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Happy Homecoming Mountain View!

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Homecoming Mountain View!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Homecoming Mountain View!
Today: Announcements The ‘Gender Book’s Prezi on Gender, Sexuality and Identity’ Trans Kids – Jazz’s Perspective HW: Finish Reading Ch. 4 – Ch. 4 test Friday (only M.C.). Review Sessions After School on Wednesday and at Lunch and After School on Thursday.

2 Who Are You? Create a pyramid : At the top – what makes you unique? Below that – what values/characteristics do you get from your friends Below that – what values/characteristics do you get from your family Below that – what values/characteristics do you get from society?

3 GO GIANTS! Today: Finish ‘Gender Book’ Prezi
Where do these ideas come from – videos If Time: What its like to be Trans HW: Study Ch. 4 test on Friday

4 The Gender Book

5 Reflections on Gender Identity
Why did the boys during the homecoming rally videos change their voices to be really ‘high’ when the girls didn’t change theirs to be really ‘low’? Why was the large football player in the dress the cross-dresser that got the most laughs? How might you feel as a boy who wanted to wear dresses watching those videos?

6 Where Do These Ideas Come From?
Gender-role development is influenced by the formation of schemas, or mental representations, of masculinity and femininity Research Example: Gabriel Example #1: Gabriel Example #2:

7 Happy Block Day Students!
Today: Finish MissRepresentation Answer Reflection Questions HW: Study for CH. 4 Test

8 What Do They Mean To Us: MissRepresentation
Final Reflection – What messages do we get from media about men and women? How are these harmful for boys? How are these harmful for girls? Key Criticisms: Please give examples of media that portray positive images of men and women interacting. Other criticisms of this documentary? Self Reflection: How do you forward gender expectations? How do you challenge them? WHY do you do this? (You’ve chosen to on your own, it was modeled to you by your parents/teacher, you have another role model that you emulate – please offer evidence that this is WHY you act the way you act (you break gender expectations when no one around you does etc.)

9 Nature vs. Nurture

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