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Why is Easter important to Christians?

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1 Why is Easter important to Christians?
Are all crosses religious? Possibly start with the Steve Turner poem and ask what he is saying about Christmas and Easter. What are the views of the teachers? Make links to Easter and the importance of the cross; can’t have one without the other if one is to make sense of Christianity. 1.International Red Cross symbol for international humanitarian movement of 97 million volunteers. Founded to protect human life and health regardless of who they are. 2. St Bridgid’s Straw Cross: whilst sitting with a dying pagan chieftain, Bridgid wove a cross of straw. When asked what she was doing Bridgid explained the story of Jesus and before he died the chieftain became a Christian. It is believed to protect a home from fire and on 1st Feb they are made and sprinkled with holy water. 3. X marks the spot on a ballet paper or it could be a wrong answer 4. Union Jack made up of three crosses associated with patron saints: St George for England, St Andrew for Scotland and St Patrick for Ireland – political and yet connected to Christianity. Find out the connections to Christianity. What is meant by the term ‘saints?’ 5. Rosary beads: part of Catholic veneration to Mary; prayer beads with empty Christian cross. Find out why there differences between an empty cross and one with the body of Christ on it.

2 Why is Easter important to Christians?
Where can you find a cross in a church? Designs of churches are in the form of a cross to show the significance of the cross to Christians; the high altar faces east towards Jerusalem where the crucifixion of Christ happened; cross on the altar cloth stresses the importance of the suffering Christ; the choir process behind a cross to show how important the death of Christ is to Christians. Where else might one see a cross?

3 Why is Easter important to Christians?
Is everyone who wears a cross a Christian? How can you tell? Wrong to assume that anyone who wears a cross is a Christian. Jewellery is common especially Celtic jewellery in the form of crosses; some sports people wear them as a form of talisman; it may provoke talking like Beckham’s cross tattooed on back. Is it rude or insulting to wear a cross in the form of jewellery if one is not a Christian? Discuss how to handle this with young people

4 Why is Easter important to Christians?
How do Christians use the sign of the cross? The sign of the cross is symbolic of the saving work of Christ for all, young and old. What are the religious beliefs behind the actions? = The ransom has been paid. Mankind’s sins have been wiped clean and mankind is redeemed. Salvation is the gift for all who believe and pray in the name of Christ. Baptism, communion or eucharist/mass, praying with a rosary or wearing of symbolic clothing all show how the cross is used in worship.

5 Why is Easter important to Christians?
Why aren’t all Christian crosses the same? Find out the symbolic meaning of the different crosses. Identify the key beliefs and history behind them .e.g. The Swastika, The Russian Orthodox cross, the Chi Rho sign, the crucifix and the Latin cross, Budded crosses connected to the Trinity etc

6 Why is Easter important to Christians?
What has the cross to do with Jesus? Cross is a symbol of torture, tyranny, hatred, yet triumph and glory. How? What does Jesus teach about God’s Kingdom and the reason for coming to earth as the Son of God? Introduce ideas of salvation, redemption, atonement and reconciliation.

7 Why is Easter important to Christians?
What is the story behind the death of Jesus? In a week how the tables turned from a triumphal entry by Jesus when he was hailed “ Hosanna to the Son of David” , to a week later being crucified as a criminal and a rebel. Why were the Romans and the Jews so afraid of Jesus? What does the sign “INRI” mean? What was his crime?

8 Why is Easter important to Christians?
Why is Jesus’ death so important to Christians? Prophecies by OT prophets and Jesus’ own testimony that in three days he would restore the temple. Link to the Fall of mankind, the sins and the hope of eternal life to all who believe in the name of Jesus. The link between the OT and NT as one of a great love story i.e. God’s love of mankind and wanting to restore the right relationship between God and mankind.

9 What is the link between Easter and an empty tomb?
Why is Easter important to Christians? What is the link between Easter and an empty tomb? What happened to the body? Could Jesus have resurrected? If not where is the body? What does history teach? Why is this so amazing? Why does this give hope to people? Why is Easter more important than Christmas?

10 Why is Easter important to Christians?
What happened next? How do we know? Women visit the empty tomb but are not believed. Peter and the disciple that Jesus loved ran to check the empty tomb. They were not prepared for it to be empty. Doubting Thomas story. All three accounts reflect the gamut of human emotions to the event .ie fear, awe, wonder and amazement, doubt, disbelief. Why has this story not fizzled out in time?

11 atonement salvation love sacrifice reconciliation new life
Why is Easter important to Christians? What words do Christians use to explain the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection? atonement salvation love sacrifice How does the symbol represent these key beliefs? Why is reconciltiation so important to people and to God? How is the life of Jesus connected to these words? reconciliation new life

12 Why is Easter important to Christians?
What does “reconciliation” mean? Coventry cathedral and reaching out to others including our enemies. Why should one dpo this? What is this teaching to all mankind? How easy is it to be reconciled to one another?

13 Why is Easter important to Christians?
What does “reconciliation” mean to Christians? Sin = evil, separateness from God, deliberate choosing to do wrong or say wrong things, turning away from or thinking one does not need God. Jesus on the cross brought God and the people together again and all people have to do is accept, believe and receive the power of the holy spirit.

14 Why is Easter important to Christians?
How do the cross and resurrection give a Christian a new life? Symbol of torture is turned into a symbol of victory and new life. Overcoming death on the cross to show there is eternal life for all who believe. It is the opposite of what has happened to the symbol of the swastika. Once a symbol of peace and good luck it now has a history associated with an evil time in the world’s history, namely Nazism. Consider what did Jesus mean when he said “You must take up your own cross and follow me?” So what does it mean to be a Christian and why is Easter important to Christians?

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