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Municipal Courts Department

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1 Municipal Courts Department
CORE SERVICE ASSESSMENT PRESENTATION March 3, 2011 Presented by: Barbara E. Hartle, Director and Presiding Judge

TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE DEPARTMENT-LEVEL INFORMATION Department Mission Statement Management Organizational Overview Core Services Overview Department Summary Core Services Matrix COST CENTER (Administrative Services) Core Services Overview 8 Cost Center Core Services Matrix 9 Core Services Analysis COST CENTER (Public Services) Core Services Overview 13 Cost Center Core Services Matrix 14 Core Services Analysis COST CENTER (Court Operations) Core Services Overview 18 Cost Center Core Services Matrix 19 Core Services Analysis COST CENTER (IT System Support) Core Service Overview 23 Cost Center Core Services Matrix 24 Core Services Analysis COST CENTER (Judicial Operations) Core Service Overview 28 Cost Center Core Services Matrix 29 Core Services Analysis REVENUE ANALYSIS General Fund Revenue Overview 36 Special Fund Revenue Overview 37 Core Services Matrix (Special Funds) Core Services Analysis (Special Funds)

3 The Mission of the Municipal Courts Department is to provide an accessible legal forum for individuals to have their court matters heard in a fair and efficient manner, while providing a high level of integrity, professionalism and customer service.

Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle Deputy Director Nelly Santos Administrative Judge Maria Casanova Clerk of Court/Deputy Director Charlotte Booker Associate Presiding Judge Herbert Gee Full-Time Judges and Adjudication Hearing Officers Assistant Directors: Gregory Prier (Court Operations) Karen Williams (Public Services) Assistant Directors: Gilbert Crawford (Administrative Services) Rex Billings** (IT System Support ) Associate Judges Deputy Assistant Director Lilly Warden (Administrative Support) ** Department anticipates that IT related FTEs will be reallocated to the IT Department.

Director and Presiding Judge $ 22,820,424 FTE: (+40)** ** See Special Fund info on p.37 reflecting additional 40 FTEs for Department Court Operations $ 6,617,486 FTE: 126 Administrative Services $ 3,824,076 FTE: 19 Public Services $ 4,173,901 FTE: 87.5 IT System Support** $ 2,785,201 FTE: 13 Judicial Operations $ 5,419,760 FTE: 51.85 Provide Judicial Support Maintain Dockets Process Judicial Orders Coordinate Alternative Sentencing Enter Traffic/Non-Traffic Citations Verify Warrants Complete Booking of Class C Prisoners Prepare Complaints Scan Court and Case Documents into System Process Bond Forfeitures and Appeals Process Bankruptcy and Expunction Requests Comply with State Document Retention Standards and fund Storage Contract Expenditure Highlights: Contract for Citation Books Administrative Management Facilities and Safety Financial Services Human Resources Mail Services Public Information Office Training Expenditure Highlights: Private Security Contract Payment of building utilities usage fees Collect Fines & Fees , Provide Court Information and Process Court Actions at Central Location & 5 Satellites. Process and Reconcile On-line and Kiosk Payments Contact and Collect on Delinquent Payments (One Call Solution Center) Process Bonds & Re-set Cases Review Counter Transactions for Accuracy Process Jail Bonds Provide Support for Parking Adjudication Prepare and Send Court Notices and Process Court Actions received via Mail Expenditure Highlights: Armored Car Contract Arraignment Dockets Jury Trial Dockets Trial by Judge Dockets Magistrate Services Jail Arraignments/Trials Parking Adjudication Juvenile Dockets Homeless Dockets Impact Dockets Civil Adjudication Court Regular/Satellite Annex Courts Mandated Court Services (Court Reporters, Court Interpreters, Court Appointed Lawyers) Jury Summonsing (2 locations) Administrative Support Mandated Licensing/Training System Administration Application Support Field Services Data Management Business Analysis Management and Administration ** Department anticipates that IT related FTEs will be reallocated to the IT Department.


7 Administrative Services
Cost Center

8 Administrative Services Public Information Office
: Core Services Overview Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle Administrative Services Nelly Santos Deputy Director $3,824,076 FTE: 19 Administrative Management $454,197 FTE: 3 Public Information Office $ 428,671 FTE: 5 Facilities and Safety $ 1,463,647 FTE: 1 Mail Services $ 256,796 FTE: 2 Financial Services $ 671,945 FTE: 7 Training $ 75,593 FTE: 1 Human Resources** $ 473,227 FTE: 0 ** The FTE's do not include (5) HR employees who have moved to HR due to consolidation, but the budget funding still remains in MCD.

9 : Core Services Matrix

10 1600010001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Administrative Management No Consists of executive team members who manage and oversee the administrative personnel and serve as support for all court functions. Deputy Director and Assistant Director Administrative Services are essential to the operation of the Court. All current positions have been reviewed and are necessary for the operation of the Department. Facilities and Safety (Private Security) Manages /oversees operational and technical activities including: Maintenance and management of department buildings, facilities and grounds Oversight of contract security guards. Administrative Support Staff and Contract Security Services This service is essential to the operation of the Court and cannot be eliminated. Financial Services Yes State Statute (Gov’t Code, Ch 72) Manages /Coordinates: City/State mandated reporting submission Provides financial data and ad hoc reports for management Participates in the preparation of the Department’s annual budget submission Provides monthly financial reporting. Financial Support Staff These staff are slated for consolidation into the Finance Department. Human Resources This function has been transferred to the HR Department as part of their consolidation initiative. The FY11 Budget for this staff currently remains but FTEs have been transferred. HR Administrative Staff This function has been transferred to the HR Department as part of their consolidation initiative.

11 1600010001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Mail Services No Procurement to support court operations (paper and supplies). Distribution and delivery of in-house and external mail. Maintains inventory of equipment. Coordinates transfer of surplus equipment/furniture. Coordinates record archival. Deputy Assistant Director and Administrative Support Staff Mail Services are essential to the operation of the Court. Elimination of this service would adversely affect court operations. Public Information Office Yes Federal (Freedom of Information Act) State Statute (Gov’t Code, Sec 552) Serves as Department liaison between internal/external stakeholders. Disseminates information to external stakeholders in accordance with federal, state and local law. Manages Department’s website information and web-based processes. Issues Press Releases, announcements, advisories, and court policies and procedures. Serve as legislative liaison for Department. Tracks legislative matters related to courts. Processes TPIA requests. Monitor City Council meetings and Public Sessions. Public Information Officer and Administrative Support Staff Services performed by the Public Information section are essential to the operation of the Court and provide critical information to the public. Training (28 USC 534) State (CCP, Ch. 60) CA Coordinates Clerk Certification training through the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center (TMCEC) Coordinates TCIC/NCIC criminal information database training. Manages contractual agreement with NCIC/TCIC. Assists with ensuring compliance with State/Federal requirements. Senior Trainer Elimination of this service would shift the training/compliance of staff to each cost center.

12 Public Services Cost Center

13 Public Services Division Clerk of Court/Deputy Director
: Core Services Overview Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle Public Services Division Charlotte Booker Clerk of Court/Deputy Director $4,173,901 FTE: 87.50 Payment Receipting $ 1,480,171 FTE: 30 Collections $ 1,010,239 FTE: 22 Mail Processing $ 570,838 FTE: 12 Bonds and Resets $ 352,097 FTE: 8 Quality Assurance $ 284,319 FTE: 6 Jail Bonding $ 213,289 FTE: 5 Parking Support $ 124,270 FTE: 3 Administration Management $ 138,678 FTE: 1.50

14 : Core Services Matrix

15 1600020001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Administration Management Yes State Statute (Gov’t Code, Ch 30) City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Oversight of the Public Service Division of the Courts Ensures compliance with State Statute on Collections Collects over $60M in fines & fees annually, 38-40% of which is collected on behalf of the State The units in this division, some of which operate 24/7, are critical for monetary collection and compliance. Clerk of Court/Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Administrative Support Staff This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . Payment Receipting and Court Information (CCP, Art. 42) Collection of Court-related fines and fees. Processing & reconciling of payments received online & via payment kiosk Processes Court actions and provide Court information Coordinates cash pick-ups/deposits with contract armored car service. Full-time clerks (CSR I, CSR II, CSR III) This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court by providing accurate court information and ensuring a smooth court process for all stakeholders. Collections (One Call Solution Center) (CCP, Art. 103) Fields calls via for processing payments and Court actions Initiates outbound pre-collection calls Coordinates contact reminders for individuals with scheduled court dates. Collects delinquent payments prior to submission to outside collection agency in compliance with State statute. This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . The services provided by this call center generate revenue and provide essential customer service.

16 1600020001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Bonds and Reset Services Yes State Statute (CCP, Art.17) Processes personal and attorney bonds Coordinates case resets on behalf of individuals and attorneys. Full-time clerks (CSR I, CSR II, CSR III) This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . Quality Assurance No Reviews Public Service Counter transactions to ensure accuracy. Processes DPS fees and holds Processes NSF corrections and refunds due to defendants. Elimination of this service could adversely affect driving records, license renewals, reporting dismissals, wait time, and, ultimately, revenues. Jail Bonding (CCP, Art. 17) Receives bonds on behalf of individuals and attorneys on a 24/7 basis that allow release from jail. This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . It also provides critical information to the public and to law enforcement to ensure compliance and due diligence to those who are incarcerated. Parking Adjudication Support City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Provide clerk and cashier services to support the Parking Adjudication process. This service is mandated by City Ordinance and is essential to the operation of the Parking Adjudication section of the Courts. Mail Processing (CCP, Art. 45) Preparation and issuance of Court notices Processes Court payments and court-related documents submitted by mail.

17 Court Operations Division
Cost Center

18 Clerk of Court/Deputy Director Complaints and Scanning
: Core Services Overview Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle Court Operations Charlotte Booker Clerk of Court/Deputy Director $6,617,486 FTE: 126 Warrant Verification $ 1,226,388 FTE: 25 Complaints and Scanning $ 956,114 FTE: 18 Bond Administration $ 290,102 FTE: 6 Courtroom Clerks $ 3,147,217 FTE: 65 Quality Assurance $ 644,466 FTE: 10 Records Retention $ 119,317 FTE: 0 Administration Management $ 233,882 FTE: 2

19 : Core Services Matrix

20 1600030001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Administration Management Yes State Statute (Gov’t Code , Ch 30) City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Ensures compliance with State and City mandated responsibilities for judicial and prosecutorial support. Management oversight of Court Clerks (CSRs). Processes bankruptcy requests. Processes expunction petitions. Specific sections operate 24/7. Clerk of Court/Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Administrative Support staff This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. It also provides critical judicial and prosecutorial support. Courtroom and Case Initiation Clerks Provides support to the Judicial Operations Division: Maintaining/coordinating court and jail dockets. Processing Judicial Orders. Coordinating alternative sentencing data. Entering traffic and non-traffic citations into the Court’s case management system. Full-time clerks (CSR I, CSR II, CSR III) This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. It also provides critical public service and judicial/prosecutorial support. Warrant Verification (CCP, Art. 45) Handles law enforcement warrant verification requests (24/7), ensuring data accuracy in order to prevent false arrest Completes the booking process of prisoners charged with Class C misdemeanors. Full-time clerks This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. It also provides a critical service to law enforcement who rely on accurate information from the courts .

21 1600030001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Appeals and Bond Forfeiture Processing Yes State Statute (CCP, Ch 22) City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Processing of bond forfeitures. Processing of appeals . Ensures compliance with State and local bond requirements. Full-time clerks (CSR I, CSR II, CSR III) This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. This service also provides valuable service and information to the public and to Bonding entities. Quality Assurance No Review and correction of court documents (complaints, citations) to ensure accuracy. Elimination of this service could adversely affect the accuracy of driving record reporting, license renewals, dismissals, wait time and, ultimately, revenues. Record Retention (Gov’t Code, Art. 441) Ensures compliance with State requirements for the retention of Court documents. Manages the storage and destruction of Court documents in compliance with State and local requirements. Funds the cost for off-site storage facility. Administrative Staff This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. Complaint Generation (Affiants) and Document Scanning (Gov’t Code, Art. 30) Prepares complaints and other Court documents for trial cases. Electronically scans citations and other case documents into the Court’s case management system. Coordinates /funds HPD Citation book orders (Outside Contract). This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court. This service component is also critical to HPD operations and in creating charging instruments for prosecutors/courts.

22 IT System Support Cost Center 1600040001
** Department anticipates that IT related FTEs will be reallocated to the IT Department.

23 1600040001: Core Services Overview
Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle ** Department anticipates that IT related FTEs will be reallocated to the IT Department. * See Special Fund info on pg. 37 for 7 additional IT-related FTEs IT System Support** Nelly Santos Deputy Director $2,785,201 FTE: 13* System Administration $ 525,290 FTE: .88 Business Analysis $ 147,692 FTE: 1.98 Application Support $ 473,172 FTE: 2.40 Data Management $ 316,663 FTE: 3.75 Field Services $ 208,428 FTE: 2.29 Revolving Account $ 919,397 FTE: 0 Management & Administration $ 194,559 FTE: 1.70

24 : Core Services Matrix

25 (insert service detail worksheet here)
: Core Services Analysis SERVICE MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED System Administration No These activities represent those required to support the back-end systems that provide access to Departmental systems. Activities include: ICMS environment support Server administration Data back-ups Tech Hrdwr Analyst III (Additional individuals provide support and are funded through the Courts Technology Fund) Municipal Courts would be unable to provide access to, and support of, departmental applications, including ICMS applications. Application Support Yes State Statute (CCP, Art ) City Ordinance (Chapter 2, Art 4) These activities support the applications used by the department in completing its mission. Mandated services include: Document retention (City Ordinance) Public display of docket (State law) IT Project Manager Programmer Analyst I Programmer Analyst II Programmer Analyst III Systems Consultant Field Services (CCP, Art. 17) These activities support the software and hardware that face departmental users. Activities include: 24/7 Helpdesk Desktop support Video arraignment support Collections/Call center support Mandated services include: Video arraignment (State law) Collections/Call center (State law) Tech Hrdwr Analyst I Municipal Court users would no longer have support for computers and other necessary equipment. (insert service detail worksheet here) (see other cost centers for example)

26 (insert service detail worksheet here)
: Core Services Analysis SERVICE MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Data Management Yes State Statute (Gov’t Code, Sec 552) This team provides manages the data and interfaces of the department. Their key activity is to provide data and reports at the request of departmental, interdepartmental and external stakeholders. Mandated activities include: Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) compliance IT Project Manager Programmer Analyst I Programmer Analyst II Programmer Analyst III Programmer Analyst IV Systems Consultant Administrative Assistant (Additional individuals provide support and are funded through the Courts Technology Fund) The department, other City departments and external entities would lose the ability to receive information regarding the Court business. Additionally, the department will no longer be able to support data interfaces with external entities (e.g. HPD). Business Analysis No This team assists departmental groups in documenting and defining business improvement initiatives. Examples includes: Collections and call center initiative Electronic citation handheld device Video arraignment Assistant Director System Support Analyst I System Support Analyst II The department would lose the thought and knowledge capital dedicated to business process improvement. Management and Administration These activities are those necessary to support the division and the department, including: Budget planning and execution HR activities Project management The division would lose its ability to manage the resources (both people and funds) assigned to the department and division. Revolving Accounts These accounts are used to fund ITD activities provided to MCD by ITD including: ·         ·         Network connectivity ·         SAP ·         Voice infrastructure Information Technology Department (ITD) Support for enterprise services (services provided by ITD) would be eliminated. (insert service detail worksheet here) (see other cost centers for example)

27 Judicial Operations Cost Center

28 1600070001: Core Services Overview
JUDICIAL OPERATIONS Barbara E. Hartle Director and Presiding Judge $5,419,760 FTE: 51.85 Judge Maria Casanova Administrative Judge Judge Herbert Gee Associate Presiding Judge Nelly Santos Deputy Director Full-Time Judges FTE: 19 Adjudication Hearing Officers FTE: 2.81 Associate Judges FTE: 6.46 Lilly Warden Deputy Assistant Director Administrative Support FTE: 18.58

29 : Core Services Matrix

30 Cost Center 1600070001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Jury Trial Dockets Yes State Statute (CCP, Art. 1.12) Jury Trial dockets are held Monday through Friday in eight courts at the Central and Westside locations. Full-time and Associate Judges This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . Trial by Judge Dockets (CCP, Art. 1.13) Trial by Judge dockets are scheduled during the day, Monday-Friday, at four court locations. Arraignment Dockets City Ordinance (Chapter 16) (Local Rules) Arraignment dockets are scheduled Monday-Friday evenings and on Saturdays to allow more trials to occur weekdays. This service is mandated by Ordinance and is essential to the operation of the Court . Magistrate Services (CCP, Art ) Municipal Judges issue Statutory Warnings to persons in custody for all law enforcement agencies at all court locations . This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . It also provides a vital service to law enforcement. Jail Arraignments/Trials Individuals in custody are arraigned within 24-hrs of arrest and jail trial dockets are regularly scheduled. Two court locations currently perform this service seven days per week/365 days per year (including holidays). This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court . It also provides a vital service to law enforcement and assists in reducing jail population levels.

31 Cost Center 1600070001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Homeless Docket No Dedicated dockets held 3 times/month that handle: The Homeless Court Docket is an Inter-Agency Agreement between the City Of Houston Municipal Courts and the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County, Inc. (established in 2006) Program goal is removing legal barriers for defendants who are homeless and have outstanding or delinquent cases. Full-time Judge in partnership with the Coalition for the Homeless This service is provided at no additional cost to the City and serves a vital role to the community. Impact Docket Dedicated dockets implemented in FY09 that handle: Multi-case defendants who have building code violations and 8-liner cases. The Judge assigned to this court also handles other dockets in addition to the Impact Docket. Full-time Judge This service is provided at no additional cost to the City. Other trial courts would have the added burden of handling these complex cases that may be required to be tried individually. Juvenile Dockets Dedicated dockets that handle : Juvenile cases, 5 days per week, Court #12. Assigned Judge handles other court matters and serves as the evening Associate Presiding Judge. Assigned Judge also handles Truancy cases referred by the Juvenile Case Manager program on regularly scheduled dockets (4 dockets per month). This service is provided at no additional cost to the City and serves a vital role to the community, and provides early intervention. Regular Annex Courts Dedicated Courts that handle: Attorney resets and individual off-docket matters at Central, Southeast, North, and Westside Command locations. Allow individuals to set cases for trial, show proof of compliance, request DSC or Deferred Adjudication, make payments, or speak with a Judge and prosecutor prior to the arraignment setting. Full-time and Associate Judges Courts would have overcrowded arraignment dockets, case resolution would be delayed, longer wait time for court services and operation of law, and possibly reduced revenue.

32 Cost Center 1600070001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Satellite Annex Courts No Satellite Annex Courts operate one day/week in Kingwood (Wednesdays 8am-7pm), and Clearlake (Thursdays, 8am-5pm) and handle: Attorney resets Off-docket matters, allowing individuals to set cases for trial, show proof of compliance documents, request DSC or Deferred Adjudication, make payments, or speak with a Judge and prosecutor prior to the arraignment setting. These courts are part of the Court’s decentralization effort. Full-time and Associate Judges Courts would have overcrowded arraignment dockets, case resolution would be delayed, longer wait time for court services and operation of law, and possibly reduced revenue. Parking Adjudication Yes City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Hold liability hearings in person and by mail at the Central location. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30am-10pm, Saturdays 8am-5pm. This service is partially funded by ARA. Administrative Judge, Full/Part-Time Adjudication Hearing Officers This service is mandated by Ordinance and is essential to the operation of the Court . Civil Adjudication Court City Ordinance (Chapter 10) Authorizes the prosecution of certain health and safety violations as civil offenses (previously prosecuted as criminal offenses).  It is expected that processing these cases administratively rather than criminally will substantially reduce the time between issuance of citation and case resolution (31 – 45 days).  Adjudication Hearing Officers This service is mandated by Ordinance. Other Trial Courts would have to handle these cases as criminal rather that civil offenses, and there would be longer wait periods for trials.

33 Cost Center 1600070001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Mandated Services : Court Reporters Yes State Statute (Gov’t Code, Ch. 30) (Gov’t Code, Ch. 52) City Ordinance (Chapter 16) City Ordinance provides: The record of proceedings in each of the municipal courts of record shall be preserved by a court reporter who shall meet the qualifications provided by law and shall be employed by the city as provided by law. Contract personnel are used for the shifts not covered by our full-time court reporter staff. Administration Manager, Full –Time Staff and Contract Services This service is mandated by Ordinance and is essential to the operation of the Court Certified Court Interpreters (Gov’t Code, Ch. 57) Mandated by Federal /State law, the Courts must: Provide a means to protect an individual’s constitutional rights and exercise due process. Contract personnel are used for the shifts not covered by full-time interpreter staff/for languages other than Spanish. Deputy Assistant Director, This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court and provides critical communication between defendants and the Court. Court Appointed Attorneys Section provides: If the defendant is charged with an offense involving moral turpitude or if the defendant is a juvenile charged with a non-traffic offense, the court shall, prior to any plea in the case, inform the defendant of the accusation against him, of the right to be represented by counsel and of the right to have counsel appointed if the defendant is indigent and financially unable to employ counsel. Contract Legal Services This service is mandated by Ordinance and is essential to the operation of the Court. It also provides critical service to indigent defendants.

34 Cost Center 1600070001: Core Services Analysis
MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED Mandated Services : Judicial Training Yes State Rule (Rule 5, Rules of Judicial Education) The Texas Municipal Courts Education Center requires that Judges, Adjudication Hearing Officers, and staff attorneys attend a mandatory 12-hour annual training. The City of Houston pays for the registration fees, travel/meals for its full-time staff attending this training. Deputy Assistant Director , Texas Municipal Courts Education Center This service is mandated by law and is essential to State compliance. Judges cannot preside over court matters without receiving annual training. Mandatory Licensing/Dues (State Bar and Licensing Requirements) The State Bar of Texas mandates the payment of annual dues for Judges, Adjudication Hearing Officers, and staff attorneys . The City of Houston pays the bar and municipal section dues of its full-time staff only. To comply with State mandates, certified Court Reporters and Court Interpreters must pay periodic license renewals and attend Continuing Education training in order to maintain licenses. Deputy Assistant Director, Licensing Entities, State/Local Bar This service is mandated by law and is essential to State compliance. Administrative Support No Provides administrative support to the Presiding Judge, Judges, and Adjudication Hearing Officers. Provides customer service to in-person, mail and telephone inquiries. Provides case support (ICMS), and case management problem resolution . Handles Mayor SR inquiries/responses. Deputy Assistant Director and Administrative Staff Administrative support is essential to the operation of the Court. All current positions have been reviewed and are necessary for the operation of the Department. Jury Summonsing State Statute (CCP, ) The IVR equipment, on-line service, data cleansing and the processing of the court’s jury summonsing is handled by contract with an outside vendor (Questmark). The management and payment of jurors is handled by Court administrative staff and the Controller’s Office. Jury Administrator, Controller’s Office, and Outside Vendor This service is mandated by law and is essential to the operation of the Court.

35 General Revenue and Special Fund Analysis

GENERAL FUND : REVENUE OVERVIEW Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle GENERAL REVENUE Fund: 1000 $ 36,725,750** FINES, FEES AND FORFEITURES $ 36,544,188 MISCELLANEOUS $ 181,562 Revenue from TPIA Requests Revenue from IT Reports ** Projected FY11 Revenue. (Does not include fines and fees collected and paid to the State quarterly)

Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle **Amounts reflected here are the Fund’s total revenues and total expenditures since the Program ‘s inception. (Revenues carry over) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FTE: 40 Juvenile Case Manager Fund Fund: 2211 Total Expenditures: $ 1,304,225** Total Fund Revenues: $2,606,559** FTE: 12 Municipal Court Building Security Fund Fund: 2206 Revenues: $ 1,073,534** Expenditures: $1,050,525** FTE: 21 Municipal Court Technology Fund Fund : 2207 Revenues: $2,232,484** Expenditures: $2,232,484** FTE: 7 Juvenile Case Manager Fund revenue consists of a $3.00 court fee collected for every paid conviction. Senior Juvenile Case Manager (1) Juvenile Case Managers (10) Juvenile Case Manager Counselors (2) Currently handle 10 HISD campuses Truancy Dockets (4 per month) Tobacco/Alcohol Awareness workshops Service Referrals for client/family Summer workshops and activities Building Security Fund revenue consists of a $3.00 court fee collected for every paid conviction. Municipal Court Security Officers (19) Municipal Court Supervisors (2) Protect the health and welfare of civilians and employees Established Standard Operating Procedures and policies related to Building Security Ensure courtroom management is efficient and conducive to expedient services. Verify citizen information required as part of the deferred payment process, as well as other verification processes. Current Proposed Legislation to raise fee by $1.00 Technology Fund revenue consists of a $4.00 court fee for every paid conviction. CourtView time/materials support ICMS debt repayment Website management eQuery support (external stakeholder query application) Desktop services Call Center support Server administration TPIA requests and data reporting Current Proposed Legislation to raise fee by $1.00


MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED FUND 2206: MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING SECURITY FUND Court Security Yes State Statute (CCP, Art, ) City Ordinance (Art. 1 Section 16-13) Building Security Fund revenue consists of a $3.00 court fee** for every paid conviction. Municipal Court Security Officers (19) Municipal Court Supervisors (2) Protect the health and welfare of civilians and employees Established Standard Operating Procedures and policies related to Building Security Ensure courtroom management is efficient and conducive to expedient services. Verify citizen information required as part of the deferred payment process, as well as other verification processes. Court Security Officers (19) Court Security Supervisors (2) This service is mandated by law and cannot be eliminated. FUND 2207: MUNICIPAL COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND System Support Yes State Statute (CCP, Art ) City Ordinance (Art. 1 Section ) Technology Fund revenue consists of a $4.00 court fee** for every paid conviction. CourtView time and materials support ICMS debt repayment Website management eQuery support/ External stakeholder query application Desktop services Call center support Server administration TPIA requests and data reporting Lan Specialist (1) Programmer Analyst I (1) Sr. Microcomputer Analyst (1) Systems Consultant (1) Systems Support Analyst IV (2) Technical Hardware Analyst I (1) This service is mandated by law and cannot be eliminated. ** Proposed legislation pending to raise both the Building Security and Technology fees by $1.00

SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: CORE SERVICES ANALYSIS SERVICE MANDATED? SERVICE ANALYSIS WHO PERFORMS SERVICE IMPACT IF ELIMINATED FUND 2211: JUVENILE CASE MANAGER FUND Truancy Prevention Yes State Statute (CCP, Art ) City Ordinance (Chapter 16) Juvenile Case Manager Fund revenue consists of a $3.00 court fee for every paid conviction. Senior Juvenile Case Manager (1) Juvenile Case Managers (9) Juvenile Case Manager Counselors (2) Currently handle 10 HISD campuses Truancy Dockets (4 per month) Tobacco/Alcohol Awareness workshops Service Referrals for client/family Summer workshops and activities Sr. Juvenile Case Manager (1) Juvenile Case Managers (11) This service is mandated by law and cannot be eliminated.

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