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WP2 Technological Harmonization

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1 WP2 Technological Harmonization
Vanessa Cardin OGS NERC, HCMR, UniHB, PLOCAN, SRL, IFREMER, BLIT, INGV, MI, UNIABDN, CNRS, GEOMAR, IEO, UPC, IMAR WP leaders: Please prepare General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017

2 Objectives WP 2 – Technological Harmonization The main objective of this work package is to review the current status of existing operational systems and to define the best technical practices for compatible, robust and cost-effective systems on a variety of fixed platforms.

3 WP Highlights Collection of information
WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Collection of information Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages Website Handbook on relevant info about sensors and devices tested Development of tools aimed at the harmonization of sites Technical Guidelines of standards of acceptability for common sensor interoperability protocols Open source SMLE software Handbook of Best Practice together with WP3

4 Collection of information & Dissemination
WP Highlights WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Collection of information & Dissemination All the information concerning the observatories Position Oceanographic characteristics of the site Contact person Hardware Software

5 Dissemination of information
WP Highlights WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Dissemination of information Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP Currently the O3YP includes: 254 sensors; 208 hardware components; 172 manufactures; Two flyers were created to disseminate O3YP

6 Dissemination of information
WP Highlights WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Dissemination of information Handbook on relevant info about sensors and devices tested It provides an overview of the experience of application of the most common sensors and on practical directions helpful for the user and it is a powerful tool to network the observatory managing teams Highlights: Mapping/directory of observatory components from 22 fixed open ocean observatory (what, where, who, etc..) to push the networking operating staffs at the observatories Comparative analysis of technologies, shallow vs. deep, long-term resistance (biofouling)

7 Development of tools WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Technical Guidelines of standards of acceptability for common sensor interoperability protocols Tools aimed at the harmonization of site: development of OGC Standards in the SWE framework Open source SMLE software

8 WP Highlights Handbook of Best Practice together with WP3
WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Handbook of Best Practice together with WP3


10 O3YellowPages “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP”-
WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP”- A Fixo3 output for all the community

11 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization Open access catalogue of sensors, hardware and services related with ocean observatories; Freely available on line; All the users can search for specific sensors; Authenticated users can add sensors, services or hardware;

12 O3YellowPages Observatory Reference for potential users:
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Observatory Reference for potential users: - only observatory name, not an quality evaluation

13 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization An open access database dedicated to deep-sea and ocean services: 260 sensors 218 hardware components 176 manufactures Deep-sea services : Gliders, ROV, data processing, etc. >450 contacts were performed with the industry .

14 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization O3YP as a crucial database for Sensor Registry implementation; SensorML Editor (SMLE), a sensor registration interface, useful interoperability feature;

15 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization Outputs- Flyers to disseminate “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages – O3YP” Flyers to be distributed on workshops, symposiums and conferences.

16 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages - O3YP” statistics: Number of different visitors: increasing during the last year

17 O3YellowPages WP 2 – Technological harmonization “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages - O3YP” statistics:

18 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV HANDBOOK ON RELEVANT INFO ABOUT SENSOR AND DEVICE TESTED Purpose: To gather the relevant information on testing and long-term use of sensors and devices used within the FixO3 project, to produce a sort of comprehensive guide supporting the use of common sensors and the integration of new sensors in different kinds of observatories (seafloor stations, moorings, buoys)

19 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Method: a questionnaire was designed to collect all relevant experience about test results of sensors/devices used. Adopted criteria: high representativeness, to collect the widest possible range of experiences suitable to all kind of sensors and operating system easily understandable, with short and clear questions quick dissemination and completion in by the partner users

20 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Observatory name Istitution 1 ANTARES CNRS 2 DELOS MBARI 3 E2M3A OGS 4 ESTOC PLOCAN 5 FILCHNER RONNE Uni Res. AS 6 FRAM AWI 7 DYFAMED 8 NEMO SN1 INGV 9 PAP NOC 10 OBSEA UPC 11 PYLOS/E1M3A HCMR 12 STATION M Uni Bergen 13 W1-M3A CNR 14 CIS GEOMAR 15 BISCAY AGL IEO 16 LION CNRS-INSU Only 16 of the 23 observatories systems operating in FixO3, replied to the questionnaire. WHY? Certainty the questionnaire was an effective tool in gathering information but not enough to encourage partners to spent time in collaborating Need to identify new and more automatic solutions allowing to share knowledge between partners/observatories

21 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
Lead by INGV WP 2 – Technological harmonization Questionnaire structure: The questionnaire consists in 5 different sections regarding both technical aspects of sensor performance and some general final comments about the own experience in their use Installation sensor/device information Mechanical performance: Relevant info on mechanical robustness Relevant info on electronic damages Relevant info on data quality E. Final free comments of the user

22 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Some number coming from the evaluated systems: Test results allow to evaluate a total of 112 sensors performance distributed over different type of observing system Observing system Number of sensors 6 Bottom stations 42 10 Moorings 44 8 Buoys 26 Total 112

23 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Handbook users: Scientist engineers ranging from the operational level to the research activities Benefits: to evaluate the best sensor performance across the different systems; to know the most common warnings for a sensor with a particular configuration; to disseminate recurring problems of a sensor regardless of the used system; to know and to compare test results on the main sensor peculiarity (e.g. robustness, reliability, endurance) before including it in very long experiments such as in case of permanent cabled observatories.

24 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Comparison between technologies, devices and applications for a critical evaluation of the best sensor uses Comparison between shallow and deep application of pH and pCO2 sensors Handbook contents focuses on specific case studies Experiences with CH4 sensors: UiT and INGV case studies Development of new strategies applied to long term monitoring systems: defence from biofouling Evidences of TNA tests

25 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV CONCLUSIONS A large effort has been done to produce this handbook that offers a synoptic view of the main devices in use in FixO3. This tool should be opened to a wider observatory community (e.g. ATLANTOS, EMSO, etc) and should be sustained and maintained alive in order to continuously share the achieved knowledge and best practices between observatory operating staffs.

26 Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware.
WP 2 – Technological harmonization Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware. Lead by INGV Thanks to everyone who have spent time participating and contributing to the writing of this handbook ….Never too late to join in!

27 Eric Delory PLOCAN
Task 2.6 Eric Delory PLOCAN Partners: PLOCAN, MARUM, UPC, SLR, HCMR, 52°NORTH, IFM-GEOMAR, IFREMER, OGS General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017

28 Core to T2.6: SensorML, a component of the SWE Standards suite
Current OGC Standards in the SWE framework are: Observations & Measurements (O&M) –The general models and XML encodings for observations and measurements. PUCK Protocol Standard – Defines a protocol to retrieve a SensorML description, sensor "driver" code, and other information from the device itself, thus enabling automatic sensor installation, configuration and operation. Sensor Model Language (SensorML) – Standard models and XML Schema for describing the processes within sensor and observation processing systems. Sensor Observation Service (SOS) – Open interface for a web service to obtain observations and sensor and platform descriptions from one or more sensors. Sensor Planning Service (SPS) – An open interface for a web service by which a client can 1) determine the feasibility of collecting data from one or more sensors or models and 2) submit collection requests. SWE Common Data Model – Defines low-level data models for exchanging sensor related data between nodes of the OGC® Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) framework. SWE Service Model ­– Defines data types for common use across OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) services. Five of these packages define operation request and response types. Task 2.6 Lead PLOCAN Partners: MARUM, UPC, SLR, HCMR, 52°NORTH, IFM-GEOMAR, IFREMER, OGS

29 Example of SWE Architecture
Sensor System

30 Objectives and outcomes of T2
Objectives and outcomes of T2.6: Eased and harmonised standard sensor description Need: A tool for facilitating the creation of sensor and sensor platform descriptions Approach OGC SensorML 2.0 is an OGC standard for providing metadata about sensors and sensor systems Currently in development: Marine Sensor Web Profile  define which elements of SensorML are relevant for marine sensors Idea: Build an editor for SensorML  smle Builds on ESONET development (SML 1.0) and integrates FixO3 Graphical user interface Ensure that the users provide valid inputs

31 Objectives and outcomes of T2
Objectives and outcomes of T2.6: Eased and harmonised standard sensor description smle has been completed in a first full version: Linked to ESONET-FIxO3 yellow-pages for automated template generation (Task 2.5) Sync with FixO3 Observatory credentials Developed as a cooperation of FixO3 and NeXOS Available as open source software:






37 Remaining Activity Task partners to beta-test the tool
WP No – WP title Task partners to beta-test the tool Feedback to Github

38 T2.6 Legacy Open OGC-SWE SensorML editor
Sync-ed with FixO3 observatory credentials Sync-ed ESONET-FixO3 Yellow Pages

39 Future for infra development
Train users create a standard inventory Bind SOS services to FixO3 existing database Demonstrate benefits to operators and users

40 Collaborations & Legacy
WP 2 – Technological harmonization O3YP Improve links between the current users and the potential users; > 450 contacts were performed with the industry FixO3 collaboration between WP2 and WP4 on the use of the O3YP for sensor registry and metadata constitution Sensor Web Enablement approach of Marine Infrastructures. O3YP- An useful tool that can be used during following EMSO-project O3YP-continuous sensors update, new sensors, new manufactures, etc. O3YP & Sensor registry – a work to be applied and developed during EMSO-ERIC, EMSO-DEV. Paper submission

41 Cross collaboration between tasks and Workpackages
WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Cross collaboration between tasks and Workpackages Specially with: WP3 Procedural Harmonization WP4 Data Harmonization WP5 Innovation through industry WP11 Optimization of ocean observing capability WP12 Research and development on critical observatory functions

42 Collaboration WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Collaboration between WP2 and WP3 for the release of the Best Practices Handbook Collaboration between WP2 and WP4 on the use of the O3YP for sensor registry and metadata constitution is of crucial importance for the Sensor Web Enablement approach of Marine Infrastructures Collaboration with WP9 providing the on-line tool for publishing and up-to-date observatories information

43 Cross collaboration with other Projects and Programs
WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Cross collaboration with other Projects and Programs NATIONAL PROGRAMS (RITMARE, MOOSE, ecc.) EU- PROJECTS Nexos AtlantOS ….. ESFRI PROGRAMS EMSO ICOS EMODnet (Physics & Chemistry) OceanSITES, EuroGOOS and MonGOOS

44 Lessons Learned WP 2 – Technological Harmonization Questionnaire methodology relatively effective in gathering information but often not enough engaging to encourage partners in collaborating (only 16 of the 23 observatories systems operating in FixO3, replied to the questionnaire) Need to identify new and more automatic solutions allowing to share knowledge between partners/observatories

45 Remaining Activity All the tasks have been completed successfully!
WP2 – Technological Harmonization All the tasks have been completed successfully! Task 2.1: Review of the current status of all fixed observing sites Task 2.2: A User knowledge Base for TNA infrastructures Task 2.3: Assessment of existing and novel hardware Task 2.4: Harmonization of Data Quality Assurance across fixed platforms Task 2.5: Develop the “Open Ocean Observatories Yellow Pages” Task 2.6: Develop and promote sensor interoperability 10 Deliverables sent on-time! 1 asked for a

46 FixO3 Legacy On-line tool for publishing and up-to-date information
WP 2 – Technological Harmonization On-line tool for publishing and up-to-date information Technological Knowledge migration to new projects and programs O3YP- An useful tool that can be used during EMSO-ERIC; including sensors update, new sensors, new manufactures, etc. O3YP & Sensor registry – a work to be applied and developed during EMSO-ERIC Methodology useful to set up the EMSO ERIC Observatory (Digital ?) Handbook Regional teams networking/exchange/integrations/ joint-activities

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