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The Changing Position Of Political Parties

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1 The Changing Position Of Political Parties 1880-1951

2 Changing Fortunes of The Liberal Party
Liberals in power 1880, opposition to Conservative Party, Gladstonian government, little reforms and interference Split in party over Irish home rule and Boer war, Asquith in power, Liberal Welfare reforms aid elderly, workers, children and unemployed with moderate success Splits over war with Lloyd George and Asquith, no strong unified party for liberals, Lloyd George criticised and resigned from office leading to Conservative majority and further Labour growth Following heavy defeats the Liberals remained in coalition governments and eventually became the Liberal democrats

3 Changing Position of The Conservative Party
19th century main opponent to Liberals and usually second in votes, splits in Liberal party allowed Conservatives to receive more power by being strong and unified WW1 coalition with Liberals, took power from Lloyd George leading to the fragmentation of the Liberal party, post WW1 power and success through Stanley Baldwin WW2 second to the highly successful Labour Party in wartime, remained in a coalition and eventually took back power in 1951 and continued to be effective, main opposition to Labour Party and relatively balanced in vying for power

4 Growth of The Labour Party
19th century more of an ideology, not yet formed, 1990 Labour Party with Ramsey MacDonald and Kier Hardie, Ramsey MacDonald party leader in early 20th century, represented working class and amassed votes to surpass the Liberal Party following their decline 1924 first Labour government with Ramsey MacDonald, second government in , became main opposition to conservative party WW2 Churchill and post WW2 Attlee, had power in 40’s and remained highly powerful even with Conservative reclamation in 1951

5 Coalition Governments in wartime and the 1930’s
WW1 coalition government, Conservatives and Liberal party in power, Lloyd George prominent figure and ‘man who won the war’, pro-war government, Conservatives took back power post WW1 and led to further Liberal decline National government with Ramsey MacDonald, Viscount of Snowden, Conservatives with huge majority and Labour reliance on Liberals and Conservatives, tariffs on goods, 20% unemployment benefit cuts WW2 coalition government, Churchill Pm and Conservatives with high power, Churchill effective war leader and Clement Attlee became pm post WW2 until 1951

6 1906 399 protest vote v Con 1945 12 1951 6 1922 ditched by Con
Conservative Pre st War support LLG 1916 split Libs 1922 reject LLG Baldwin Try destroy Lab min gvt Con in thru 20’s Zinoviev Letter Nat gvt cuts-split Lab After war National Health and reform 213 win 321 Liberals Pre nd Split Gladstonian Unionists protest vote v Con War in gvt 1916 coalition LLG 1916 split Asquith and LLG 1918 Coupon election 1922 ditched by Con 1920’s split- rejoin late 20’s 1930 LLG ill split and National gvt 1951 6 Plaid Cymru Pre 1900 no seats 1906 no seats 1910 no seats Focus on Language 1926 Lewis Valentine Saunders Lewis Wales pre 1906 mainly Liberal After 1922 mainly Labour Always Labour dominated Changing positions of political parties Labour Pre 1900 No seats MacDonald agreement not split opp vote During war MacDonald resigns Henderson minority gvt Zinoviev Crash and depression Henderson Atlee Nat health service Coalition and National Government War- won it- split Liberals Lloyd George coalition over Cons Econ problems, coal ind, housing, scandals Nat gvt 529 (470 Con) (387 Con) POLICIES EVENTS LEADERSHIP TACTICS

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