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XINFO – Scanner DS - Automic

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1 XINFO – Scanner DS - Automic

2 Preamble In that file wer are using the expression “Automic” (former “UC4”). Examples, parameters, technical expressions, etc. may still use the old expression “UC4” instead of “Automic”.

3 What is XINFO? A complete cross referencing tool for reporting and to analyze data from a wirde variety of systems of the datacenter: XINFO Assembler, C, Cobol, PL/I, Java, … JCL, Script, CICS, DB2, IMS, SMF, … Automic, CA7, Control-M TWS, Zeke, …

4 What is XINFO? XINFO is an IT information system. It enables you to cross reference data from various systems. XINFO analyzes your Automic definitions XINFO analyzes z/OS, UNIX und Windows data: JCL, job and programm run times, etc. XINFO analyzes SAP Systems XINFO loads the result into a database XINFO has dialogs to query and visualize the data

5 Database (DB2, ORACLE or MS-SQL)
Technical overview z/OS JCL SMF JCL Scanner SMF Scanner Unix, Windows Automic Automic Scanner UNIX, Windows File- system File Scanner SAP Scanner z/OS, Windows COBOL, PL1, C, Java, etc. Source code Scanner z/OS, UNIX, Windows Own Data own Scanner zOS, UNIX or Windows XINFO Database (DB2, ORACLE or MS-SQL) PC client

6 Typical Questions A major part of daily work consists of gathering information. XINFO enables you to acess that information. Some typical questions are: Which successors has a Job? Which jobs run on which Agents? What is the average runtime of a job? Which Jobs are not longer used? Where is a SYNC used? When did the Job run last time? Which Jobs are inactive? What is the critical Path?

7 Who needs XINFO? Everyone, who is involved in batch production, especially: Production Planning System Administators Applicatin Programming Project Groups (Merger, Migration, Implementation)

8 XINFO Automic Architecture
Unix/Windows Windows Oracle/MS-SQL Scanner Data Automic DBI (Database Interface) Oracle, MS-SQL or DB2 z/OS XINFO Windows PC-Client Server

9 XINFO and Automic XINFO is a useful Automic add-on and offers:
Universal job netplans (flowcharts), through all JobPlans. You can analyze all dependencies at job level. Fast and powerfil search function. You can combine all properties of all objects. Helps to: Do some evalutations like “which jobs run on server xy?” (even if the host name is set by a variable) Automatic check your naming standards and rules “unlimited“ job run time information, to discharge the Automic Database Easy to use: Enables everybody to get Automic information

10 XINFO and Automic The XINFO Automic Interface analyzes following Data:
Object definitions: JobPlan, jobs, file transfer, events, etc. for all platforms Pre-Script, script, post-script including script-functions and variables (at z/OS optional output of the JCL “as it will run“) Schedules Sync usage SAP Variants in Automic Jobs Statistics, job run times Forecast (no own XINFO forecast) Activities Revision reports

11 Automic – Selection Cross-Reference for Automic data
The PC-Client gives you easy acess to the data: Cross-Reference for Automic data

12 Automic - Selection Job-History and Forecast
Graphical Netplan and Barchart

13 Automic – Job Definitions
Search for all UNIX-JOBS with Archive Key INET1.PO1

14 Automic – Job Definitions
The Jobs HOST and LOGIN are also determined from pre- Script and script Archiv keys of the jobs

15 Automic – Filetransfers

16 Automic – Filetransfers
Which files came frome Server XY … ... and delete the source file

17 Automic – Filetransfers
From-File To File

18 Automic – Filetransfers
All properties of the Filetransfer-Object can be used for searching

19 Which objects are using this calendar keyword
Automic – Calendar Which objects are using this calendar keyword

20 ...this objects (JOBS, JOBP etc.) are using
Automic – Calendar ...this calender key In this JobPlans ... ...this objects (JOBS, JOBP etc.) are using

21 XINFO – Line Commands

22 XINFO – Line Commands On all results displays you can use “right mouse click“ to jump directly to other XINFO data

23 e.g. from Job definition to “run time”, or to SAP, or to JCL, …
XINFO – Line Commands e.g. from Job definition to “run time”, or to SAP, or to JCL, …

24 Automic – Runtime (Job History)

25 Automic – Runtime (Job History)
When did in January the backup jobs run?

26 Automic – Runtimes (Job History)
Automic Objects (Jobs, JobPlans, Filetransfer etc.) Start / End Status, Duration , CPU-Time … You can keep this run time information in XINFO for a very long time

27 Automic – Runtime Barchart (Job History)

28 Automic – Runtime Barchart (Job History)
Time axis Yellow: Activation Green: run time Red: Error Automic Objects (Jobs, JobPlans, Filetransfer etc.) Number active

29 Use “File save as“ to export XINFO-Data
XINFO – Export Use “File save as“ to export XINFO-Data

30 txt, csv, htm, wmf, bmp, jpg, u.v.w.
XINFO – Export Choose file type: txt, csv, htm, wmf, bmp, jpg, u.v.w.

31 Automic – JobPlan Netplan

32 Automic – JobPlan Netplan, the Objects
Cluster, here JobPlan SCRI Start EVNT End CALL JOBS JOBFiletransfer

33 Automic – JobPlan Netplan
Detail information by double click. These fields can be added to all Symbols (e.g. Host)

34 Automic – JobPlan Netplan
To change colors, shape and fields of symbols… Click on properties

35 Automic – JobPlan Netplan
Optional change colors, shape, fields of all symbols

36 Automic – JOB Netplan Enter the JobPlan name from which all subordinate jobs/objects you want to see

37 Automic – JOB Netplan Jobnetplan with all objects of the “master plan” plus all objects of its JobPlans

38 Option Cluster by “JobPlan”
Automic – JOB Netplan Option Cluster by “JobPlan”

39 Automic – JOB Netplan JobPlan-B “Master-Plan“ JobPlan-A JobPlan-C

40 Automic – JOB Netplan, Pred/Succ-Level
„Right mouse“, Predecessor/Successor Netplan

41 Automic – JOB Netplan One level predecessor and “all“ successor
Plan comprehensive Automic flowcharts can be found in XINFO

42 Automic – JOB Netplan Printing
XINFO Print preview for Netplans

43 Critical Path in Automic Jobnetplan

44 Kritischer Pfad im Automic Jobnetzplan
Based on “ERT” the longest Way and the estimated duration for this woll be calculated

45 XINFO – Analyzed Automic Script Functions

46 XINFO – Analyzed Automic Script Functions
XINFO is analyzing Automic script functions (also in Includes) Prep Process Var get_process_line Get Var Terminate IF ELSE ENDIF

47 XINFO – Analyzed Automic Script Function

48 XINFO – Analyzed Automic Script Funtions
XINFO is analyzing Automic script functions :PSET and funtions GET_ATT,ADD, SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME, SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE, SYS_ACT_JP, SYS_ACT_TOP_NAME

49 XINFO – Batch Interface
XINFO.EXE /CMD=BATCH.BIF /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Logon-Parameter */ CLOSE=ALL LOGON='C:\PROGRAMME\XINFO\LOGON_USER_MAX.LGN' /* Input and Output files */ LOAD_PRED=99 LOAD_SUCC=99 SELECTION_FILE='C:\PROGRAMME\XINFO\Selection_UC4.TXT' CREATE_JPG_FILE='C:\TEMP\GRAFIK_1.JPG' EXIT /* Exit XINFO */ Encrypted logon-Data A saved selection Output file name and type

50 XINFO – Batch Interface
BIF Statements like ARRANGE, IF, SCAN and GOTO are available. Using this and the XINFO-Linecommands, you can create complex reports and documentations.

51 XINFO – Automic Documentation
That HTML Document was created by the PC Client and it´s BIF Statements. It includes continuous information of jobs, including graphical flowcharts.

52 New since XINFO 3.7 Support of Automic version 10. Several new Tables:
Script Definitions Queue Definitons Login Defintions - (In which Login Object User x is defined) Variable Definitons - (Search for the content of a VARA) Agents - (To whlich Client did the Agent belong to) Transfered Files - (Which File was really transferred) Conditions/Actions Recurring Tasks

53 New with XINFO 3.7 Heredity of values over PSET from the parent object
Schedules are displayed in a Netplan Deleted Objects are shown in a Netplan with a new Symbol

54 Many thanks for your attention!

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