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The Halogens.

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Presentation on theme: "The Halogens."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Halogens

2 What elements are in the Halogen Family?
Chlorine (Cl) Bromine (Br) Fluorine (F) Astatine (At) Iodine (I)

3 Halogen means “salt-former
Halogen means “salt-former.” All the halogens form salts with sodium (and other alkali metals).

4 Group 17—The Halogen Group
Representative Elements 2 Group 17—The Halogen Group All the elements in Group 17 are nonmetals except for astatine, which is a radioactive metalloid.

5 What do the atoms of the elements in the halogen family have in common?
They all have 7 valence electrons

6 Elements in the halogen family are reactive
They are missing only 1 valence electron They need to bond to fill their outer level

7 Group 17—The Halogen Group
Representative Elements Group 17—The Halogen Group The halogen fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens in combining with other elements. Chlorine is less reactive than fluorine, and bromine is less reactive than chlorine. Iodine is the least reactive of the four nonmetals.

8 What are the halogens used for?
Cl and Br are used for water purification, medicines, and dyes.

9 Solid Halogens Solids – Iodine and Astatine

10 Liquid Halogens Liquid – Bromine

11 Gas Halogens Fluorine and Chlorine

12 Halogen compounds Silver halides (e.g. silver chloride, silver bromide etc) These are used in photographic paper. They are reduced by light and x-ray radiation to leave a silver photographic image. Hydrogen halides (e.g. hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride) When these dissolve in water they make acids and will turn universal indicator red.

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