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PRESENTATION OUTLINE Part A: Strategic overview
Part B: Programme and sub-programme plans Strategic Objectives, Annual and Quarterly targets Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Real Estate Part C: Links to other plans Conditional Grants Public-private partnerships Part C: Amendments in the Annual Performance Plan New Strategic Objectives Revised Strategic Objectives
VISION To become a leader in sustainable communal land management. MISSION To contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the members of the traditional communities living on Ingonyama Trust land by ensuring that land management is to their benefit and in accordance with the laws of the land. To develop progressive business models for the social and economic upliftment and the empowerment of the members of traditional communities on land administered by the Trust.
Programme 1: General Administration
Purpose The General Administration component provides administrative support services to the Board, and the Secretariat as a whole. The core functions of this component include: Fleet management, logistics, registry and reception Human Resources
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.1. Provide effective monitoring and evaluation systems to the Ingonyama Trust Board Number of mid-term reviews held and reports submitted 1 Staff training on the monitoring and evaluation framework New indicator 100% 1.2. Ensure effective stakeholder engagement and communication Customer Service Charter approved Implementation, M & E Review Stakeholder engagement plan developed and approved by the Board Number of Communication Reports submitted to the Board 12 Number of workshops with amakhosi 3
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.3. Provide IT Support to improve efficiency Audited IT infrastructure of the ITB 1 Implementation, M & E Review Bi annual check of software compliance conducted 2 Implementation plan for the IT policies developed New indicator 1.4. To ensure that efficient internal resource management is aligned to legislative requirements Number of policies reviewed or approved by the Board 5 6 7 Percentage of all movable assets to be recorded in the asset register 100% 1.5. To ensure the reduction of vacancies HR provisioning plan approved by the Board Percentage posts filled in relation to the HR provisioning plan 1.6. To ensure Performance Management in ITB Percentage of Performance agreements concluded timeously
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.7. Provision of skills development to improve service delivery Number of Internal Skills Audit performed 1 Implementation, M & E Review Number of training programmes conducted internally 10 12 15 1.8. To improve customer relationship Payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days of receipt in finance 100% Number of MOAs with traditional councils approved by the board 4 14
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.1. Provide effective monitoring and evaluation systems to the Ingonyama Trust Board Number of mid-term reviews held and reports submitted 1 - Staff training on the monitoring and evaluation framework 3 1.2. Ensure effective stakeholder engagement and communication Customer Service Charter approved Approved plan 25% implementation 50% implementation 75% implementation Stakeholder engagement plan developed and approved by the Board Number of Communication Reports submitted to the Board 12 Number of workshops with amakhosi
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.3. Provide IT Support to improve efficiency Audited IT infrastructure of the ITB 1 Infrastructure Audit report in place 25% implementation 50% implementation 75% implementation Bi annual check of software compliance conducted 2 - Implementation plan for the IT policies developed and approved by the Board IT implementation plan in place 1.4. To ensure that efficient internal resource management is aligned to legislative requirements Number of policies reviewed or approved by the Board 6 3 Percentage of all movable assets to be recorded in the asset register 100%
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.5. To ensure reduction of vacancies HR provisioning plan approved by the Board 1 Development and approval 25% implementation 50% implementation 75% implementation Percentage posts filled in relation to the HR provisioning plan 100% 1.6. To ensure Performance Management in ITB Percentage of Performance agreements concluded timeously 100% compliance on all new employees 1.7. Provision of skills development to improve service delivery Number of Internal Skills Audit performed Skills Audit report available Number of training programmes conducted 10 5 3
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1.8. To improve customer relationship Payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days of receipt in finance 100% Number of MOAs with traditional councils approved by the board 10 2 3
Programme 2 : Real Estate
Purpose The Real Estate Department has a number of sub – programmes. These are Land and Asset Management, Rural Development and Traditional Council support. Programme Structure The programme comprise of the following: Land and Asset Management Rural Development Traditional Council Support
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.1. Provision of secured tenure rights to facilitate development on Ingonyama Trust land Land Tenure Policy developed and approved New Indicator 1 Implementation, M & E Review Research conducted on land allotment practices adopted by various traditional councils Research document available and approved Development of guidelines Workshop traditional councils Number of land tenure rights approved by the Board 1350 1400 1450 1500 2.2. To maintain an integrated and comprehensive land tenure administration system/ (database of land tenure rights) Number of updates to the land holding register 4 Number of land parcels for commercial use valued 9 11 13
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.3. To ensure sustainable land planning which attracts investment on IT land Number of Traditional Councils with development plans New Indicator 4 5 6 Number of Spatial Development Plans on strategically located land 3 Number of development agreements with municipalities initiated A report identifying prime land developed and approved by the Board I Implementation, M & E Review
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.4. Provide support to beneficiary communities to improve food security Board approved plan on agriculture production on trust land New Indicator 1 Implementation, M & E Review Number of potential project of high commercial value for partnership with private sector identified and implemented Number of agricultural projects approved by the Board 12 2.5. Ensure intergration related to mining for sustainable rural development on Ingonyama Trust land A comprehensive plan based on the recommendations of the 2015/16 Mining Imbizo
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.5. Ensure intergration related to mining for sustainable rural development on Ingonyama Trust land Auditing of all mining activities New Indicator 1 Development of a plan based on the Audit Implementation, M & E Review 2.6. To facilitate sustainable economic development on IT land An implementation plan on land with development rights, developed, costed and approved Monitoring compliance and adherence to ITB BBBEE scorecard for commercial developments 3 4 5 Development rights application submitted and obtained in line with the findings of the land audit 6 7
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance Planned Performance Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.7. Provide training to Traditional Councils Skills Audit performed based on land related legislation 1 Training plan approved by the Board Implementation, M & E Review Number of traditional councils trained 45 12 2.8. Facilitate skills development for young people living on communal land Number of educational awards granted 110 120 130 140 2.9. Promotion of social cohesion and cultural values Framework on supporting social cohesion programmes developed and approved New Indicator
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2.1. Provision of secured tenure rights to facilitate development on Ingonyama Trust land. Land Tenure Policy developed and approved 1 Research Engagement Drafting of policy Approval Research conducted on land allotment practices adopted by various traditional councils Number of land tenure rights approved by the Board 1400 500 450 250 200 2.2. To maintain an integrated and comprehensive land tenure administration system/ (database of land tenure rights) Updated land holding register 4 Number of land parcels for commercial use valuated 9 2 3
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2.3. To ensure sustainable land planning which attracts investment on IT land Number of Traditional Councils with development plans 4 Research Drafting of plans Approval Implementation, M & E Review Number of Spatial Development Plans on strategically located land 3 Number of development agreements with municipalities initiated A report identifying prime land developed and approved by the Board 1 Drafting of report
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2.4 Provide support to beneficiary communities to improve food security Board approved plan on agriculture production on trust land 1 - Number of potential projects of high commercial value for partnership with the private sector identified and implemented Number of agricultural projects approved by the Board 12 11 2.5 Ensure intergration related to mining for sustainable development on Ingonyama Trust land A comprehensive plan based on the recommendations of the 2015/16 Mining Imbizo Draft plan Approval Implementation, M & E Review Auditing of all mining activities Research Development of Audit Report Approval by the Board
Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2.6 To facilitate economic development An implementation plan on land with development rights, developed, costed and approved 1 Draft plan Approval Implementation, M & E Review Monitoring compliance and adherence to ITB BBBEE scorecard for commercial developments 3 - Development rights applications submitted and obtained in line with the findings of the land audit 5 2 2.7 Provide training to Traditional Councils Skills audit performed on land related legislation Training plan approved by the Board Number of traditional councils trained 12
QUARTERLY TARGETS 2017/18 (contd)
Strategic Objectives Measurable Performance Indicator Estimated Performance 2017/18 Quarterly Target Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 2.8 Facilitate skills development for young people living on communal land Number of educational awards granted 110 - 2.9 Promotion of social cohesion and cultural values Framework on supporting social cohesion programmes developed and approved 1 Draft policy Approval Implementaion, M & E Review
Budget Summary For 2017/2018 and the MTEF period separate budgets have been prepared for the Ingonyama Trust Board and the Ingonyama Trust. Ingonyama Trust Board Transfer payment to be received from the Department of Rural development and land reform amounts to 19.7 m for 2017/2018 which is an increase of 5 % from the previous year. Total source of funding of the Ingonyama Board comprises Transfer payment funding R 19.7 m 10 % from the Ingonyama Trust R m R m Funds have been allocated to the administration programme as the Ingonyama Trust Board administers the affairs of the Trust and Trust land. Due to the shortfall in the Boards’ budget an amount of R 4.3 m has been allocated from the Ingonyama Trust’s income .
Ingonyama Trust – Budget Summary
Expenditure is allocated to two programmes : Administration - R 59.7m Real Estate - R 54.3 m Total Budget 2017/2018 amounts to R 114 m. Due to the shorfall in The Ingonyama Trust Board’s funding a further R 4.3 m is budgeted to be paid by the Trust. Income is mainly generated from rental of land and issuing of tenure rights such as royalties and servitudes. Capital expenditure is budgeted to be paid from the Ingonyama Trust’s budget amounting to R 21.8 m – ( R 18 m for new office accommodation and the balance of R 3.1m for furniture, vehicles and office equipment).
Overall Accumulated funding
Ingonyama Trust Board - R m Ingonyama Trust - R m R m Transfer payment from Treasury funding makes up % of the total funding/Budget and Trust funding makes up % of the Total combined budget.
INGONYAMA TRUST Actual Budget Proposed Budget PER PROGRAMME 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 Administration Compensation of employees Real Estate Tenure upgrade and formalisation of settlements Land identification and management plan - Land tenure information system - maintenance Spatial Planning projects Rural Development Food Security Programme Funda Zulu Bursary Traditional Council Support Provision for Traditional Councils Total
INGONYAMA TRUST BOARD Actual Budget Proposed Budget PER PROGRAMME 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 Administration Compensation of employees Real Estate - Tenure upgrade and formalisation of settlements Land identification and management plan Land tenure information system - maintenance Rural Development Food Security Programme Bursary Programme Traditional Council Support Provision for Traditional Council Total
Real estate Programme Increase in the Real Estate programme from R 54 m ( 2017/2018) to R 59 million in 2019/2020.
Real Estate sub-programmes – Budget spread
One notes that Traditional community support makes up the highest allocation of funds within the Real estate programme.
Real estate – Sub- programmes for the MTEF period
CONDITIONAL GRANTS Ingonyama Trust Board does not have any conditional grants; however transfer payments are received from the DRDLR based on a budget approval process. NAME OF DEPARTMENT MANDATE OUTPUTS CURRENT ANNUAL BUDGET DATE OF NEXT EVALUATION Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Support the ITB in terms of the Ingonyama Trust Act. No 3KZ of 1994 Land management and administration suport R 19,272 Annually
No Public private partnerships exist as defined in terms of the PFMA. NAME OF ENTITY MANDATE OUTPUTS CURRENT ANNUAL BUDGET DATE OF NEXT EVALUATION Tongaat Hullet Upliftment of the rural communities thorugh the production of sugarcane in traditional areas Improved production of sugar cane Capacity building for the traditional communities infrastructure development No contribution by the Board at this stage Annually Adamopix Upliftment of the rural communities through agricultural production in traditional areas Improved agricultural production for traditional communities Merensky Upliftment of the rural communities through timber production in traditional areas Improved forestry production for traditional communities
Strategic Objectives applicable to Programme 1
New Strategic objectives Strategic Objective 1.1. Provide effective monitoring and evaluation systems to the Ingonyama Trust Board Measurable Performance Indicator Staff training on the monitoring and evaluation framework Strategic Objective 1.2. Ensure effective stakeholder engagement and communication Measurable Performance Indicator Number of workshops with amakhosi Strategic Objective 1.3. Provide IT support to improve efficiency Measurable Performance Indicator Implementation plan for the IT policies developed and approved by the Board Strategic Objective 1.4. To ensure that efficient internal resource management is aligned to legislative requirements Measurable Performance Indicator Number of policies reviewed by the Board Strategic Objective 1.8. To improve customer relationship Measurable Performance Indicator Payment of undisputed invoices within 30 days of receipt in finance
Strategic Objectives applicable to Programme 2
New Performance Indicators Strategic Objective 2.1. Provision of secured tenure rights to facilitate development on Ingonyama Trust land Measurable Performance Indicator Land Tenure Policy developed and approved Research conducted on land allotment practices adopted by various traditional councils Strategic Objective 2.2. To maintain an intergrated and comprehensive land tenure administration system (database of land tenure rights) Measurable Performance Indicator Number of land parcels for commercial use identified New Strategic objectives Strategic Objective 2.3. To ensure sustainable land planning which attracts investment on IT land Measurable Performance Indicator Number of Traditional Councils with development plans Number of Spatial Development Plans on strategically located land Number of development agreements with municipalities initiated A report identifying prime land developed and approved by the Board Strategic Objective 2.5. Ensure intergration related to mining for sustainable rural development on IT land Measurable Performance Indicator A comprehensive plan based on the recommendations of the 2015/16 Mining Imbizo Auditing of all mining activities
Strategic Objectives applicable to Programme 2 contd
New Strategic objectives Strategic Objective 2.9. Promotion of social cohesion and cultural values Measurable Performance Indicator Number of community programmes supporting social cohesion approved by the Board Framework on supporting social cohesion programmes developed and approved by the Board Revised Strategic objectives Strategic Objective 2.6. To facilitate sustainable economic development on IT land Measurable Performance Indicator An implementation plan on land with development rights, developed, costed and approved by the Board Monitoring compliance and adherence to the ITB BBBEE scorecard for commercial developments Development rights application submitted and obtained in line with the findings of the land audit
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