at Community Colleges
Community colleges were instrumental in the state’s meeting the Closing the Gaps (CTG) success goals Texas met and exceeded Closing the Gaps targets for Baccalaureate, Associate, and Certificates (BACs) awarded Surpassed the 2015 goal in 2011 Total Certificate and Degrees awarded at community colleges have increased 177% since 2000 Community colleges awarded 9,000 additional BACs from 2014 to 2015; a 9% increase.

10 Graduation Success at Community Colleges
Community colleges conferred the most Baccalaureate, Associate, and Certificates (BACs) to African American students of any sector 14,246 BACs awarded in 2015 43.3% of the total 174% Increase between and 2015 Source: THECB – Closing the Gaps, Final Progress Report, June 2016

11 Graduation Success at Community Colleges
Community colleges conferred the most Baccalaureate, Associate, and Certificates (BACs) to Hispanic students of any sector 42,390 BACs awarded in 2015 48% of the total 315% Increase between and 2015 Source: THECB – Closing the Gaps, Final Progress Report, June 2016

12 Transfer Success at Community Colleges
Community colleges are universities’ partner in success through transfer: 74% of all baccalaureate degree graduates have some credits from community colleges. 35% of all baccalaureate degree graduates have more than 30 credit hours from community colleges; this rate is higher than 40% at some universities.

13 Texas Community Colleges Are Affordable
Texas community colleges rank third in the nation in affordability among community college systems. (behind CA & NM) Statewide Average Student Tuition and Fees (30 SCH): Public community colleges: $2,339 Technical/state colleges: $4,422 Public universities: $7,986

14 Community Colleges: At the Intersection of Workforce and Education
Higher Ed. Community Colleges

15 Looking Ahead: 60x30TX Community colleges are the linchpin to meeting the 60x30TX goals Proportion of Texas public school students who are from economically disadvantaged families continues to grow; currently 59%. Hispanic and African American students represent more than 60% of the K-12 pipeline. As indicated by the data presented earlier, community colleges have a proven success record with these critical populations.

16 Community College Funding
Community college funding comes from three primary sources: State Appropriations Tuition and Fee Revenue Local Property Tax Revenue On average, state appropriations account for 31% of revenue for community colleges. Percent of revenue from state appropriations varies across institutions State appropriations, on average, cover 25% of the cost of instruction

17 Three Primary Sources of Operational Revenue, FY 2015

18 The Funding Ask: $1.83B Core Operations: $75,000,000 ($25 million increase from ) Supports basic operating costs $500,000 per district per year level of funding was established by the 83rd Legislature Increasing the core by $250,000 per district per year will help support all institutions, especially small and rural institutions Student Success: $186,621,616 ($17 million increase from ) Texas Community Colleges continue to advance programs and strategies that improve student success on multiple metrics In order for the Student Success Points system to effectively reward institutions for improvements in student success, the points need to be funded at a minimum of $185 per point Decoupling 90/10 split between Student Success & Instruction Instruction: $1,567,146,597 ($45 million increase from ) Largest portion of state revenue Provides community colleges with funds for instruction Ability of community colleges to meet workforce skills demands, increase dual credit courses, and expand educational opportunities for all students is directly tied to instructional funding appropriated by the Legislature

19 The Funding Ask $1,828,768,213 $1,766,354,625 $1,741,684,013 *Requested, $87M (5%) increase

20 Community Colleges are Performance Driven
Total Student Success Points generated by Texas community colleges have increased 9.4 percent since FY 2010 The number of students who are completing their first college-level course has increased 18 percent since FY 2010 The number of students who are earning a degree or certificate has increased 40 percent since FY 2010 The number of students who are transferring to a university with at least 15 SCH has increased 28 percent since FY 2010

21 Investments & Innovations
Achieving the Dream: Odessa College Open Educational Resources (OER) Degree Initiative Seeks to boost college access and completion, particularly for underserved students, by engaging faculty in the redesign of courses and degree programs through the replacement of proprietary textbooks with open educational resources. Design 4 Completion Added staff to teach Increased the number of Student Success courses offered Increased the course to three hours and enhanced the course with an AVID-based curriculum designed on providing students with the skills and competencies essential for a successful college experience.

22 The Funding Ask When combined with local ad valorem resources and tuition and fee revenue, the requested state funding will: Provide Community Colleges the capacity to confer an estimated 130,000 credentials in the year 2020. Continue investments across our campuses in Dual Credit & Early College High Schools Workforce development Advising & student success initiatives Improved campus safety Affordability Innovations such as Pathways and New Mathways

23 See remarks by Raymond Lewis, Jr
See remarks by Raymond Lewis, Jr., CCATT Chair, Board of Regents Chairperson, Galveston College

24 Investments & Innovations
The Texas Guided Pathways Model An integrated, system-wide approach to student success based on intentionally designed, clear, coherent, and structured educational experiences informed by evidence Currently being implemented at scale by 16 Texas community colleges across all regions of the state, collectively serving 61% of all community college students K-12 Partners CONNECT ENTER PROGRESS SUCCEED 4-year & Industry partners 8th Grade – HS Graduation Adults On-Ramps – Gateway Courses Structured Programs of Study – Productive Persistence Efficient Transfer Certificates Associates Degrees Meaningful Jobs

25 Texas Community Colleges Are Exceeding the 60X30TX Debt Goal
The State’s goal in 60x30TX for student debt is the debt will not exceed 60% of first-year wage for graduates. Majority of community college graduates finish with zero loan debt, those who do carry relatively low debt loads. Award % With Debt Average Debt % of 1st Year Wage Certificate 29% $12,546 33% Associate’s 36% $15,426 41% Bachelor’s (Public 4-Year Institutions) 62% $30,136 71%

26 Community Colleges: At the Intersection of Workforce and Education
Higher Ed. Community Colleges

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