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Infographics Template types.

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1 Infographics Template types


3 Designing Messages with Visuals
What Is Visual Design? Visual design the process of generating and structuring messages using drawings, photos, and other graphics Visual channels include all visual imagery—such as drawings, photos, and graphics—that can be incorporated into a business message Visual elements include lines, shapes, colors, and text

4 Template types of Infographics
Statistical Informational Timeline Process Geographic Comparison Hierarchical Resume Chart-Centric

5 1. Statistical Infographic Template
A Statistical infographic template should be used when you want to put the focus on your data. With this type of template you are trying to tell a story using the numbers and data. Your storytelling devices could include charts, graphs or just impactful numbers Successful Statistical infographic has three things: A compelling story or topic. Useful data to support the story. Charts, graphs or illustrations to visualize the data.

6 1. Statistical Infographic Template

7 2. Informational Infographic Template
The purpose of an Informational infographic is primarily to convey text-based information in easy to understand points. Within this category can fall a number of other types of infographic templates: informational posters, “listo-graphics,” presentations, brochures, and instructional guides. No matter what the content is, the goal is the same: to inform! A successful Informational infographic also has three key factors: An established hierarchy, using icons or bullet points. Header points that introduce steps or parts of a topic. Concise body text that explains each header point.

8 2. Informational Infographic Template

9 3. Timeline Infographic Template
A Timeline infographics maps a story or process through time, using a connecting line with different points branching out. To make a successful Timeline infographic, remember to: Use headers to denote each point on the timeline. Use icons to emphasize points and embellish information. Clearly separate point headers from the body text using different fonts and colors. Use colors to code information.

10 3. Timeline Infographic Template

11 4. Process Infographic Template
Process infographics are similar to Timelines infographics, in that they also show a series of points in a linear order.  But Process infographics specifically break down processes into a series of easy to follow steps.

12 4. Process Infographic Template
To create a successful Process infographic, you should: Use a linear  numbered or bulleted structure that is easy to follow. Use icons to anchor each point or step. Clearly label each step using headers. Break down the body text for each step into bullets as well.

13 4. Process Infographic Template

14 5. Geographic Infographic Template
Geographic infographics show location-based information. Geographic information can be conveyed by highlighting or shading different parts of a map (called a choropleth map) or by overlaying shapes on top of the map

15 5. Geographic Infographic Template
Remember these tips when creating a successful Geographic infographic: If you are color-coding your map, make sure that the colors/shades are easy to differentiate from one another. If you don’t label information directly on the map, include a legend. Unless you need to show multiple different location-based data sets, stick to using one large, impactful map to support your information.

16 5. Geographic Infographic Template

17 6. Comparison Infographic Template
Comparison infographics mainly compare and contrast two different “things” or “types” of information (objects, brands, places, categories, versions, theories, etc.). This type of infographic can highlight the differences or similarities, and the pros and cons of a set of information, and serve as a guide for choosing between two different options.

18 6. Comparison Infographic Template
A successful Comparison infographic should always have: A central question you are trying to answer or a choice you are looking to make. Two columns that clearly differentiate between the two sides. Only the most important or interesting points for each side, since you have limited space.

19 6. Comparison Infographic Template

20 7. Hierarchical Infographic Template
Organize information into different levels. This type of infographic serves a very specific purpose and is used to show how information is organized into different levels and how each level is connected to another. The most common visualizations for hierarchy are pyramid charts or organizational flow charts

21 7. Hierarchical Infographic Template
To create a successful Hierarchical infographic: Use the size of background shapes, anchor images, and fonts to reflect hierarchical importance. Clearly label each point in the hierarchy (position title, stage in a process, etc.). If necessary, provide some brief contextual information either at the top or bottom of the infographic.

22 7. Hierarchical Infographic Template

23 8. Chart-Centric Infographic Template
Sometimes in a presentation or article you just need to keep it simple and with these templates you can. There is no fluff or design choices that you need to worry about. Just extremely easy to use graphs and charts that can make your data shine!

24 8. Chart-Centric Infographic Template

25 9. Resume Infographic Template
Generally, a resume template should be used as a supplementary document to accompany your standard resume. They are great for sharing on social media and for bringing to job interviews.

26 9. Resume Infographic Template
Remember that no matter how creative you make your infographic resume, it should still answer these three questions: Can you do the job? Will do you the job? Will I like working with you?

27 Questions ?

28 References:

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