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CERES Update As for CERES status:

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1 CERES Update As for CERES status:
CERES instruments on Terra and Aqua performing nominally (except for SW channel on FM4 which failed in March 2005) Release of SSF1deg, SYN1deg and EBAF Ed2.6 on new CERES subsetter/visualization/ordering tool: Merged CERES Terra and Aqua data code has been delivered to ASDC. In testing. Latest Edition of CERES cloud code delivered (Edition4) to ASDC. Production to start in September. Upcoming events: - Next CERES science team meeting October 4-6, 2011 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. - CERES FM5 on NPP launch date October 25, Special Union session at Fall AGU in December. Science Results: - Paper refuting Trenberth's "Missing Energy" Science Perspectives paper.   The paper has been submitted to Nature Geosciences.

2 Paper to Nature Geosciences
Heating of Earth's Climate System Continues Despite Lack of Surface Warming in Past Decade Norman G. Loeb1*, John M. Lyman2,3, Gregory C. Johnson3, Richard P. Allan4, David R. Doelling1, Takmeng Wong1, Brian J. Soden5 and Graeme L. Stephens6

3 Paper to Nature Geosciences
Figure 1 | Global surface temperature anomalies during the past 30 years. Global annual average temperature anomalies from the 1981–2010 mean (black dots with 95% confidence limits) from the HadCRUT3 dataset10. The trend for the entire period (dashed line) is 0.016±0.002 °C/yr. For 2001–2010 the trend (red line) is 0.00±0.01 °C/yr. Figure 4 | Comparison of net TOA flux and upper ocean heating rates. (a) Global annual average net TOA flux from CERES observations (based upon the EBAFTOA_ Ed2.6 product) and (b) ERA Interim reanalysis25 are anchored to an estimate of Earth’s heating rate for 2006–2010 (see methods). The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (PMEL/JPL/JIMAR) ocean heating rate estimates17 (a) use data from Argo and World Ocean Database ; Uncertainties for upper ocean heating rates are given at one-standard error derived from OHCA uncertainties3. See methods for a description of CERES uncertainties. The gray bar (b) corresponds to one standard deviation about the 2001–2010 average net TOA flux of 15 CMIP3 models.

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