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Building Bridges: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference February 16, 2017, Portland, OR Ellen Mendoza, AAG, OR DOJ Sarah Drinkwater, Asst Supt, ODE.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Bridges: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference February 16, 2017, Portland, OR Ellen Mendoza, AAG, OR DOJ Sarah Drinkwater, Asst Supt, ODE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Bridges: Oregon Statewide Transition Conference February 16, 2017, Portland, OR Ellen Mendoza, AAG, OR DOJ Sarah Drinkwater, Asst Supt, ODE

2 LANE v. BROWN The First Year: 2016

3 Before LANE v. BROWN

4 Families, Schools, and Agencies Often Were Like Separate Stars
Shining Light in Different Directions

5 Leading Youth To Community Jobs By Different Paths

6 Lane v. Brown Is Bringing Everyone into Orbit

7 A Brief History of Lane v. Brown
Class Action filed 2012 against DHS by 8 persons in Sheltered Workshops and United Cerebral Palsy Represented by Disability Rights Oregon and Center for Public Representation—Nonprofit Law firms Alleged Discrimination under ADA US intervened in 2012 added a claim for transition age youth against ODE

8 Olmstead v. L.C. 1999 US Supreme Court case
2 women in Georgia who were confined in psych hospital Unjustified segregation of persons with disabilities is discrimination in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act Required community based services when appropriate

9 Oregon Response to Lane Case
Executive orders directing change Employment First begins work “Closes the Door” to new referrals to Sheltered Workshops Settled in September, 2015 Approved by Federal Court in Dec. 2015

10 Lane Settlement Highlights
Focus Employment Services toward Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) No new entry into Sheltered Workshop Reduces Hours of Sheltered Work Help at least 1115 people move from Sheltered Work to CIE At least 4900 transition age youth get Employment Services.

11 Settlement Highlights (2)
Improve Policies to Encourage CIE Provide Training and Grants Require Career Development Plans Seek Funding Biennial Data Report Focus on Transition Planning for Youth and the Coordination of Services

12 Lots of Work To Do!

13 2016 Accomplishments Met Targets for new jobs for SW workers
Reduced SW hours as required Provided Employment Services for 2,971 SES to all named plaintiffs Implemented new rule on SES Wrote new policies to have a 20 hour work week as an standard for work New rule to encourage workers to seek CIE Described

14 More Accomplishments! Obtained Approval for New Rates from Medicaid
Produced 2 data reports tracking progress Provided funding for training Transformation grants to providers Continue to seek funding for changes

15 Continue Executive Order Tasks
Establish competency based standards Set certification standards Establish an communication plan Update MOUs between agencies Continue Quality Assurance plan Continued EO Policy Group Assist Independent Reviewer to monitor progress

16 Services for Transition Age Youth
EO 15-01: Requirement of transition-age or sheltered workers receive employment service by 6/30/16 2971 received service 1859 were transition-age individuals EO also required 50%of those transition-age individuals receive IPE 1485 received IPE (79.9%) Exceeded both requirements!

17 Independent Reviewer Visits
Continued and expanded use of evidence-based transition services Prineville: Joint class with ROTC in resume development; paid internship at local museum; internships paid by YTP and employer Bend HS: MOU between ODE and VR/ODDS assisted in bringing partners to the table

18 Independent Reviewer Visits
Sisters HS: Elem/MS/HS students in community work experiences; variety of paid jobs (camp employee, coffee cart, City Hall) Redmond SD: students participating in community veterinary program; multiple community work experiences Visits will occur around the state in 2017

19 Independent Reviewer Summary
Met with Employment First team (HS staff, VR staff, ODDS staff, TNF) New employment policies are helping to break down silos and supporting teams in working collaboratively toward joint goal of integrated, community employment for transition-age youth Transition-age youth (24yrs and younger) 19.4% are working in integrated, competitive employment (20hrs/week+)

20 ODE Transition Planning/Policies/Guidance
MOUs with VR/ODDS OAR – continuum of alternative placements Mock Sheltered Workshop Activities guidance Supported Employment Services guidance

21 Educational Provisions
Transition Technical Assistance Network Vision and Goals: Improve opportunities for youth with disabilities to live and work in their communities Provide transition TA for educators Develop strategies for successful team facilitation Continue to develop community partnerships Implement training and professional development Provide support for Pre-ETS

22 Educational Provisions
Transition Technical Assistance Network Improve Oregon’s system of supporting the transition of youth with I/DD and other disabilities to career/employment in collaboration with ODDS/VR Secondary Transition Liaison Transition Network Facilitators (8) Regional Employment Coordinator

23 2017 and Beyond

24 Continued Collaboration to Improve Transition Outcomes
ODE participation in National Technical Assistance Center (NTACT) with VR/WOU/ODDS to improve transition outcomes for youth with disabilities” Equitable, sustainable, simplified and non- redundant Educator Institutes Specific transition training with TNFs

25 Continued Collaboration
Post-School Outcome Survey for all students with disabilities who exit or graduate from public school services Best and clear picture of the outcomes for our students related to career and post- secondary training Expanded community work experiences while students are in school using evidence-based practices Focused work on graduation

26 Spiral Galaxy – Alignment and Coordination
Thank you for your continued work and collaboration with community partners; it positively impacts the employment outcomes for our students with disabilities. Spiral Galaxy – Alignment and Coordination

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