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Presentation on theme: "Heredity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heredity

2 Your Physical Appearance
Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to an offspring. Gregor Mendel was the first scientist to successfully study inheritance He is the “Father of Genetics”

3 Why Pea Plants? Mendel use Garden Pea Plants for his research because:
They grow quickly They naturally self-pollinate

4 Mendel’s Success Mendel was successful with his pea plant research because: he studied one trait at a time! (independent variable) He had studied statistics *A trait is a distinct phenotypic characteristic that may be inherited

5 Pea Plant Traits Flower Color Flower Position Seed Color Seed Shape
Pod Shape Pod Color Plant Height

6 The Experiment Mendel began by taking pure trait plants and cross-pollinating them He did this by hand, not with bees!

7 The Experiment Part I (Example 1)
Plant height Mendel crossed a Tall parent plant with a short parent plant: Tall x short = All Tall TT x tt = Tt parent x parent = First Filial (F1) Both parent plants were true-breeding: They always produced the same type of offspring.

8 The Experiment Part I (Example 2)
Flower Color Mendel crossed a Purple parent plant with a white parent plant: Purple x white = All Purple PP x pp = Pp parent x parent = First Filial (F1)

9 The Experiment Part II He wondered why one trait disappeared when he crossed the two pure (true-breeding) plants He decided to allow the new F1 plants to naturally self-pollinate and here is what he found……..

10 Example 1- Plant Height F1 Tall plants self-pollinate and produce:
25% short plants

11 Example 2 - Flower Color F1 Purple Flower color plants
self-pollinate and produce: 75% Purple flowers 25% white flowers

12 Mendel’s Conclusion The Principle of Dominance and Recessiveness states that one trait is more likely to occur than the other. Dominant is a trait that is most likely to occur Recessive is a trait that is usually hidden in the first generation, but may reappear later

13 Probability The chance or possibility that a certain outcome will occur. Usually written as: Fractions Decimals

14 Let’s Learn a New Language..
Genotype- the genetic make-up of an organism (TT, Tt, tt) Phenotype- the physical appearance of an organim (Tall, short, Purple, white) Dominant- more likely to occur (The tall plants or the purple flowers) Recessive- less likely to occur (The short plants or the white flowers)

15 Let’s Learn a New Language..
Homozygous- when both alleles are the SAME Homozygous Dominant: TT, PP, WW Homozygous Recessive: tt, pp, ww Heterozygous- when each allele is DIFFERENT Tt, Pp, Ww

16 Let’s Learn a New Language..
An Allele is an alternate form of a gene; one part of a pair A Gene is composed of two alleles, one from each parent Allele Allele = Gene T(mom) t(dad) = Tt(child)


18 Punnett Squares Developed by Rudolph Punnett to make genetics easier for us to understand

19 Genetics Example 1 In garden pea plants, tall plants are dominant (T) and short plants are recessive (t). A pea plant that is homozygous dominant for height is crossed with one that is homozygous recessive for plant height. Draw a Punnett square to represent the problem. What are the possible genotypes? What are the possible phenotypes? What is the probability of each genotype? What is the probability of each phenotype?

20 Genotypes Phenotypes Probability of genotypes Probability of phenotypes

21 Genetics Example 2 In garden pea plants, purple flower color (P) is dominant over white flower color (p). A pea plant that is homozygous recesive for flower color is crossed with one that is heterozygous for flower color. Draw a Punnett square to represent the problem. What are the possible genotypes? What are the possible phenotypes? What is the probability of each genotype? What is the probability of each phenotype?

22 Genotypes Phenotypes Probability of genotypes Probability of phenotypes

23 Genetics Examples In garden pea plants, yellow seeds (Y) are dominant and green seeds (y) are recessive. What offspring would result if two heterozygous plants were crossed? Draw a Punnett square to represent the problem. What are the possible genotypes? What are the possible phenotypes? What is the probability of each genotype? What is the probability of each phenotype?

24 Genotypes Phenotypes Probability of genotypes Probability of phenotypes

25 More Genetics

26 Incomplete Dominance Sometimes one trait is not completely dominant over the other The same letter allele is used Red x White = Pink RR x R’R’ = RR’ This results with a combined genotype Snap dragons

27 Codominance Sometimes both traits are equally dominant
Different letter alleles are used Black x White = Checkered BB x WW = BW This results in both traits being expressed Checkered Chickens

28 Alternate forms of Genetics
Gregor Mendel studied simple genetic inheritance: Offspring were either dominant or recessive But not all traits are simple!!

29 Thomas Hunt Morgan Studied Fruit Flies Discovered Gender inheritance
Other traits associated with gender

30 Gender Gender is always determined by the male

31 Sex-linked Traits Some traits are only located on the “X” chromosome
Since Males only have one “x” chromosome, they are more likely to show the trait than a female with two “x” chromosomes

32 Sex-linked Traits Colorblindness Hemophilia Muscular dystrophy

33 Colorblindness Charts

34 Other Types of Inheritance
Name: Description: Examples: Multiple Allele Traits Traits can be determined by 3 or more alleles Fur Color in Rabbits, Blood Type in Humans Polygenetic Traits Traits are determined by more than one GENE Human height, Human eye color **Most Traits that can have a “range”

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