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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis

2 Photosynthesis light reactions (thylakoid)
6CO H2O gives C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O Calvin cycle or dark reactions (stroma) 􀁡photoenergy is required (endergonic

3 Using the Spectroscope
􀁡view white light w/ spectroscope,record colors seen 􀁡view red, blue, and green filters w/ Spectroscope,record colors seen 􀁡view spinach extract w/ spectroscope,record colors seen

4 Using the Spectrophotometer
tube 1 spinach extract tube 2 (blank) solvent tube 3 carrot extract 􀁡 record %T from nm in 25nm increments, graph 􀁡 100% T must be reset whenever λ is changed % %

5 Chromatography solvent line carotenes = orange carotenoids
xanthophylls = yellow chlorophyll a = blue-green chlorophylls chlorophyll b = yellow-green baseline

6 Chromatography, Rf values
􀁡Rf = pigment distance/solvent distance 􀁡affinity for the solvent = high Rf value 􀁡affinity for the paper = low Rf value 􀁡Staple finished chromatograms to report

7 Starch localization in leaves
􀁡Boiling the leaf in alcohol will remove the pigments, it will turn white 􀁡flood leaf w/ iodine iodine + starch = blue-black Draw leaf in color before boiling and after staining.

8 Chloroplast Model Label chloroplast in your lab manual 􀁡outer membrane
􀁡inner membrane 􀁡intermembrane space 􀁡stroma (Calvin cycle or dark reactions) 􀁡thylakoid (light reactions), granum, grana

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