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IRB 국제인증 : SIDCER Recognition Program

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1 IRB 국제인증 : SIDCER Recognition Program
구영모 Ph.D., CIP 울산의대 인문사회의학교실 FERCAP local coordinator

2 SIDCER-recognized Korean IRBs
2006 IRB Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul IRB Asan Medical Center, Seoul 2007 IRB Kangnam St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul IRB Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju IRB Busan Paik Hospital, INJE University, Busan 2008 IRB Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Anyang IRB Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, Daegu IRB Kyunghee University Hospital, Seoul IRB Ajou University Hospital, Suwon

3 SIDCER-recognized Korean IRBs
2009 IRB Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Seoul IRB Inha University Hospital, Incheon IRB Chungnam National University Hospital, Daejeon IRB International Vaccine Institute, Seoul *Renewed Recognition IRB Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul IRB Asan Medical Center, Seoul

4 SIDCER-recognized Korean IRBs
2010 경북대병원 IRB 계명대동산병원 IRB 영남대병원 IRB 강동성심병원 IRB 국립암센터 IRB 분당차병원 IRB 부산동아대병원 IRB 고대안암병원 IRB *Renewed Recognition IRB Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju IRB Busan Paik Hospital, INJE University, Busan

5 2011 SIDCER surveys in Korea
May 15-21 Re-surveys: 대구가톨릭의료원 IRB, 한림대성심병원 IRB August 20-26 Re-survey: 아주대병원 IRB Surveys: 순천향부천병원 IRB, 고대구로병원 IRB, 가천의대길병원 IRB


7 WHO-TDR & SIDCER Promoting and protecting the health of the people
TDR, the special program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases based at the WHO, recognized this need in 1999 and began efforts to strengthen this much needed protection. Out of this was born SIDCER. SIDCER not only helps build in-country human subjects protection programs, but is also a way to measure and provide accountability for the quality and effectiveness of ethical review worldwide.

8 FERCAP The Forum for Ethical Review Committees in Asia and the Western Pacific Region WHO – SIDCER (Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review)

9 Objective & scopes of the survey
Objective: To evaluate the IRB for SIDCER recognition Scopes: the survey covers SIDCER recognition requirements structure and composition of IRB adherence to specific policies completeness of its review process after review process archiving

10 Reference documents to be used
Applicable national laws and regulations WHO: operational guidelines for EC that review biomedical research WHO: surveying and evaluating ethical review practices ICH guideline for GCP (E-6) SIDCER guideline for surveying EC SIDCER recognition requirements and process SIDCER SOP for planning, conducting, reporting, follow-up survey of EC SIDCER format for report writing SIDCER surveyors checklist


12 IRB Documents to be reviewed
Applicable National Laws and Regulations for the IRB List of IRB members IRB member CVs IRB standard operating procedures IRB forms for communication with applicants, regulatory authorities, or the authority under which the IRB is established Agenda and minutes of the IRB committee meetings Documents for reviewing serious adverse events (SAEs) IRB policy and procedures for follow-up review A representative sample of protocol reviewed in the past 3 years

13 The method of survey Interview IRB members- the chairperson, secretary, other members. Review documents SOPs, protocols, minutes, reports of SAE, agendas, CV of IRB members, history SOP, decision letters, etc Observe an IRB board meeting

14 IRB office visit

15 The method of survey Interview IRB members- the chairperson, secretary, other members. Review documents SOPs, protocols, minutes, reports of SAE, agendas, CV of IRB members, history SOP, decision letters, etc Observe an IRB board meeting

16 Review of the IRB SOPs Creation / revision Approval / implementation
Historical SOPs SOPs deviation

17 Review of review procedures
Elements of the review Condition for expedited review Decision-making procedures Procedures for communicating decision Minutes Follow-up review (SAEs etc.) Documentation & archiving

18 The method of survey Interview IRB members- the chairperson, secretary, other members. Review documents SOPs, protocols, minutes, reports of SAE, agendas, CV of IRB members, history SOP, decision letters, etc Observe an IRB board meeting

19 Observing a board meeting

20 Closing meeting Thanks IRB for their help Summary of areas surveyed
Guidelines / regulations being followed Review of survey findings Opportunity for IRB to ask questions and comments Any recommendation for actions required to be undertaken by IRB and time period for their accomplishment

21 Survey summary

22 Follow up actions Visit certificate to the IRB
Report with recommendations for recognition, follow-up action or a follow-up visit Follow-up action: FERCAP will forward the corrective measures to IRB and a response timeline. IRB will accept timeline or ask for additional time. IRB is responsible for addressing corrective actions within the agreed time frame Follow-up visit: FERCAP will communicate need for this with the IRB and the corrective measures requested within a specified time frame. IRB will address corrective actions and prepare for the follow-up visit

23 Survey visit certificates

24 Survey report

25 Survey reply ( )


27 Category of recognition
First time applicants Full recognition Preliminary recognition Recognition pending Renewing applicants 5 months before the end of the 3-year recognition period, the IRB will reapply and be visited Reports Annual reports for review and monitoring by the SIDCER committee Recognition certificate

28 2011 FERCAP Conferences 11th FERCAP Annual Meeting 2011. 11. 23. (수)
인터불고호텔, 대구

29 Things to consider to receive survey
SOP & procedural manual : implementation Documentation for everything and archiving Member related issues : composition, documents Pre-review of protocols before the meeting Endurance Role of chairperson and secretary Budget & time

30 SIDCER-FERCAP Recognition Q & A Discussion

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