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Actuarial and Benefits Consulting Jonathan Mowbray CARES

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Presentation on theme: "Actuarial and Benefits Consulting Jonathan Mowbray CARES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Actuarial and Benefits Consulting Jonathan Mowbray CARES
1 December 2003 Aon Consulting Limited is regulated by the Personal Investment Authority for investment business

2 Why Money Purchase fails
Members take all the risk Transience No pooling of investment risk Members cannot afford the risk Safer investments Lower benefits for same cost

3 Ancient History Preservation / 5 year vesting 1975
GMP / Requisite Benefits 1978 GMP revaluation 1978 Anti-franking 1985 Pension revaluation 1986

4 Modern History 2 year vesting 1988 GMP increases 1988
Debt on employer 1991 Pension revaluation again 1991 LPI / wind-up / surplus 1992 LPI 1997 MFR / debt on employer 1997 Wind-up / debt on employer again 2003

5 What’s gone wrong? Targeted, minimum ongoing and guaranteed discontinuance benefits Only difference is real salary growth To pay lower than target benefits must break final salary link

6 Why Final Salary fails Company takes the whole of the risk
Cost has progressively increased Increased contribution volatility risk FAS, FRS & IAS liabilities Loss of investment freedom

7 What do companies want? Value for money Stable contributions
Guaranteed benefits for members Staff retention Low risk

8 CARE Schemes Career Average Revalued Earnings Schemes

9 CARE Schemes Example - Each year member earns:
Salary ¸ 60 as a pension Each year pension earned to date is increased by the Trustees Increase guaranteed to be at least RPI More if investment returns etc allow it

10 CARE Schemes The vital issue is the reintroduction of discretionary benefits Guaranteed benefit increases in line with RPI Target benefit increases in line with national average earnings etc Difference between target and guaranteed allows funding flexibility

11 Not just a cheaper option
If switch from Final Salary to CARES to reduce cost, potentially increasing risk Targeted, minimum ongoing and guaranteed discontinuance benefits

12 Risk - Advantages Risk is shared
Members receive a guaranteed benefit, more if affordable Company cost is relatively stable Benefits relatively easily understood

13 Funding Flexibility The vital issue is the reintroduction of discretionary benefits Guaranteed ongoing benefit increases in line with RPI Target benefit increases in line with national average earnings etc Difference between target and guaranteed allows funding flexibility

14 What CARES offers members
A benefit which is guaranteed to be adequate A possibility of a larger benefit if affordable Ability to plan retirement as benefit becomes more certain over time

15 CARES - For the Company Predictable cost
Removal / reduction of FRS deficit Flexibility in sharing risk with members Pooled investments DB - so more saleable to workforce Golden handcuff aids retention No reduction to benefits???

16 Why CARES can work Discretionary benefits
Target benefit is around 30% larger than guaranteed benefit at revaluation of 2% pa above RPI Similar effect to discretionary increases in payment

17 Is now the right time? Many companies moving to DC – alternative may be discontinuance Possibly no reduction to benefits? If remain with Final Salary… Assets fall - problems worsen Assets rise - problems disappear

18 Reasons given Reduction of accrued liabilities to minimum guaranteed
Cost containment Risk management Middle way

19 Some issues Past service conversion? Same or separate Trust?
Contributions and bonus policy Valuations & bases

20 Contributions / bonus policy
Company funds for target benefits & bonus paid in line with target unless unaffordable Co pays flat rate unless outside limits - bonuses paid on funding level between target and guarantee Fluctuations shared equally

21 Alternatives - Hybrids
5 main types: Underpin schemes Split benefits Top up schemes DC feeder to DB Cash balance plans

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