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Formal Feedback about the ‘Bridge’ (Internally collated)

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1 Formal Feedback about the ‘Bridge’ (Internally collated)
- Collating qualitative data is extremely important in understanding exactly what kind of impact the Bridge is having on parents/families involved as well as the professionals the Bridge staff work with to deliver the service. - Knowing what these all-important stakeholders feel about the service provides good motivation and creates a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. It also allows for adaptation and improvements if need be, which can only add to the quality of the service. - We were cautious not to bombard parents with questionnaires for feedback as we have an external organisation performing an evaluation on the project so we just tried to capture some verbal comments and s from some of the parents. We also managed to get a few more parents to complete a very brief feedback form at last December’s ‘Meet and Greet’ event hosted by the Bridge Nurse.

2 What the Parents / Families said…
“Feeling positive for the first time” “Can deal with things better knowing that I have the support of the Bridge team” “The Bridge project has help the care and needs of my child so much better“ “ Invaluable to have Bengali advocates so they can talk directly to me & get immediate answers ” “Feel supported for the first time” “Personally for me the Bridge Project has been fantastic, it has made my life a whole lot easier. Jodie is absolutely superb and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved. Things in that past I may have had to chase up for weeks have been done and results are available much quicker now”…. “ The Bridge Project because we do not have the right contacts to get things done ” “ Immensely Grateful ” “Appreciate having someone to phone when I need help” “ The Bridge makes sure all my child’s needs are met ”

3 Feedback From the Professionals…
Total number of Professionals Engaged: 35 Total number of Professionals responses: 8 Questions Answers Majority answers 1. How effective do you feel the Bridge Project staff has been towards coordinating the care of our children with complex care needs? a. Extremely Effective b. Very Effective c. Somewhat Effective d. Not so Effective e. Ineffective a. Extremely Effective b. Very Effective 2 2. How confident are you when working jointly with the Bridge Project staff in supporting the children? a. Always b. Very c. Sometimes d. Rarely e. Never a. Always 4 b. Very 3 3.    Are the MDTM minutes usually received in a timely fashion? a. Yes b. No a. Yes 8 4. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the care outcomes from each Bridge MDTM? a. Excellent b. Very Good c. Good d. Fair e. Poor a. Excellent 4 b. Very Good 4

4 What the Professionals said…
“ I would like clear referral criteria and also increased capacity for more children to be part of the Bridge Project. “ “ Over time it would be good to have different children join the bridge as there are a number of other children who would benefit form this level of support and it seems inequitable to have this service for only a limited number of children. “ “ Quality sometimes affected by the right people not being present or providing feedback. It has been very difficult recently with no SW present. Start accepting referrals. Would be great if we could get some direct engagement from GOS palliative “ “ Involvement of hospital paediatricians, hospital based therapists would be extremely useful in the Bridge project, since these children are regularly seen in the hospital( RLH) “ “ Meetings could be a lot more efficient. Children are now well known to everyone who attends, therefore there is no need to go over things every time. If there is nothing new to say then that’s good… it’s the whole point of the service, that their issues have been addressed ” “ Meetings need to start and finish on time. “ “ I don’t have any suggestions really. I feel its going very well. One point I might make is that it is clear who is following up a query. For example on occasion we receive an about a student, with another cc’d in, when I go to follow it up, it has already been done, therefore duplicating work. But not a significant or regular problem. “ “ I feel the project is working very well and coordinating care effectively. To this end, there are a number of other children in school that I would like to be on the project (and some that do not require this level of support so would remove.) Therefore the only thing I would like to change at the moment is the ability to refer new children. “


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