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The history of the Spanish language

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1 The history of the Spanish language
Done by: 3-year students Full-time education form Direction of training: Organisation Management Konovalova A. and Pozdina V.

2 Spanish is: – the official language in 21 countries
– one of the official languages of the United Nations and the Organization of American States (OAS) – the mother tongue of 400 million people – third language in the world after English and Chinese

3 The formation of the Spanish language
The Spanish language is a romance language It has a lot of German words, Italian, French and words from other languages

4 The history of the Spanish language origin and development
In the beginning of the eleventh (XI) century under the influence of priests and pilgrims, the dictionary of the Spanish language was enriched with words and expressions from the French language

5 In the thirteenth (XIII) century Castile dominated the Peninsula about political issues, and therefore Castilian dialect gradually became the standard language

6 At the end of the fifteenth (XV) century as a result of unification of the monarchies of Castile and Aragon of the Castilian language became the language of legal, political and diplomatic documents

7 During the fifteenth (XV) and sixteen (XVI) centuries some Italian words entered the Spanish language as a result of the domination of Aragon in Italy and a great love for Italian poetry in Spain

8 In 1611 appeared the first dictionary of the Spanish language, the creation of the Sebastian Covarrubia In 1713 was founded by the Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Española)

9 Modern Spanish Currently, the Spanish native speakers create new words: the appearance of neologisms provoked by technological and scientific progress There is such a thing as Spanglish In Moscow opened the Cervantes Institute


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