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Theme: Sport in Our Life 7 class Good health is above wealth. Emerson.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: Sport in Our Life 7 class Good health is above wealth. Emerson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: Sport in Our Life 7 class Good health is above wealth. Emerson

2 Conversation with on duty:
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today? How are you? Conversation with on duty:

3 Questions What kinds of sports do you know?
Does sport help people to keep in good health? What kinds of sports are popular in Russia? What typical British sports do you know? What sport activities attract the Americans? What are the major American sports? Why do people go in for sports?

4 Glossary: Snooker Wrestling White-water canoeing Water-skiing
Bungee jumping Bowling To toboggon Base jumping ['snuːkə] ['reslɪŋ] [waɪt 'wɔːtə kə'nuːɪŋ] ['wɔːtə] ['skiːɪŋ] ['bʌnʤɪˌʤʌmpɪŋ] ['bəulɪŋ] [tə'bɔg(ə)n] [beɪs] ['ʤʌmpɪŋ] снукер борьба спуск на каноэ по горным рекам катание на водных лыжах прыжок с большой высоты с эластичным тросом. игра в кегли, боулинг кататься на санях прыжки с парашютом с Неподвижного объекта

5 Sport in Great Britain


7 Sport in Russia


9 Sport in the USA


11 Relaxing I’m ready to rest I’m ready to rest I want to be quiet
All my muscles are relaxed All my muscles are relaxed My body is resting My body is resting Nothing can trouble me Nothing can trouble me

12 Serious sport is war minus shooting
Extreme Sports Serious sport is war minus shooting George Orwell, English writer

13 Answer the Questions: What kinds of extreme sports do you know?
Have you ever watched extreme sports on TV? What extreme sports would you like to try? Which of them are the most dangerous? Going in for extreme sports can cause many injures, can’t they?

14 Agree or Disagree Sport is a job for the young people.
Sport makes you strong. Sport helps you to meet people. Sport builds character. It makes you famous. It makes you happy or unhappy. It teaches you to be disciplined.

15 Задание творческого типа
A Cinquain is a 5 line poem that describes a noun (person, place or thing). It is a fun and easy way to introduce children to poetry but all ages can enjoy using this form of poetry. Line 1. One word title, a noun (a person, place or thing). Line 2. Two adjectives (words that describe the thing). Line 3. Three verbs (words that tell what your noun does). Line 4. A phrase (or sentence about the noun). Line 5. A Synonym for your title, another noun (another word for your title, rename your noun). Teacher: now we are going to write our own poem about Sport. Such poem is called ''Cinquain”.

16 Sport Attractive, exciting Train, lose, win Makes people strong Health
Cinquain Sport Attractive, exciting Train, lose, win Makes people strong Health



19 Photo-show. Guess Maria Sharapova Alina Kabayeva

20 Evgeni Plushenko Tony Hawk

21 Pavel Bure Cristiano Ronaldo

22 Muhammad Ali Diego Maradona


24 Task №1 Find some of these extreme sports in the photos
Task №1 Find some of these extreme sports in the photos. Task №2 Choose the right item. Task №3 Sports Questionnaire. Ask your partner about his(her) favorite kind of sports.

25 QUOTATION Words of Wisdom The first wealth is health.
“Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.” Henry David Words of Wisdom The first wealth is health. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don’t catch cold. Sports do not build character. They reveal it.

26 Egg-and-Spoon Race


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