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“Don’t make me read, make me understand “

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Presentation on theme: "“Don’t make me read, make me understand “"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “

2 Living Systems

3 All living things are made up of cells.
Bacteria cells Protozoan cells Fungi cells Plant cells and Animal cells

4 Plant Cells Plants are classified into the Plant Kingdom.
Plants may be grouped into Vascular or non-vascular Plants are made up of plant cells. Plant cells have: - a strong cell wall, -large water vacuoles, and -several chloroplast for photosynthesis used in energy & food production.

5 Plant cells Plant cells are usually square or rectangle shaped.
Cell wall Cell membrane Plant cells are usually square or rectangle shaped. Plant cells have: -cell wall, - cell membrane, --chloroplasts, -nucleus, -large vacuoles for food & water, and - cytoplasm to protect all the internal organelles. vacuole vacuoles cytoplasm nucleus

6 Plant Cells Multi celled organisms
Cytoplasm is the clear jelly like matter that protects the inside cell organelles. Cell walls are found in plant cells but not in animal cells. They are stiff, non-living cell parts that help shape the plant cell. nucleus cytoplasm Water vacuole Cell wall Cell membrane

7 Plant Cells *Cell membrane holds the cell together and lets substances pass in and out of its pores. Chloroplasts are organelles in some plant and protist cells. They contain chlorophyll that helps the plant cell store solar (SUN) energy. Photosynthesis. Plants are producers. Cell wall Cell membrane Water vacuole Chloroplast l nucleus

8 What do animal cells look like?
Animal cells tend to be sphere or round shaped. Animal cells have: -cell membrane to hold the cell together, -cytoplasm a watery gel inside the cell, -nucleus with a nuclear membrane, and -sometimes small vacuoles where food and chemicals are stored.

9 Animal Cells -cytoplasm- jelly like gel that suspend organelles
Each animal cell has: -a cell membrane- holds cell together and allows substances in and out of the cell, -cytoplasm- jelly like gel that suspend organelles inside the cell, -a nucleus- the control center; or the “Brain,” of the cell, -nuclear membrane- allows substances to pass in & out of the nucleus. nucleus

10 Animal Kingdom Animals are classified into the Animal Kingdom.
Animals are consumers. (They must eat food to live.) Animals can be grouped as Invertebrates or vertebrates. Invertebrate -No backbone Vertebrates - Backbone present

11 Animal Kingdom: Can you classify these animals?
butterfly hamster mouse spider humans worm seahorse turtle frog fish octopus seastar

12 Animal Kingdom:Answers
Vertebrates Invertebrates

13 Thanks Submitted by Ambar Patna

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15 “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “

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