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Evolution of eukaryotic genomes

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1 Evolution of eukaryotic genomes
Lecture 5 – Chromosomal mutations II Davita 2008

2 Chromosome mutations Important
Insight into gene function Insight into meiosis and chromosome architecture Useful tools for genetic manipulation Insight into evolutionary processes Cause abnormalities in cell and organisms function Usually divided into to groups Changes in structure Rearrangements of existing DNA Changes in number Numbers of DNA molecules change

3 Changes in chromosome number
Aberrant euploidy changes in whole chromosome sets Aneuploidy changes in parts of chromosome sets

4 Abberant euploidy

5 Aberrant euploidy Euploid -organisms with basic chromosome set
Normal euploid organisms have both diploid (somatic) haploid (gametes) cells Monoploid – only one chromosome set in a usually diploid organism Polyploids -more than two chromosome sets Name Designatioin Constitution No. of chromosomes Monoploid n ABC 3 Diploid 2n AABBCC 6 Triploid 3n AAABBBCCC 9 Tetraploid 4n AAAABBBBCCCC 12 Monosomic 2n-1 ABBCC 5 AABCC AABBC Trisomic 2n+1 AAABBCC 7 AABBBCC AABBCCC

6 Aberrant euploidy - Monoploids
Male bees, wasps and ants are monoploid Males develop by parthenogenesis from unfertilized egg cells Meiosis is abnormal – no pairing partners Monoploids are usually sterile Bees, wasps and ants produce gametes by mitosis Davita 2008

7 Aberrant euploids - polyploids
Correlation between copies of chromosome set and organism size Higher the ploidy level, larger the size Autopolyploids Multiple sets from within one species Allopolyploids Sets from two or more different (but closely related) species Chromosomes are only partly homologous -homeologous

8 Aberrant euploids - autopolyploids
Triploids usually autopolyploids Arise spontaneously Can be constructed by crossing a tetraploid (4n) and a diploid (2n) Usually sterile due to pairing problems at meiosis Pairing only takes place between two of the 3 chromosomes of each type Chromosome numbers between haploid and diploid number Aneuploids not usually fertile

9 Aberrant euploidy - autotetraploids
Doubling of 2n to 4n Spontaneous or chemically induced –colchicine S-phase occurs, but not segregation or division A nuclear membrane forms around the double set of chromosomes Treatment with colchicine for another cell cycle results in octaploids (8n)

10 Aberrant euploids – autotetraploids
Since 4 is even – meiosis can be normal Depends on pairing Viable gametes are diploid Upon fusion, zygote will again be autotetraploid

11 Aberrant euploids - allopolyploids
Hybrid of two or more species with two or more copies of the input genomes Karpechenko (1928) crossed cabbage (Brassica) with radish (Raphanus) Both species had 18 chromosomes and are closely related Hybrid was functionally sterile since 9 chromosomes did not synapse Part of the hybrid produced seeds which developed into fertile plants with 36 chromosomes Result of spontaneous chromosomal doubling to 2n1 + 2n2 in one region of the hybrid

12 Aberrant euploids - allopolyploids
Major force in speciation of plants Brassica – 3 species naturally hybridized to form new amphidiploid species

13 Aberrant euploids - allopolyploids
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) 6n=42 Two sets of 3 ancestral genomes Pairing is between homologues from within an ancestral genome Always 21 bivalents

14 Aberrant euploidy – Polyploidy in animals
salamander Reproduce by parthenogenesis Multiple modes of reproduction including a sexual cycle Triploid oysters (sterile) used since do not go through a spawning cycle which makes diploids inedible flatworm leech brine shrimp oyster

15 Aneuploidy

16 Aneuploidy Chromosome number is abnormal
Chromosome number differs from wild type by part of the chromosome set Can have either more or less chromosomes than wild type Monosomic 2n-1 one copy of one chromosome, rather than normal diploid Trisomic 2n+1 Nullisomic 2n-2 Disomic n+1 Refers to autosomes Sex chromosomes – listed as multiple letters XXY XYY XXX XO

17 Nondisjunction During meiosis is the usual cause of aneuploidy
Failure of chromosomes or chromatids to segregate properly Produces gametes with abnormal cell numbers Occurs spontaneously due to a failure of cellular processes Usually occurs during meiosis I Bivalents joined by CO Mutagens which dec. CO also inc. nondisjunction

18 Monosomics (2n-1) Monosomics for all human autosomes die in utero
Sex chromosome monosomy (44 +1X) gives Turner syndrome Sterile females, short, web of skin between neck and shoulders 1 in 5000 female births

19 Trisomics (2n+1) May be viable and fertile
Trisomic chromosomes form a group of three during meiosis Klinefelter syndrome XXY – sterile Down syndrome Trisomy 21 Life expectancy 17 yrs Patau syndrome Trisome 13 Life expectancy 130 days Edwards syndrome Trisomy 18 Life expectancy few weeks

20 Gene Balance Plants more tolerant of aneuploidy than animals
Datura stramonium (jimsonweed) n = 12 polyploid (n=24) is larger aneuploidy of each of the 12 different chromosomes results in a unique change

21 Gene Balance Why??? Aneuploids much more abnomal than polyploids
Aneuploidy for different chromosomes has different effects Monosomics usually more affected than trisomics Why??? Davita 2008

22 Gene balance Euploid ratio of genes on any one chromosome to another chromosome is 1:1 (100%) Holds true for monoploids, diploids tetraploids etc. But not aneuploids 50% difference from WT for monosomics 150% difference from WT for trisomics Aneuploid genes are out of balance

23 Gene balance Rate of transcription directly proportional to number of DNA molecules More copies = more transcripts = increased gene dosage Monosomy worse than trisomy since deleterious alleles often expressed (del mutations) X chromosomes naturally aneuploid Drosophila (♀XX ♂XO and XY) X chromosome of male is hyperactivated Mammals (♀XX ♂XY) only one X active Dosage compensation

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