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Mindfulness in Education

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Presentation on theme: "Mindfulness in Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindfulness in Education
Personal practice Personal mission Professional mission Persistence As it stands – approximately 40 people signed up for the overview session across most of our districts An Overview of the Research and Getting Started Liane Benedict

2 Mindful Moment Focus on the Breath
Key tenet is personal practice & development of the skills and strategies Mindful Posture Body Scan What did you notice? Focus on the Breath

3 What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn (MBSR) Bringing awareness to one’s experience – mindfulness can be applied to our senses, thoughts, and emotions by using sustained attention and noticing our experience without over-identifying. ~ Mindful Schools Mindfulness is paying attention here and now, with kindness and curiosity, and then choosing your behavior. ~ Amy Satlzman A core component of mindfulness is focus on the breath


5 Research Highlights ~ Excerpts Connect
Groups of 5 Each take a quote/excerpt from the collection Read & React Each share in turn. Others may add comments.

6 What’s Happening? Overview Session - March Book Study – in progress
Pilot with students Support development of personal practice Build a network Training opportunities ongoing

7 Box Breathing Practice
Hold breath for 4 counts Breath in for 4 counts Breath out for 4 counts Hold breath for 4 counts

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