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The Beast out of the Earth

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1 The Beast out of the Earth
Revelation 13 The Beast out of the Sea The Beast out of the Earth The Mark of the Beast - 666

2 The Beast out of the Earth The False Prophet
Dragon out of the pit The beast out of the sea is the Leader of the Apostate, or false, Religion of the Anti-Christ (the 1st beast). He, like the Anti-Christ, is empowered by the dragon / Satan. He makes the world to worship the first beast. Do you see the parallel between the Holy Trinity of Heaven and the unholy trinity of Hell. Here: the 2nd Beast / False Prophet will force people to worship the Anti-Christ. But the Holy Spirit does not force people, he invites them. How does he get the people to worship the beast. 1) does miracles of fire from heaven 2) Miraculous signs 3) He orders an image of the first beast to be made and then makes it seem like it has come to life. Everyone who does not worship the image is killed. And he is the one who set’s up the system of the MARK OF THE BEAST - 666 Beast out of the sea

3 Antichrist Satan The Evil Trinity False Prophet Dragon out of the pit
Beast Out of the Earth Dragon out of the pit Beast out of the sea Chapter 13:1-2 Beast out of the Sea = Gentile, probably from the Mediterranean area. – This is commonly called THE ANTICHRIST 7 heads = 7 Kingdoms (one after the other) 3 kingdoms come under the 4th and it becomes a kingdom that is like the head of a leapard, feet of a bear, and mouth of a lion (daniel 7) 10 horns = 10 world leaders / Governments 10 crowns = the authority / power of each of the 10 countries. Satan gives the beast his power, throne, and authority The wound of the head is not the wounding and death of the world leader, but the death and reviving of a system of government. One that is opposed to Jesus Christ, God, the Holy spirit; everything that heaven represents. IMPORTANT! SATAN DOES NOT HAVE RESURRECTION POWER The Beast is empowered by Satan. And is the only person in history to finally rule the entire world ( Rome, Alexander the Great, Hitler) Verse 9 – “He who has an ear, let him hear.” (where is what the spirit says to the churches?) Antichrist Satan

4 The Mark of the Beast 666 6 Roman numbers (i v x l c d) = 666
It is called ‘THE NUMBER OF MAN’ (man’s number) You can’t get the mark of the beast accidentally. You can’t get it without meaning to. The mark of the beast is to find the Christians who know what it is. What is the Mark of the Beast? The mark of the beast is a combination of letters and symbols that will be physically and permanently placed on your forehead or right hand. Most people will consider it an honor to receive the mark. It will be like a key for them that will open doors of acceptance, prosperity and peace. The mark of the beast will be placed on people who worship the beast and choose to receive his mark. There will be severe penalties for refusing the mark and great rewards for getting it. How do you get the Mark of the Beast? First of all, you can’t get the mark of the beast accidentally. You can’t get it without meaning to. The mark of the beast is not a disease and it is not contagious. You will get the mark of the beast by making a conscious choice to receive it. There will be a magnificent, powerful, loving being on earth claiming to be God. There will be two glorious, powerful prophets with him who claim to be the prophets Moses and Elijah. The three of them will convince almost everyone in the world to worship this beautiful, charismatic being who looks like God. They will convince almost everyone in the world to get his mark. These three beings will offer protection, eternal life, peace and prosperity to people if they will worship the being claiming to be God and receive his special mark as a symbol of their allegiance. This is the mark of the beast.

5 The New Cashless Economy
E-Commerce Times - 03/24/07 1:30 AM PT Remember Money? We have begun to create an economy free of paper money and coins… driving through tollbooths without stopping… paying for food without cash… moving money from account to account and purchasing online. What will make the mark of the beast easy to do? The need for a global electronic money system. Cashless societies World governments that agree that one currency is neeeded. Do you know that you can have a bank in California and live in Philadelphia and have no problems?

6 Bank … Without a Building
Open an account and you'll be joining more than 7.5 million Customers who save their money with ING DIRECT in the US, and the 21 million Customers served by ING DIRECT divisions in Canada, Australia, France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Austria and Germany.

7 2009 – United Nations wants the U.S. $ to be replaced
The $Dollar$ should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world's monetary system since the World War II

8 The Mark of the Beast 666 Maybe it refers to a system, not a name
Bar Code System - A Computer Chip We don’t know what 666 means, except, that it represents the number of man. Why? Because 6 is less than the perfect number of God, 7. So, it is called “The Number of Man,” or “Man’s Number.” It makes sense that it is would not only identify a person, but, likely carry all of their personal and financial information, which makes a one world currency very possible, also, much safer than the paper and coin money that we have now.

9 Chapter 13 – Explains the Wicked Rulers
Revelation 14 Chapter 12 – Explains Important people / spirits who are involved in the tribulation Chapter 13 – Explains the Wicked Rulers Chapter 14 – Triumph of Jesus Christ in the end times Chapter 14 contains a series of announcements and visions. It begins with the declaration that Jesus WILL come again; He will save his people; and He WILL win, in the end. The wicked will be judged. We see a picture, assuring the readers, that Jesus will join the 144,000 on mount Zion at the beginning of His 1000 year reign. In Chapter 7, the 144,000 are seen at the beginning of their calling, and Chapter 14 is a picture of the end of their journey.

10 The Three Angels 1st Angel - Announces the ETERNAL GOSPEL (good news) that Judgment is now to come on all who rejected Christ. 2nd Angel – Announces the judgment and destruction on the city of Babylon or the political system of the beast. 3rd Angel - Announces the judgment of Hell on all people who accept the mark of the beast and who worship him or his idol. 14:6-7 – The Three Angels

11 The Harvest of the Earth God’s Program
1st Part – 144,000 Jews on Mount Zion with Christ 2nd Part – The Gospel message to those living on the earth 3rd Part – The Fall of Babylon 4th Part - Punishment of those who worship the beast and his image 5th Part – The martyred saints are blessed 6th Part – Process of Harvest 7th Part – Amount of Destruction-unbelievable

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