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Wireless Sensor Network for pipeline Leak Detection

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1 Wireless Sensor Network for pipeline Leak Detection
Done by: Ahmad Hassanin Farooq Mukhtar Mansour Taghadosi Yousif Mohammad Supervised by: Prof. Mustahsan Mir Ajman University of Science & Technology College of Engineering Overview: Oil & Gas pipeline leaks have a huge economical and environmental impact. Additionally, More than 48 billion m3 of water is lost in underground distribution systems worldwide per year. Our aim is to utilize a Wireless Sensor Network distributed along the pipeline in order to detect and locate leaks. A pipeline monitored by a WSN Design and Implementation: First Stage: Designing the Wireless Sensor Network The wireless sensor network developed ensures reliable two-way communication between the nodes by implementing an efficient Layer two protocol. A simple Layer three protocol was also implemented to reduce the power consumption needed to send data to the base station. Second Stage: Detecting leaks in pipelines A leak generates a pressure wave which propagates along the pipeline. A simple model was built to study the pressure transients caused by a leak. Schematic Diagram of the built model PCB Implementation of a Node Power consumption analysis using LabVIEW Picture of the built model Stage 3: Analyze Pressure Transients Pressure Transients caused by a leak where analyzed using LabVIEW. This analysis showed that the signals from the sensors contains a lot of noise. The noise was reduced by reducing power supply ripples and implementing a moving average filter at the nodes. Pressure Sensor Output after a Leak develops System Cost For monitoring a 100Km Pipeline it is estimated that the system will cost around 25000$. Operational Cost and Maintenance Since the wireless sensor network will operate on batteries; you have to continuously change the batteries. Each node will consume around 4.1AH monthly so if a battery with this capacity was used it have to be recharged every month. Comparison with Current Systems Method Sensitivity Location Availability Maintenance Cost GPR Yes No Medium High Acoustic Y/N Dynamic Model Our System Low Conclusion: A pipeline Leak detection system was successfully developed . The system can quickly detect and locate leaks and It overcomes many of the weakness in current leak detection systems.

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