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Supervisor: Dušan Petráš PhD. EUR ING.,

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1 Supervisor: Dušan Petráš PhD. EUR ING.,
Energy certification and indoor environmental quality of residential building Sánka Imrich Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Building Services Supervisor: Dušan Petráš PhD. EUR ING., Veronika Földváry PhD. REHVA student competition 2017 London

2 Content Introduction Building Description Energy Efficiency
2 Content Introduction Building Description Energy Efficiency Methodology (IEQ), (IAQ) Results (IEQ), (IAQ) Discussion Conclusion Literature

3 3 Introduction Majority of the residential building in Central Europe was built between years 1948 and 1990, with the highest intensity of construction between years 1971 and 1980. People are spending more then 80% of their times in indoor environment. Therefore the building may complete as the energy efficiency requirements as the basics of a healthily environment. Objectives Evaluate the impact of the energy saving measures on the indoor environment before and after complex refurbishment

4 Building description Location: Šamorín - 25 km SE from Bratislava
4 Building description Location: Šamorín - 25 km SE from Bratislava Competed in: 1964 Heating system: central heating Ventilation: natural (air outlet is installed only to the bathroom and toilet) The evaluated residential building before and after renovation The rising pipes and bathroom ventilation of the chosen apartment.

5 Energy Efficiency Refurbishment → 2015 Energy saving measures
External thermal insulation of walls 80 mm polystyrene Roofing thermal insulation - 120mm of mineral wool Basement ceiling insulation – 80 mm polystyrene Complete replacement of windows and doors Complete replacement of heating and DHW systems Installation of control valves Hydraulic balancing of the heating system

6 Energy Efficiency Heat demand Heat loss Energy need for heating
6 Energy Efficiency Heat demand Heat loss Energy need for heating Energy need for DHW Significant difference: External walls Roof Basement ceiling No changes in: Heat gains Solar gains

7 Energy Efficiency E → B D → B 54 % 7 Savings
555/2005 No. law of energy performance of buildings (300/2012 Z.z.) building energy label total energy consumption E → B primary energy consumption D → B Savings 54 %

8 Methodology Methodology Objective measurements:
8 Methodology Objective measurements: Quantities: Indoor air temperature (T) [°C] (IEQ) Relative humidity (RH) [%] (IEQ) CO2 concentration (CO2) [ppm] (IAQ) NO2 concentration (NO2) [mg/m3] (IAQ) Formaldehyde conc (H2CO) [mg/m3] (IAQ) TVOC concentration (TVOC) [mg/m3] (IAQ) Measuring equipment: T, RH - Hobo data logger CO2- VAISALA CO2 data logger NO2- IVL diffuse sampler H2CO- DSD-DNPH UmeX-100 diffuse sampler TVOC - Perkin-Elmer adsorption pipe Time and place: January 2015 – Before renovation, N=20 January 2016– After renovation, N=20 Subjective measurements Questionnaire survey 2 types of questionnaires (non renovated/renovated) Methodology

9 Results of objective measurements (IEQ)
9 Results of objective measurements (IEQ) 1) Temperature and relative humidity Day and night average temperature was higher in the renovated building than in the non renovated. STN EN requirements fulfilled! (T>20°C; T<24°C) The relative humidity was very similar in both types of residential building. STN EN requirements fulfilled! (RH>30%; RH<60%)

10 Results of objective measurements (IAQ)
10 Results of objective measurements (IAQ) 2) CO2 concentration [ppm] Boxplot: CO2 concentration – full time measurements 25 a75 % Median Average Max., Min. Before renovation CO2 [ppm] Average Minimum Maximum Day 1039 595 1550 Night 1411 742 2665 All the time 1203 657 2049 CO2 concentration before renovation After renovation CO2 [ppm] Average Minimum Maximum Day 1319 789 2209 Night 1925 865 3573 All the time 1570 869 2769 CO2 concentration after renovation 3) Air exchange rate (AER) [1/h] Before renovation Limit values CO2 (%) CO2>1000 ppm [%] CO2>1500 ppm [%] CO2>2000 ppm [%] CO2>2500 ppm [%] Day 60 10 Night 75 40 5 Limit values of CO2 concentration before renovation Air exchange rate [h-1] Average Minimum Maximum Before renovation (N=20) 0,61 0,32 1,15 After renovation(N=20) 0,44 0,21 0,76 CO2 concentration before and after refunrishment [ppm] (2 day interval) After renovation Limit values CO2 (%) CO2>1000 ppm [%] CO2>1500 ppm [%] CO2>2000 ppm [%] CO2>2500 ppm [%] Day 75 30 10 Night 95 70 40 15 Limit values of CO2 concentration after renovation The Slovak technical standard STN EN 15 251 defines the minimal AER intensity in the residential buildings must higher than n = 0.5  1 /h.

11 Results of objective measurements (IAQ)
11 Results of objective measurements (IAQ) 4) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) [mg/m3] Limit value NO2 : 40 mg/m3 (WHO) The average values did not exceed the limit before and after renovation. NO2 concentration [mg /m3] Average Minimum Maximum Before renovation (N=20) 16 6 42 After renovation (N=20) 17 5 36 Nitrogen dioxide concentration before and after refurbishment.

12 Results of objective measurements (IAQ)
12 Results of objective measurements (IAQ) 5) Formaldehyde (H2CO) [mg/m3] The limit value for formaldehyde concentration is 100 mg/m3 (WHO). The results did not exceed the limit value. The data showed higher concentration after the building was renovated. Formaldehyde concentration [mg /m3] Average Minimum Maximum Before renovation (N=20) 32 15 54 After renovation (N=20) 43 23 67 Formaldehyde concentration before and after refurbishment.

13 Results of objective measurements (IAQ)
13 Results of objective measurements (IAQ) 6) Volatile organic compounds(TVOC) [mg/m3] Limit value - TVOC: 300 mg/m3 TVOC concentration before and after renovation TVOC concentration [mg/m3] Average Minimum Maximum Before renovation (N=20) 569 179 1805 After renovation (N=20) 773 185 2362 TVOC concentration limit values: Limit values of TVOC concentration Before renovation (N=20) After renovation TVOC > 300 µg/m³ (%) 80 85 TVOC > 500 µg/m³ (%) 50 60 TVOC > 1000 µg/m³ (%) 5 25 TVOC > 2000 µg/m³ (%) TVOC concetration before and after renovation

14 The results of the subjective assessment (IAQ)
14 The results of the subjective assessment (IAQ) 7) Ventilation habits of the occupants Changes in the ventilation habits of the occupants: The first part of the table expresses ventilation habits of the inhabitants. (Several times a day, every day) Second part of the table takes into account the duration of the ventilation. The relation between the ventilation and the air exchange rate (left) The relation between the ventilation and the perceived air quality (right) Increasing the duration of ventilation is directly proportional to the intensity of air exchange rate, which clearly effects better air quality in the evaluated apartments. Ventilation Before renovation (N=20) After renovation Whole apartment Bedroom Living room Frequency of ventilation [%] More than once a day 70 40 60 30 Daily or almost daily The average duration of ventilation [%] 3.5 min 25 15 7.5 min 35 20 20 min 30 min Majority of the inhabitants did not change the habits of ventilation after renovation. Most of them are ventilating in the living room for 7,5 min. In the bedroom the occupants are ventilating almost every day. Before renovation the occupants ventilated in average 7,5 min. After the renovation in average 20 min.

15 Discussion 1 Objective measurements
15 Discussion 1 Objective measurements Based on the results mentioned above, the renovation of the buildings contributes greatly the quality of the indoor environment and may cause its degradation. Higher indoor temperature (20,9 → 22,2 °C) Decreased AER (0,61 → 0,44 1/h) Increased concentrations of harmful substances : TVOC (569 → 773 mg/m3) !!! Formaldehyd (H2CO) (32 → 43 mg/m3) Carbon dioxide (CO2) (1203 → ppm) !!! The concentration of these toxic substances is greatly impacted by the used thermal insulation system and the quality of the installed windows.

16 Discussion 2 Subjective measurements
16 Discussion 2 Subjective measurements The majority of the occupants has not changed their ventilation habits after renovation The average ventilation time is 7,5 min ( living room) In the bedroom occupants are not ventilating every day. With 20 min. ventilation the AER rises to 0,6 1/h With 30 min. ventilation the AER rises to 0,8 1/h

17 Conclusion P A R A D I G M AER 0,6 1/h AER 0,4 1/h Energy class „E“
17 Conclusion Complex refurbishment of dwellings in Slovakia could cause reduced indoor air quality. In the case the CO2 concentration would not be reduced, the ventilation intensity should be increased (for instance via application of intelligent or mechanical ventilation systems) to reach the quality of indoor environment, at least, to the level of former state, before refurbishment. P A R A D I G M AER 0,6 1/h AER 0,4 1/h Energy class „E“ Energy class „B“ 54% energy saving

18 18 References Jurelionis A., Seduikyte L. (2010) Assessment of indoor climate conditions in multifamily buildings in Lithuania before and after renovation. 2nd International conference advanced construction. Kaunas, Lithuania. Földváry V., Bekö G., Petráš D. (2014) Impact of energy renovation on indoor air quality in multifamily dwellings in Slovakia. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, Paper No. HP0143. Arash Rasooli, Laure Itard, Carlos Infante Ferreira, “Rapid, transient, in-situ determination of wall’s thermal transmittance,” in Rehva Journal, vol. 5, 2016, pp16-20. Földváry V., Bekö G., Petráš D. (2015) Seasonal variation in indoor environmental quality in non-renovated and renovated multifamily dwellings in Slovakia. Proceedings of Healthy Buildings Europe 2015, Eindhoven, Paper ID 242. Földváry V. (2016) Assessment of indoor environmental quality in residential buildings before and after renovation. Doctoral thesis. Bratislava, Slovakia. Bekö G., Földváry V., Langer S., Arrhenius K. (2016) Indoor air quality in a multifamily apartment building before and after energy renovation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human-Environment System, ICHES 2016 Nagoya, Japan. Persily A. K. (1997) Evaluating Building IAQ and Ventilation with Indoor Carbon Dioxide. ASHRAE Transactions. 103, Vol. 2. N. Klepeis, W. C. Nelson, W. R. Ott el al. The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS): a resource for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 11, 2001, pp. 231–252. Kotol M., Rode C., Clausen G., Nielsen T. R. (2014) Indoor environment in bedrooms in 79 Greenlandic households, Building and Environment, Vol. 81, pp Bekö G., Toftum J., Clausen G. (2011) Modelling ventilation rates in bedrooms based on building characteristics and occupant behaviour. Building and Environment, Vol 46, pp Sánka I., Földváry V., Petráš D. (2016) Experimentálne meranie CO2 a intenzity výmeny vzduchu v bytovom dome. TZB-Haustechnik, Vol 25, pp Sánka I., Földváry V., Petráš D. (2017) Evaluation of Indoor Environment Parameters in a Dwelling before and after renovation. Magyar épűletgépészet Vol, 65, pp Sánka I., Földváry V., Petráš D. (2017) Experimentálne meranie toxických látok vo vnútornom vzduchu pred a po obnove bytového domu. TZB-Haustechnik, Vol 26. 2/2017, 6p (in print)

19 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations REHVA Student Competition LONDON 2017 Imrich Sánka Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Fculty of Civil Engineering Department of Building Services Thank you for your attention!

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