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MF14 - How to look like an MRP guru

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Presentation on theme: "MF14 - How to look like an MRP guru"— Presentation transcript:

1 MF14 - How to look like an MRP guru
Ken Sebahar, Solution Systems, Inc. Mark Heick, Solution Systems, Inc.

2 Notes to the Presenter You will find your session code and title when you log into the speaker portal. Please contact us if you are having difficulty. Please save this file with a file name that uses the session code and a shortened title, if needed. For example: “FI34 – Ask the Experts”. You may include your picture and company logo on the introduction slide only.

3 Notes to the Presenter It is appropriate to provide a brief background (1 minute or less, please) on yourself and your organization. Attendees deeply appreciate when you submit your slides and reference materials in advance to us for download/reference (materials can be included in these slides or separate). Please submit your slides and reference materials by May 27 via the speaker portal.

4 Quick Best Practices Frame your presentation by answering:
What do you want your audience to learn? What do you want your audience to do differently? What result or outcomes do you want your audience to realize? Clarify your session objectives up front. Use more pictures, far less words (7 words on a slide is wonderful). Alternate communication methods, e.g., polls or videos, to increase attention and interaction.

5 Quick best practices Plan and follow a rough agenda, e.g.:
5 minutes – opening, objectives, intros 5 minutes – share story 10 minutes – slides 20 minutes – demo 20 minutes – Q&A

6 Slide templates follow

7 Your presenters 15 Years of NAV Experience!
Ken Sebahar President Solution Systems, Inc. Mark Heick Implementation Director Solution Systems, Inc.

8 Session Preview My Planning Worksheet is a mess! What are all of these action messages?

9 Session Preview I want it to look like this:

10 Session objectives Identify the central concepts of the Planning Engine Review how the Reordering Policies and Planning parameters impact planning How to use the Planning Worksheet to automate planning suggestions and decisions How changes to supply and demand impact the Planning Engine suggestions

11 Session objectives The focus is on MRP (Material Requirements Planning), or the purchase and production of components required to complete the MPS (Master Production Schedule). This session assumes that the top-level Item planning has been completed. General planning topics that relate to MPS may still be covered.

12 Session objectives But this is a user group event! So what questions do you have and what MRP topics would you like us to cover today? Page Numbers referenced on slides refer to the NAV 2013 Supply Planning Technical White Paper

13 HEADer TExt: Size 30pt Main Topic 1: Size 28pt Main Topic 2: Size 28pt
Subtopic: Size 24 pt Main Topic 2: Size 28pt Main Topic 3: Size 28pt

14 Central concepts of the NAV planning system

15 Central concepts of planning
NAV balances Supply-Demand per Location Code Items – contain replenishment/reordering parameters Stockkeeping Units – Required when: More than 1 Location Code Variants are used Bins not considered

16 Central concepts of planning
Planning behavior changes based on the setting and use of the Location Code field (blank): Checkmark in “Location Mandatory”? Does a SKU record exist? What is “Components at Location” set to? Page 56

17 Central concepts of planning
Planning functionality is contained in the “Calculate Plan” Batch Job Planning Assignment Table – tracks changes to supply- demand per Item/Location Calculate Net Change Plan – re-plans Items with changes to supply-demand (Planning Assignment) Calculate Regenerative Plan – re-plans all Items Page 55

18 Central concepts of planning
The Planning Worksheet is the user interface to running the Calculate Plan function and working with Action Messages (Suggestions) Types of Order Suggestions: Purchase Order, Production Order, Assembly Order, Transfer Order Types of Actions: New, Change Qty., Reschedule, Resched. & Change Qty., Cancel

19 Central concepts of planning
Planning Starting Date All supply and demand before the Starting Date of the planning period will be considered a part of inventory or shipped (or already executed). Pages 6, 27

20 Central concepts of planning
Planning Starting Date Exceptions Projected Available Inventory in frozen zone is below zero “Emergency” order – get Avail. Inv. To zero on Planning Starting Date Serial/Lot Nos. required on the back-dated Orders Supply-demand set is linked via order-to-order policy

21 Central concepts of planning
Order-to-Order Link Types: Reordering Policy = Order Manufacturing Policy = Make-to-Order Assembly Policy = Assemble-to-Order Sales Order Planning feature used to create Prod. Orders Page 12

22 Central concepts of planning
Impact of Reservations on the Planning System Reserved Quantities are included in the Projected Inventory Profile (determine if Reorder Point has been met) The reserved demand-supply set is excluded from calculations (the supply is reserved and so cannot be re-assigned to other demand)

23 Central concepts of planning
Dynamic Order Tracking (Pegging) Real-time search and link of a supply source to a new demand Link to supply plan from sales order is visible in a view-only “Order Tracking” window Page 6

24 Central concepts of planning
Dynamic Order Tracking (DOT) vs. Planning DOT is done “on the fly” with “first come-first serve” basis. Planning system considers all planning factors. Planning system deletes all DOT links and re- builds them based on Planning logic

25 Central concepts of planning
Sequencing and Prioritization The planning system in Microsoft Dynamics NAV is demand-driven. Plan low-level Locations first (remote whse) Planning is done using Low Level Code (top down)

26 Central concepts of planning
Production Forecasts & Blanket Orders The blanket order is a customer-specific forecast on top of the unspecified forecast as illustrated below.

27 Central concepts of planning
Transfer Orders Special case for Planning because a Transfer order represents both supply and demand. Demand is not known until the Supply side has been processed. Transfer Level Code used to drive order of demand through the transfer process. Page 60

28 Central concepts of planning
Routing Link Codes Assigned to BOM Lines and Routing Lines to link the component demand to a specific operation, allowing “Due Dates” to be set based on the actual operation Start/End Dates instead of the Production Order Start/End Dates

29 Central concepts of planning
Capacity-constrained Resource Setup table in NAV to instruct NAV that an infinite capacity does not exist at a Work Center. (Infinite capacity is assumed) Planning will automatically push out production activities when no capacity is available at a required Work Center.

30 Reordering policies and planning parameters

31 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Fixed Reorder Quantity Maximum Quantity Order Lot-for-Lot Page 45

32 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Fixed Reorder Quantity and Maximum Quantity Planning Parameters Reorder Point Reorder Quantity Order Minimum, Maximum, Multiple Time Bucket Overflow Level Page 37

33 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Replenishment Systems Purchase Order Production Order Assembly Order Transfer Order Job

34 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Dampeners – minimize planning messages Dampener Period – i.e. 3D Dampener Quantity – i.e. 10

35 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Safety Fields – add buffers Safety Lead Time Safety Stock Quantity

36 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Lot-for-Lot Parameters Include Inventory Lot Accumulation Period Rescheduling Period

37 Reordering policies and planning parameters
Order Promising If the “Critical” field is not checked on a component Item, the component Item will be disregarding when running the “Order-to-Promise” function. Examples of non-critical Items: screws, nails, shop supplies, packaging materials, other Item that can be acquired quickly.

38 Using the planning worksheet

39 Using the planning worksheet
Key functions and features: Calculate Plan – Net/Regenerative Warning Messages – multiple types of messages Fact Boxes – quick visibility to Item details Item Availability Tools – multiple views available Carry Out Action Messages

40 Session RECAP So how did we get the RED Location Planning Worksheet to look like this:

41 Session demo recap Changes to get to RED Planning Worksheet
Set Reordering Policy to be appropriate per Item Modified (Increased) Reorder Quantity/Max. Quantity Modified (Increased) Time Buckets/Lot Accum. Periods Eliminated Safety Stock requirements for some Items Set Dampeners to reduce nuisance messages Re-set Demand/Due Dates to be realistic

42 How changes to supply and demand impact the Planning system

43 Changes to supply and demand
Dates and the impact on the planning system Demand (Due) Date moves in Demand (Due) Date moves out Supply (Due) Date moves in Supply (Due) Date moves out Impact of Changes on NAV Planning.xls

44 Changes to supply and demand
Quantities and the impact on the planning system Demand Quantity increases Demand Quantity decreases Supply Quantity increases Supply Quantity decreases Impact of Changes on NAV Planning.xls

45 Changes to supply and demand
Item Setups and the impact on the planning system BOM Changes Routing Changes Item Reorder Policy & Planning Parameter changes

46 Implementation recommendations
Use a “Training Company” to complete training and what-if scenarios. Use multiple Locations and SKUs to test various types of Planning parameters (Red vs. Pink) Start small – only a few Items, one type of Items, one category of Items, etc. Monitor Planning parameters – continuous effort

47 Bar Chart

48 Thank you Contact information Ken Sebahar, Solution Systems – Mark Heick, Solution Systems –

49 Final reminders Download the session slides from the NAVUG Focus community at under the Events tab. Complete your Session Survey at Attend the Networking Huddles for IT, Manufacturing, or Finance. Tuesday, 5:15PM located in Schaumburg West. Have a Great Conference!


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