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How To Right A Catamaran Capsize

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Presentation on theme: "How To Right A Catamaran Capsize"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Right A Catamaran Capsize
By Ben Harris

2 Credits Photos taken by Barry Peters at the Datchet Fast Cat Open in March 2015. Photos starring Paul Wakelin (RYA Head Youth Multihull Coach) & Oli Greber (ISAF Youth Worlds Bronze Medallist) on a Nacra F18 Infusion.

3 Step 1 Capsize!

4 Step 2 The Helm & Crew must retrieve the righting line and let off the downhaul and sheets. Then they must pull on the righting line.

5 Step 3 As the boat begins to right, the crew must straddle the hull and prepare to climb onto the boat.

6 Step 4 The crew grabs the tiller extension and points the boat head to wind whilst the helm climbs on over the front beam.

7 Step 5 The helm and crew make sure they are alright and pull in the righting line.

8 Step 6 Continue sailing.

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