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Greek Roots Lesson 1 English 9

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1 Greek Roots Lesson 1 English 9
September 19, 2016

2 Next, think about what the root might mean.
Familiarity with Greek and Latin roots can help students understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. Take a few minutes to brainstorm a list of words that have the roots below: auto/aut cracy dem/demo chron ped Next, think about what the root might mean.

3 automaton Part of speech: NOUN
Root: [from auto = “self” + matos = “acting”] Definition: any self-operating machine, especially a robot Related forms Sentence:

4 autonomy Part of speech: NOUN Root:
Definition: independence; self-government Synonym: Antonym: Related forms: Sentence: As teenagers get older, parents usually give them more autonomy to make their own choices.

5 autocracy Part of speech: Root: Definition: Synonym: Antonym:
Related forms: autocratic (adj.) Context: The country’s government was an autocracy; one person had all the power.

6 bureaucrat Part of speech:
Root: [French: bureau = “desk” + Greek –kratos = “rule”] Definition: Related Forms: bureaucracy (n.), bureaucratic (adjective) Sentence: The bureaucrat at the Department of Taxation wrote reports all day and filed them in alphabetical order.

7 epidemic Part of speech: noun and adjective Roots:
Definition: (adj) spreading rapidly and affecting many (n) widespread outbreak of disease Sentence: (n) The bird flu epidemic spread quickly through the country. Sentence: (adj) The epidemic disease caused much suffering in the community.

8 demagogue Root: Part of speech: Definition: Related forms:
Sentence: Hitler is an example of a demagogue who gained power by appealing to people’s fears.

9 chronic Root: Part of speech:
Definition: marked by long duration or frequent recurrence; long-lasting Synonym: Antonym: Sentence:

10 synchronize Root: [syn = “together” + chronos = “time”]
Part of speech: Definition: to cause to occur at the same time Related forms: Sentence:

11 pediatrician Root: [ped =“child + iatros = physician] Part of speech:
Definition: Related forms: pediatric (adj.) Sentence: The pediatrician examined the baby to see if he had an ear infection

12 encyclopedia Root: [enkyklios = around = paidea “child-rearing”]
Part of speech: Definition: Related form: encyclopedic (adj.) Context: Ellen got the information from her project on China from the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

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