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Software Analytics Platform

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1 Software Analytics Platform

2 What is Kiuwan? Kiuwan is the Optimyth cloud solution platform
Can analyze all your applications portfolio to gather key information from the source code  Calculates relevant indicators that will help all stakeholders in the software development life cycle to make decisions to reduce risk, improve quality, security and productivity  Application source code can be analyzed locally or in the cloud 

3 What does it do? Source code static analysis
Defect detection that affect 5 important software characteristics: Security, Reliability,Efficiency, Maintainability and Portability Calculation of software quality metrics —number of violations, complexity, design, volume Detection of duplicate code Calculation of software indicators: Risk, Global Indicator and 5 software characteristics indicators, Effort to target, Technical debt 

4 Kiuwan Standard Compliance Analyzer
The languages supported by this analyzer are: Abap, COBOL, C #, Java, Javascript, JSP, PL/SQL, SQL, VB.NET, VB6 Checking that the code complies with the configured quality model set or rules Checking if the implemented code and the architectures are aligned: application of best practices required in the use of an application framework Determining if there are potential defects

5 Kiuwan Metrics, Rules and Indicators
Kiuwan Code metrics:  Kiuwan provides the information about Volumetric, Documentation, Complexity, Quality, Efforts or Governance Kiuwan Rules: Kiuwan provides a library with hundreds of rules that verify the standard compliance for the technologies supported, with great configuration capabilities Kiuwan Indicators : are metrics calculated from evidences which Kiuwan extracted from source code with its analyzers

6 Risk index How far you are to get an acceptable quality level It has used your quality indicator and the effort that you need to spend to reach the quality level set as goal for you.  Effort to target The effort to target (in hours) is what you need to invest to achieve your quality target.

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