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Book X The Grace Of The Witch

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1 Book X The Grace Of The Witch
By: Stephanie, Sammy, Maddy, Lauren, Erika, and Kendra

2 Summary Plot The Achaeans sail from the land of the Cyclopes to the home of Aeolus(ruler of the wind) Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag containing all the winds Makes a westerly wind to guide Odysseus and his crew home But the crew members get anxious and think that the bag contains silver and gold

3 Summary Plot (cont.) The wind escaped and stirred up a storm that brought Odysseus and his men back to Aeolia Achaenans rowed to the land of Laestrygonians Antiphates who is an unamed queen turned Odysseus’ scouts into dinner. Odysseus and his men then flee toward their ships but Laestrygonians throw boulders at the ships which makes the boats sink.

4 Summary Plot (cont.) However, only Odysseus’ ship is able to escape.
Then, Odysseus and his crew travel to Aeaea, which is home to the witch-goddess Circe. Hermes tells Odysseus to eat a herb called moly. Later, Odysseus then becomes Circe’s lover, and him and his men live there for about a year. To get home, they must speak to a blind prophet named Tiresias.

5 Characters Aeolus Laestrygonians Antiphates Aeaea Circe

6 Characters (cont.) Eurylochus Hermes Tiresias Acheron Erebus Elpenor

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