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The Conflict: 1967-87.

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1 The Conflict:

2 Israeli Territorial Gains in 1967 War
Israel captured Golan Heights from Syria Israeli Territorial Gains in War Israel captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan Israel captured Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from Egypt

3 Israeli Territorial Gains in 1967 War
Jewish holy sites in East Jerusalem had been restricted before 1967 because this part of the city was under Jordanian control; East Jerusalem came under Israeli control as a result of the 1967 war. Western Wall

4 Munich Olympics 1972 Palestinian militants held several Israeli athletes at the games hostage and killed 11.

5 Begin Becomes Prime Minister of Israel in 1977
Militant, hardline leader Committed to holding on to the Occupied Territories and settling them with Jews Settlements are positioned into “blocs” to surround key cities and roads.

6 Israeli Settlements Around Jerusalem

7 Camp David Accords, 1978-81 Menachim Begin Anwar Sadat Israel Egypt
Menachim Begin Israel Anwar Sadat Egypt Jimmy Carter, US • Israel returns Sinai Peninsula to Egypt but keeps Gaza Strip • First time Arab country officially recognizes Israel • First time - land for peace

8 1982 War with Lebanon • PLO based in Lebanon, launching raids into northern Israel • Israel responds with military push into Lebanon, killing many innocent civilians • Syria and Hezbollah aid Palestinians • Beginning of Israeli peace movement

9 The Gaza Strip Gaza, one of the most densely populated tracts of land in the world (twice the size of Washington, DC), is home to 1,178,000 Palestinians, 33% of whom live in United Nations-funded refugee camps. Gaza is also home to 6,900 Jewish settlers. Israeli-controlled areas and settlements take up about 40% of Gaza’s land. Israel controls all external borders, crossing points and major roads in Gaza. Source:

10 The West Bank • Israel has pursued a policy of building settlements on the West Bank for security and religious reasons. • Settlements and their adjoining territory cover large parts of the West Bank.

11 Israeli Settlements in the OPT

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