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Looking Inside Cells.

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1 Looking Inside Cells

2 CELLS are the basic unit of all living things.
They contain tiny structures called “organelles”.

3 plant cell

4 animal cell

5 4 organelles you don’t have to know until high school… due to new GA standards
These will be marked with (*bhs) in front of endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, vacuoles, and ribosomes. They will be mentioned, but you will not be graded on these 4 organelles.

6 Found in plant cells only:
cell wall- tough outer layer surrounding plant, fungi, and bacteria cells; supports and protects.. “outside wall” chloroplasts- contain chlorophyll; capture sun’s energy for food production; photosynthesis… “kitchen/lunchroom/cafeteria”

7 Organelles found in BOTH plant and animal cells:
cell membrane- outer boundary; controls what goes in and out (selectively permeable).. “doorways” nucleus- directs all cell activities; contains chromatin (chromosomes/DNA)…“control center/ principal’s office” mitochondria- produce energy for the cell; powerhouse.. “electrical outlets”

8 (*bhs) endoplasmic reticulum – moves materials around in the cell
more organelles….. (*bhs) endoplasmic reticulum – moves materials around in the cell (*bhs) ribosomes- make protein for the cell (*bhs) Golgi bodies- used for packaging materials to be distributed in or out of the cell

9 (*bhs) vacuoles- storage areas for water, food, and wastes
more organelles…. (*bhs) vacuoles- storage areas for water, food, and wastes lysosomes- break down food and worn out cell parts “trash cans / janitors/recycle bins” Cytoplasm – clear gel-like substance inside cell

10 Bacteria cells are DIFFERENT from plant and animal cells……
usually smaller does NOT contain a nucleus….but it does contain genetic material cells without a nucleus are called “Prokaryotes” !!!!! (pro rhymes with no)


12 Bacterial cell …. no nucleus!

13 Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
YES…they have a nucleus and many other organelles in the cytoplasm All other cells!! (protist,fungi,plant,animal) NO…does not have a nucleus…genetic material scattered bacterial cells only !

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