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Basic Concepts of FEM Framework & API

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1 Basic Concepts of FEM Framework & API
Gunavardhan Kakulapati

2 Introduction FEM Framework overview Using the framework API Installation Conversion Example

3 Motivation Finite Element Method Do it in parallel !! Used extensively
Computationally intensive Do it in parallel !!

4 FEM Programs FEM programs manipulate elements and nodes
Element is a portion of problem domain, surrounded by nodes Element computation: based on fields of surrounding nodes Elements contribute to fields of surrounding nodes

5 FEM Mesh Element Surrounding Nodes E1 N1 N3 N4 E2 N2 E3 N5

6 FEM Program Structure read mesh, connectivity, boundary conditions
time loop           element loop- Element deformation applies forces to surrounding nodes           node loop- Forces and boundary conditions change node positions end time loop write out mesh data for postprocessing

7 Parallelization Partition the FEM Mesh into multiple chunks
Distribute elements, replicate shared nodes Shared nodes = Communication !! Partition so that communication is minimized

8 Partitioning Element Surrounding Nodes E1 N1 N3 N4 E2 N2 Element
Shared Nodes A B N2 N1 N4 N3

9 Parallel FEM Program read/get chunk mesh data, connectivity, shared nodes chunk time loop           element loop- Element deformation applies forces to surrounding nodes           <update forces on shared nodes>           node loop- Forces and boundary conditions change node positions end time loop write chunk mesh data for postprocessing >>

10 FEM Framework: Goals Separate parallel implementation from numerical algorithms Parallel version to closely resemble the serial program Allow features like load balancing, visualization.

11 FEM Framework: Responsibilities
FEM Application (Initialize, Registration of Nodal Attributes, Loops Over Elements, Finalize) FEM Framework (Update of Nodal properties, Reductions over nodes or partitions) Partitioner Combiner METIS Charm++ (Dynamic Load Balancing, Communication) I/O

12 FEM Framework Program May contain user-written, library-called subroutines: init driver mesh_updated (more on this later…) init and mesh_updated are called on processor 0 driver is called on every chunk

13 Structure of an FEM Application
init() Update driver driver Update driver Update Shared Nodes Shared Nodes

14 init subroutine init read the serial mesh and configuration data
inform the framework about the mesh end subroutine

15 driver subroutine driver           get local mesh chunk           time loop                FEM computations                update shared node fields                more FEM computations           end time loop end subroutine

16 Data output Parallel output at the end of driver
Possible to visualize the data rather than printing it out (netfem). Framework calls like FEM_Mesh_updated. (more on this later …) >>

17 Framework Calls FEM_Set_* FEM_Create_field FEM_Update_field
Called from initialization to set the serial mesh Framework partitions mesh into chunks FEM_Create_field Registers a node data field with the framework, supports user data types FEM_Update_field Updates node data field across all processors Handles all parallel communication Other parallel calls (Reductions, etc.)

18 Framework Calls: Mesh FEM_Set_* FEM_Get_*
From init, these routines describe the mesh to the FEM Framework Framework calls the partitioner FEM_Get_* From each chunk, the local portion of the mesh is obtained by the driver

19 FEM_*_elem FEM_Set_elem(int elType,int nEl,
int doublePerEl,int nodePerEl); subroutine FEM_Set_elem(elType,nEl,doublePerEl,nodePerEl) integer, intent(in) :: elType,nEl,doublePerEl,nodePerEl FEM_Get_elem(int elType,int* nEl, int* doublePerEl,int* nodePerEl); subroutine FEM_Get_elem(elType,nEl,doublePerEl,nodePerEl) integer, intent(in) :: elType integer, intent(out) :: nEl,doublePerEl,nodePerEl

20 FEM_*_node subroutine FEM_Set_node(nNode,doublePerNode) integer, intent(in) :: nNode,doublePerNode subroutine FEM_Get_node(nNode,doublePerNode) integer, intent(out) :: nNode,doublePerNode

21 Element Connectivity subroutine FEM_Set_Elem_Conn_r(elType,conn) integer, intent(in) :: elType integer, intent(in), dimension(nodePerEl,nEl) :: conn subroutine FEM_Get_Elem_Conn_r(elType,conn) integer, intent(in) :: elType integer, intent(out), dimension(nodePerEl,nEl) :: conn subroutine FEM_Set_Elem_Conn_c(elType,conn) integer, intent(in) :: elType integer, intent(in), dimension(nEl,nodePerEl) :: conn subroutine FEM_Get_Elem_Conn_c(elType,conn) integer, intent(in) :: elType integer, intent(out), dimension(nEl,nodePerEl) :: conn

22 Additional Data for Nodes and Elements
subroutine FEM_Set_node_data_r(data) REAL*8, intent(in), dimension(doublePerNode,nNode) :: data subroutine FEM_Get_node_data_r(data) REAL*8, intent(out), subroutine FEM_Set_elem_data_r(data) REAL*8, intent(in), dimension(doublePerElem,nElem) :: data subroutine FEM_Get_elem_data_r(data) REAL*8, intent(out),

23 Node Fields Framework handles combining data for shared nodes and keeps them in sync Framework does not understand meaning of node fields, only their location and types Framework needs to be informed of locations and types of fields Create_field once, Update_field every timestep

24 FEM_Create_field To handle the updating of shared node values.
Tell the framework where the shared data items of each node are. Creates a “field” and pass the field ID for updating shared nodal values.

25 FEM_Create_simple_field
function integer :: FEM_Create_simple_field( base_type, vec_len) integer, intent(in) :: base_type, vec_len Base_type FEM_BYTE- INTEGER*1, or CHARACTER*1 FEM_INT- INTEGER*4 FEM_REAL- REAL*4 FEM_DOUBLE- DOUBLE PRECISION, or REAL*8

26 Create_simple_field Example
! 3D Force for each node ! stored as 3*n real*8 array REAL*8 ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: nodeForce INTEGER :: fid ... allocate nodeForce as 3*n_nodes... fid = FEM_Create_simple_field(FEM_DOUBLE,3)

27 FEM_Create_field function integer :: FEM_Create_Field(base_type, vec_len, offset, dist) integer, intent(in) :: base_type, vec_len, offset, dist

28 Node Fields

29 Create_field Example ! 3D force is contained as fXYZ variable
! in a user-defined type node_type TYPE(node_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: nodes INTEGER :: fid ...allocate nodes array as n_nodes... fid = FEM_Create_Field(FEM_DOUBLE,3,          offsetof(nodes(1), nodes(1)%fXYZ),          offsetof(nodes(1), nodes(2)) )

30 Update and Reduce Field
subroutine FEM_Update_Field(fid,nodes) integer, intent(in) :: fid varies, intent(inout) :: nodes subroutine FEM_Reduce_Field(fid,nodes,outVal,op) integer, intent(in) :: fid,op varies, intent(in) :: nodes varies, intent(out) :: outVal op is FEM_SUM FEM_MIN FEM_MAX

31 Utility function integer :: FEM_Num_Partitions()
function integer :: FEM_My_Partition() function double precision :: FEM_Timer() subroutine FEM_Print_Partition() subroutine FEM_Print(str) character*, intent(in) :: str

32 Advanced FEM calls FEM_Update_mesh FEM_Add_node
Reassembles chunks of the mesh FEM_Add_node Adds a new node into the mesh

33 FEM_Update_mesh Reassembles all the chunks
Can be called only from driver Must be called from all chunks Useful scenarios Giving out data as the simulation runs Repartition the mesh Serial output when simulation finishes

34 FEM_Update_mesh C call: Fortran call:
void FEM_Update_mesh(int callMeshUpdated, int doWhat) Fortran call: subroutine FEM_Update_mesh(callMeshUpdated,doWhat) integer, intent(in) :: callMeshUpdated, doWhat

35 FEM_Update_mesh parameters
callMeshUpdated is non-zero => call mesh_updated (callMeshUpdated) doWhat: doWhat Repartition FEM_Update_mesh No Non-blocking mesh_updated 1 Yes Blocks for repartitioning 2 Blocking mesh_updated

36 FEM_Update_mesh examples
FEM_Update_mesh(k,0) Call mesh_updated(k) on assembled mesh, while the driver continues FEM_Update_mesh(k,1) Repartition after mesh_updated FEM_Update_mesh(k,2) Block driver routines till mesh_updated(k)

37 Adding Nodes One can add new nodes, and update connectivity in driver
Use FEM_Set_* subroutines New nodes are considered private Framework can repartition the mesh Optionally calls user’s mesh_updated subroutine

38 FEM_Add_node >> C call: Fortran call:
void FEM_Add_node(int localIdx, int nBetween, int * betweenNodes) Fortran call: subroutine FEM_Add_node(localIdx,nBetween,betweenNodes) integer, intent(in) :: localIdx,nBetween integer, intent(in) :: betweenNodes(nBetween) >>

39 Installing FEM Framework

40 Where to Get It ? FEM Framework is included in Charm++ distribution,
available under CVS CSH: setenv CVSROOT Or BASH: export You should now be able to do a > cvs login (no password needed, just type [Enter] at prompt) and then > cvs co -P charm to get the entire Charm++ source.

41 How to Build It ? > cd charm and do > ./build FEM net-linux -O
This will make a net-linux directory, with bin, include, lib etc subdirectories. Platforms: net-sol, mpi-origin, mpi-linux etc.

42 How to Write Programs ? Write from scratch Convert existing program
Concepts and API discussed earlier Read the FEM-Framework Manual Convert existing program To be covered in next section

43 How to Compile & Link ? Use “charmc”: available under bin Linking
a multi-lingual compiler driver, understands f90 Knows where modules and libraries are Portable across machines and compilers Linking use “-language femf” : for F90 Use “–language fem” : for C/C++ See example Makefiles pgms/charm++/fem/…

44 How to Run ? Just run it! (net- versions only) Use Charmrun
Serial, but nice for debugging/testing Use Charmrun A portable parallel job execution script Specify number of processors: +pN Special “nodelist” file for net-* versions Multiple chunks per processor: use +vpM

45 Charmrun Example ./charmrun pgm +p4 +vp8 >>
Nodelist File: $(HOME)/.nodelist group main host host host etc… >> ./charmrun pgm +p4 +vp8

46 FEM Framework Conversion example

47 A Serial Program Processing Input Output

48 A Parallel Framework Program
Processing Input Output Parallel Infrastructure

49 Real Names of Pieces Driver Init Finalize or Mesh_updated Charm++ FEM

50 Serial Example Program
F90 example Reads input mesh in “Triangle” format Does simple explicit mechanics computation (CST triangles) Writes Tecplot output Not a toy example (by Philippe Geubelle) Reads a parameter file Applies boundary conditions Uses real mechanics

51 FEM Framework Version Uses all the same code as serial version
Main program becomes init subroutine Split up init and driver Copy entire mesh into framework (FEM_Set) Copy portion of mesh out (FEM_Get) Changes to time loop are minimal Output poses an interesting problem

52 Splitting the program Declare variables call readTriGlobals Init
Read mesh conn. Data Dynamics loop Calc forces Calc accl,vel Apply bound. conditions Driver Update displacements Output current data

53 Init – Basic differences
Serial version Declare variables . . . call readTriGlobals Read mesh conn. data Parallel version Declare variables . . . call readTriGlobals Read mesh conn. data Call the set methods

54 Driver Parallel version Serial version Call get methods Dynamics loop
Create field Dynamics loop Calc forces Update field Calc accl,vel Apply bound. Cond Update disp Visualize current data Serial version Dynamics loop Calc forces Calc accl,vel Apply bound. Cond Update disp Output current data

55 More information: Read the manual and FEM framework details at

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