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Skin appendages Hair, sebaceous gland, nail, eccrine and apocrine glands Hair: *hair germ * hair papilla * hair bulb Matrix melanocytes * hair shaft.

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Presentation on theme: "Skin appendages Hair, sebaceous gland, nail, eccrine and apocrine glands Hair: *hair germ * hair papilla * hair bulb Matrix melanocytes * hair shaft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skin appendages Hair, sebaceous gland, nail, eccrine and apocrine glands Hair: *hair germ * hair papilla * hair bulb Matrix melanocytes * hair shaft Medulla cortex cuticle


3 Types of hair Lanugo hair: fine and long. Shed before birth
Vellus hair: fine and short. Replace lanugo Terminal hair: long coarse. Scalp, mustache ---Arrector pili Hair cycle Anagen: grow- 3 years Catagen: involution- 3 weeks Telogen: resting- 3 months

4 Sebaceous gland *multlobed, assoc. with hair.
* ectopic: Meibomian gl.---eyelid Tyson’s gl.----prepuce Fordyce spots----buccal mucosa Montgomery's gl.---- areola Sebum( TG, ch.esters, phos. Lip. and squalene) Lubricant, bacterio and fungistatic

5 Nail Nail plate- hard keratin Nail folds Nail matrix Cuticle Nail bed

6 Eccrine gl. Coiled secretary portion and duct Cholinergic stimulation
Thermoregulation Thermal, emotional and gustatory Sweat: Na, KCL, lactate, urea, ammonia

7 Apocrine gl. Coiled sec. portion and duct
Axilla, nipple, periumbilical and genitalia Adrenergic stimuli Unknown function Protein, CHO, lipid and ammonia

8 Primary skin lesions Macule: flat discoloration <0.5 cm ex. Freckle
Patch: flat discoloration >0.5 cm ex. Vitiligo Papule: superficial elevation <0.5cm ex. Wart Plaque: superficial elevation >0.5cm ex. Psor. Nodule: circumscribed elevation with depth ex. leish. Vesicle: circum. elevation contain fluid<0.5 cm ex. Herpes Bulla: circum. elevation contain fluid >0.5cm-B.pemph.

9 Primary skin lesions Wheal: evanescent edematous elevation<24 h—urt. Petechiae: pinhead size blood depsits Purpura: larger macules and papulues of blood Pustules: small elevation contain pus-- folliculitis

10 Secondary skin lesions
Scales: excess dead epidermal cells.—psor. Crust: dried blood or tissue fluid—impetigo Erosion: loss of epidermis, heals without scar Ulcer: loss of epidermis and part of dermis, heals with scar. Excoriation: scratch marks Scar: new connective tissue Atrophy: thinning of epi., derm., fat. Lichenification: thickening of skin

11 Pathological terms Acanthosis: hyperplasia of prickle.—psor.
Hyperkeratosis: thick. Of str. Corneum Hypergranulosis: thick. Of gran. Layer—lichen planus Acantholysis: loss of cohesion bet. Kerat. Intraepidermal vesicle.---pemphigus Parakeratosis: retention of nuclei in str. Corn.– psor. Spongiosis: intercellu. Edema---dermatitis Dyskeratosis: premature keratin. ---SCC

12 Exocytosis: migration of inflamm. Cells
Liquefaction degeneration:degen. Of basal layer Balloon degeneration: intracell. edema loss of bridges and edema

13 macules patch papule plaque vesicle bulla

14 examples crust pustule lichenification

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