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Wide-Field Imager for Solar PRobe Plus (WISPR)

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Presentation on theme: "Wide-Field Imager for Solar PRobe Plus (WISPR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wide-Field Imager for Solar PRobe Plus (WISPR)
WISPR Status SWT-14 Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. R.A. Howard 15 Sep 2016

2 WISPR Instrument Module Description
Outer Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) Lens Barrel Assembly Inner Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) Interior Baffle Assembly Forward Baffle Assembly Camera Interface Electronics (CIE) Radiators Baffle Cover Door Lid (Deployed) Structure Door Latch Release Mechanism Bipod Legs

3 Integration Status Mechanical: Mounting legs in welding
Forward Baffle Assembly complete Interior Baffle box complete FPA assemblies in work Telescope Optics and Detectors Complete and characterized Initial inner & outer telescope assemblies complete Optical testing underway to verify requirements prior to final assembly Thermal blankets have been fabricated and are complete except for installation of ground wires. Fabrication of the FM main harness complete, needs wrapping and final checkout. Functional testing of the FM camera electronics with the EM IDPU complete FM IDPU delivered to NRL

4 Upcoming Tasks Continue assembly of FM WISPR Instrument Module (WIM) and Focal Plane Assembly (FPA). Perform in-air and vacuum optical testing on the completed FPA assemblies. Complete assembly of the FM harness. FM environmental testing.

5 Three versions of the “legs” to account for the positions of the TPS

6 Inner Focal Plane Assembly

7 Outer Focal Plane Assembly






13 Fields of View

14 Finding the Background
The rapid change in distance to the sun results in a corresponding rapid change in the field of view of WISPR. This means that the technique we have used to create a background for LASCO and STEREO will not work here. We (Guillermo Stenborg) have been working on a technique to develop a background for a single image. Using images from STEREO/HI-1 has shown that the technique is working extremely well. STEREO performs a calibration roll periodically, during which the SECCHI instruments take a single image at each roll position. 8 images are taken during the 360 degree roll which lasts about 2 hours. By using this technique, we were able to compute the backgrounds for each image in the roll separately.


16 Sequence of images from a single day
Standalone Movie

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