Regional Schools Commissioner East Midlands and Humber

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1 Regional Schools Commissioner East Midlands and Humber
Jennifer Bexon-Smith The changing educational landscape

2 The White Paper ‘ Educational Excellence Everywhere’.
Supported autonomy to drive up standards for all Puts the best leaders at the heart of the school system, with the support to thrive Trust for the most effective education leaders A system that responds to performance; Extending the reach of the most successful Acting promptly to reduce influence of those who aren’t delivering for our children

3 System Leadership at the Heart
Teaching Schools NLE’s, LLE’s Multi-Academy Trusts SYSTEM LEADERSHIP Governance Sponsors

4 8 Regions 8 RSC’s 8 HTB’s Give the best leaders greater influence over the direction of the academies system. Regional decisions, centrally supported – create an efficient system of delivery informed by regional knowledge, supported centrally by existing teams.

5 Key Responsibilities of RSC September 2015
Tackling educational underperformance and poor governance in open academies Approving new academy provision Approving applications from new sponsors to operate in the region Taking action against poor performing sponsors Formal decision on who is the most appropriate sponsor and the levels of funding, with advise from HTB members. Approving significant changes to open academies and free schools Responsible for developing plans for their contribution to the manifesto commitment for 500 new Free Schools

6 Implications of Education and Adoption Act - intervention in maintained schools
Extended powers commenced 18 April 16 Ofsted inadequate – will be issued with a Directive Academy Order and be required to become a sponsored academy Falls under the coasting schools definition powers will not commence until later in the year coasting definition takes effect, once 2016 performance data is published and the coasting levels are set in January 2017 Schools eligible for causing concern warning notice: Education standards including below floor, breakdown in governance and management, safety of staff and pupils

7 Implications of Education and Adoption Act- intervention in academies
Inadequate Academies Extended powers commenced 18 April 2016 Any academy judged inadequate by Ofsted From 18 April 2016 power to terminate the funding agreement For any academy that had been judged inadequate before 18 April (before the commencement of the powers of the Education and Adoption Act), the RSC will be also able to terminate the funding agreement, at the RSCs’ discretion. The RSC will decide whether the trust has the capacity to bring about improvement or whether termination is appropriate. RSCs will have the discretion to decide whether rebrokerage is the best option. Coasting Academies RSCs will have the discretion to decide whether a coasting school is demonstrating sufficient capacity to improve, taking into account any action the trust intends to take to remedy matters and/or any representations the trust makes. RSCs will have the power to serve a termination warning notice to a coasting academy requiring the trust to take specified action to improve the school by a specified date. Where an academy fails to comply with the termination warning notice, then the funding agreement for that academy may be terminated. This will allow RSCs to move a coasting academy to a new trust. 

8 Full academisation What will this look like?

9 The Jigsaw Teaching Schools Single Academies Church Schools
Maintained Schools Multi-Academy Trust

10 Sheffield LA Data Data source: Briefing tables June 2016 Converter
Sponsored Free Schools (including 16-19) UTCs Studio Schools Total number mainstream academies (incl. FS, SS and UTCs) LA Maintained Schools Total number of state funded mainstream schools East Midlands & the Humber 571 227 12 4 818 1704 2,522 Sheffield LA 35 28 1 65 97 162 Data source: Briefing tables June 2016

11 Multi-Academy Trusts Continuous Improvement Student performance
Expert leadership and governance Career development and succession planning Financial Procurement – economies of scale Brand recognition/ customer confidence

12 Fully Academised System

13 Size and growth Average size of MATs – 10-12 Pupil numbers = 1500
Longer term expectation average size 30

14 MAT Growth Programme Checkpoint 1 : Starter – Established
Checkpoint 2 : Established – National Checkpoint 3 : National - System Leader

15 Draft Checkpoint Model
People and leadership: Ensuring suitable financial and business expertise for school-based MATs (FD in place?) and suitable school improvement expertise. Governance: Governance structure with clear lines of accountability and responsibility, replicated in practice as detailed in a scheme of delegation. School and trust leadership clearly understanding their role. Checkpoint 2 People and Leadership: Does the trust have a ‘hero head’ that it is overly reliant on? Has the executive Headteacher made the transition to the MAT-CEO role? Staff recruitment and development Finance: Economies of scale, efficient procurement and capital funding Governance: Is it a scalable model? Role of Chair of trustees, right skills mix Checkpoint 3 Staff recruitment and development, succession planning, trust vision and ‘reputation management’ Functioning of regional hubs and central provision Corporate governance and financial management School improvement: Sustained school improvement following ‘quick wins’

16 Sponsors where are they?
Local Authority Total Barnsley 10 Derby 7 Derbyshire Doncaster 9 East Riding of Yorkshire 3 Kingston upon Hull Leicester 5 Leicestershire 12 Lincolnshire 23 North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire 4 Nottingham 16 Nottinghamshire 20 Rotherham Rutland 6 Sheffield York 111

17 Continuing support for MAT’s
Aspire Programme New MAT’s programme Growing Trusts MAT forum Regional Toolkit

18 New programmes planned for Autumn
Primary Roadshows SAT’s to MAT’s The Nuts & Bolts of becoming a Sponsor – hot house 24 hour event

19 Moving forward Current positon of school/academy – A leader
A contributor Requiring support As a MAT are we securing the best possible outcomes for Our pupils?

20 Contact details Further reading EMH Regional Toolkit:

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