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2 Presentation summary Projects overview Main Collaborations
Past radiation shielding projects Actual radiation shielding projects 05/05/2018 Ref.:

3 Radiation shielding projects summary
REMSIM MOMA-COUNT STEPS / PEPS ROSSINI IBER-10 / SPARTACUS PERSEO PAST Current Proposal Studies on radiation shielding for interplanetary human missions 05/05/2018 Ref.:

4 Continuous involvement in radiation shielding R&D projects
Radiation shielding projects summary REMSIM [2003 – 2004] MOMA-COUNT [2005 – 2007] STEPS / PEPS [2007 – 2011] ROSSINI [2012 – 2013] IBER-10 / SPARTACUS [2013 – 2016] ? PERSEO (proposal) [2013 – 2016] ? Continuous involvement in radiation shielding R&D projects 05/05/2018 Ref.:

5 Radiation shielding: main collaborations
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Accelerator test and MC simulation with PHITS Istituto Nazionale di fisica nucleare (TO, GE, FI, NA) Flight test and MC simulations with FLUKA and G4 Università di Pavia Personal shielding system Università di Roma Tor Vergata Material test on ISS using ALTEA and ALTEINO SpaceIT MC simulation with Geant4 and Fluka and code development 05/05/2018 Ref.:

6 Radiation Exposure and Mission Strategies for Interplanetary Manned Mission - REMSIM
5/5/2018 Ref.:

7 REMSIM Study Team Alenia Spazio (Prime Contractor) RxTec INFN Genova
INFN Firenze EADS-Astrium France EADS-Astrium UK BIRA 05/05/2018 Ref.:

8 Study purpose DURATION: 1 year
FOCUS: RADIASHION SHIELING IN INTERPLANETARY MISSIONS (Moon, Mars) Radiation environment and its variability (Alenia) Radiation effects on the crew (RxTec) Transfer trajectories and associated fluences (EADS Astrium) Concepts of transfer vehicles and surface habitats (Alenia + EADS Astrium) Active shielding concept (INFN Firenze) Geant4 simulations (INFN Genova) Space weather forecasting and warning system (BIRA + REM Oxford) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

9 REMSIM - Study logic Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 05/05/2018

10 REMSIM - Environment SPE
Use JPL model for energies < 5 MeV, and King model for higher energies to calculate mission integrated fluences Use confidence levels as suggested in ECSS-E-10-04A 95% confidence for King Envelope (including ions) of CRÈME 96 worst week Oct 89’; and Aug 72’ events for mid range (10-70 MeV), if solar max mission Ordinary event from King model if solar min mission 1/r3 scaling if < 1AU, no scaling if > 1AU GCR Envelope of the integral fluences, using both the 1970 fluxes from CRÈME96 and the 1980 fluxes from CREME86, if solar max mission Envelope of the integral fluences, using both the 1977 fluxes from CRÈME96 and the 1975 fluxes from CREME86, if solar min mission ‘Surkov’ scaling if > 1AU, no scaling if < 1AU 15% uncertainty to account for uncertainty in the GCR background Account for protons and electrons in Earth’s radiation belts 05/05/2018 Ref.:

11 REMSIM – Mission Scenario
This study identified 4 mission scenarios, and investigated every scenario for: solar minimum solar maximum. These scenarios are: Mars conjunction transfer, long stay mission fast transfer mission to & from Mars Venus Gravity Assist on Mars return mission, lunar mission, A daily heliocentric distance profile was produced for each mission scenario 05/05/2018 Ref.:

12 REMSIM – Mars mission limits (RxTec)
Proposed equivalent dose limits to the BFO for a 1000 days human mission to Mars 1 minute hour month year mission Warning Sv mSv Sv Sv Sv Alarm 3 warnings mSv Sv Sv Sv 05/05/2018 Ref.:

13 REMSIM - Typical transfer vehicles
NASA Approach: Earth-to-Mars transfer vehicle ISTC Approach: Interplanetary Orbital Vehicle Crew of 6 2 Habitat sections 70 t Aeroshell (13,4t) TMI Transit Habitat (28,5t) Descent & landing module (16,3t) 3 individual cabins with radiation protection made of water tanks Crew of 6 Aurora Approach: Habitation Transfer Module Example of inflatable module Transfer and in Mars orbit: about 750 days Crew 6 2/3 Habitation, 1/3 storage 6 m diameter Hard central core (3.3 m)and inflatable exterior shell (8.3m) water jacket surrounding crew quarters in level 2 05/05/2018 Ref.:

14 Set-up of the simplified habitat for simulations
Multilayer  fixed component, corresponding to the basic vehicle structure Shielding  optional components – e.g.: REMSIM modeled example cases included shielding consisting of water and polyethylene, with 5 and 10 cm thickness 05/05/2018 Ref.:

15 Equivalent dose results
Total equivalent dose in the phantom (mSv/day) with respect to shielding thickness e.m. physics e.m. + hadronic physics – bertini c. e.m. + hadronic physics – binary c. SIH + no shielding 2.15 cm Al 4. cm Al SIH cm water SIH + 5. cm water cm mSv/day WARNING The simplified simulation model is not adequate for absolute dose calculations Relative dose calculations are OK A thicker shielding layer limits the astronaut’s exposure to the GCR Water and polyethylene have equivalent shielding behaviour The hadronic contribution to the dose should be taken into account ( ~ 20% )

16 Radiation Shielding for Space Exploration: the MoMa – COUNT Programme

17 ASI - MoMa-COUNT MoMa: from Molecules to Man
Studying the early aging effect in the space environment MoMa: from Molecules to Man Space Research Applied to the Improvement of the Life Quality of the Ageing Population COUNT: Countermeasures Contributing to the development of Biotechnological applications Mandatory for the Human exploration and colonisation of the Solar System Pursuing significant Earth spin-offs to develop countermeasures against aging, enhancing our life quality 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

18 MoMa-COUNT WBS 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

19 MoMa-COUNT TAS-I Activities
Activity : development of methods and materials (flexible, rigid) to be used as radiation shielding Goal: designing passive radiation shielding means to be used as effective physical countermeasures against radiations for Interplanetary vehicles Surface habitat design concepts 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

20 MoMa-COUNT TAS-I Activities
Concepts validation by means of on ground tests (accelerator) on flight tests MC simulations Direct correlation between ground tests and flight tests is difficult Simulations are the missing link, utilisation of advanced Montecarlo toolkits, such as GEANT4 Gain the know how to perform effective and reliable predictions on the behaviour of materials on real situation 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

21 MoMa-COUNT - Ground Tests
Test Campaign: summer 2007 Results 1 GeV/nucleon 56Fe beam tests Adding mass after the external shield brings to a remarkable reduction of the delivered dose Equipment and structures inside the module actually contribute to mitigate the radiation effects on astronauts 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

22 MoMa-COUNT Conclusions
Goals reached within the MoMa-Count programme: Assessment of absolute and relative radiation shielding effectiveness of pure and composite, multi-layered materials Kevlar, chiefly used for MMOD shielding, was determined to be an effective radiation shielding material Extension of knowledge and understanding of the radiation environment inside a spacecraft in LEO, gained with PARIDE experiment in FOTON (i.e. first estimation of neutron flux dose vs total ionising dose) Acquisition of know-how in correlating experimental and simulation results 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

05/05/2018 Ref.:

24 PESP/STEPS Purpose of the work
Previous work: Spacecraft shielding materials have been irradiated at BNL with 1 GeV/n 56Fe ions measuring: Dose Reduction Bragg peak position Purpose of this work: Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS) Monte Carlo characterization of two actual space structures: 1 GeV 56Fe Ion fragmentation 1 GeV 56Fe dose reduction 1 GeV 56Fe secondary LET spectrum 05/05/2018 Ref.: 24

25 PEPS/STEPS Materials simulations
Simulated materials: Aluminum alloy Kevlar® Nextel® Multilayered structures 05/05/2018 Ref.:

26 G4 Hadronic cascade models
1 Fe GRAS G4Abrasion Model Exp. Zeitlin et al., Rad. Meas., 2008 GRAS G4BinaryIonCascade model 10-1 Fragmentation [/source] C Ca 10-2 Si Be 7 g/cm2 Aluminum 10-3 5 10 15 20 25 30 Atomic number [Z] Good agreement between experimental data (from literature) and the G4BinaryIonCascade hadronic model used in our simulations 05/05/2018 Ref.:

27 Columbus-induced fragmentation
Aluminum 3.5 g/cm2 1 Columbus 3.5 g/cm2 Aluminum 15 g/cm2 Columbus+Outfitting 15 g/cm2 10-1 Fragmentation [/source] 10-2 10-3 5 10 15 20 25 30 Atomic number [Z] Columbus enhances high-Z fragments as compared to Al eq. leading to similar Al. 15 g/cm2 high-Z spectrum! 05/05/2018 Ref.:

28 With internal outfit Only external shell
Columbus vs. Remsim fragmentation 1 With internal outfit 10-1 Fragmentation [/source] 10-2 Only external shell 10-3 REMSIM 1g/cm2 Columbus 3.5 g/cm2 REMSIM + Outfit 8.6 g/cm2 Columbus + Outfit 15 g/cm2 10-4 5 10 15 20 25 30 Atomic number [Z] Columbus displays more secondaries (heavier structure) The outfits lead to similar fragmentation spectra 05/05/2018 Ref.:

29 Columbus dose-reduction
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Al 3.5 g/cm2 Columbus Aluminum 15 g/cm2 Columbus+Outfitting Experimental data GRAS Simulation % Dose reduction Columbus structure is more effective than aluminum for a given areal density due to the presence of low-Z materials! 05/05/2018 Ref.:

30 Remsim dose-reduction
30 25 20 % Dose reduction 15 Experimental data GRAS simulation 10 5 REMSIM 1 g/cm2 REMSIM + Water 8.6 g/cm2 The presence of water leads to a dose reduction similar to the Columbus structure with the outfitting 05/05/2018 Ref.:

31 Primary Iron ions ~ 1.4 MeV cm2 mg-1 LET spectra
Columbus 3.5 g/cm2 Primary Iron ions ~ 1.4 MeV cm2 mg-1 [/source] REMSIM 1 g/cm2 Linear Energy Transfer [MeV/cm] The two structures induce similar LET spectra Columbus displays more secondaries (heavier structure) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

32 SpaceIT 63rd International Astronautical Congress 1 - 5 October Napoli, Italy The ROSSINI Project: Radiation Shielding by ISRU and Innovative Materials for EVA, Vehicles and Habitats Emanuele Tracino, Chiara La Tessa, Alessandra Menicucci Laurent Desorgher, Cesare Lobascio, and Marco Durante 05/05/2018 Ref.:

33 ROSSINI RadiatiOn Shielding by ISRU and/or INnovative MaterIals for EVA, Vehicle and Habitat
A 2 year project funded by ESA started in January 2012 Prime contractor: Thales Alenia Space Italia Subcon.: GSI (Test and data analysis), SpaceIT (MC Simulations) Main Objectives: Select innovative shielding materials and passive systems Test under iron ion beam at 1 GeV/n (or equivalent) Give recommendation and guidelines for the design and use of surface and transfer habitat implementing the ALARA principle 05/05/2018 Ref.:

34 ROSSINI Test Campaign – single materials
Iron 1 NSRL/BNL Bragg peak Aluminum Polyethylene Moon & Mars Regolith Dose Reduction Moon Concrete Cella Energy Material A & B Microdosimetry Moon concrete Protons 2.5 NSRL/BNL Dose reduction Aluminum Polyethylene Moon and Mars Regolith Cella Energy Material A & B Titanium 1 GSI Neutron & Proton Yield Polyethylene Moon Regolith Mars Regolith Moon Concrete 05/05/2018 Ref.:

35 ROSSINI 1st Test Campaign @ NSRL June 2012 EGG counter set-up
05/05/2018 Ref.:

36 ROSSINI 1st Test Campaign @ NSRL June 2012 Fe-56 962
ROSSINI 1st Test NSRL June 2012 Fe MeV/n Irradiation Results 05/05/2018 Ref.:

37 ROSSINI Test Campaign @ NSRL June 2012 Fe-56 962
ROSSINI Test NSRL June 2012 Fe MeV/n Irradiation Results 05/05/2018 Ref.:

38 ROSSINI Test Campaign @ NSRL June 2012 Fe-56 962
ROSSINI Test NSRL June 2012 Fe MeV/n Irradiation Results 05/05/2018 Ref.:

39 Interplanetary Habitat Shielding hydrogen-rich and light materials
The light multilayer perform better than the others for dose reduction per g/cm2 The use of a Carbon Composite primary shell with the Columbus MDPS increases the total dose reduction decreasing the weight of the structure Innovative materials “Cella Energy Material B” performs 18% better than HDPE and could be employed as a dedicated radiation protection layer Light MDPS is derived by the ESA funded study “HVI Expand” and have the comparable ballistic performance as the Columbus MDPS with 1/3 of the mass. It is advantageous in terms of mass and dose reduction per unit of areal density 05/05/2018 Ref.:

40 Future Outlook what we plan to do in the near future
Comparison of the test results with Geant4 and FLUKA simulations Selection of new materials and configurations New materials tests Study Milestones: November 2012  Study Review 1st quarter 2013  Test Readiness Review End of 2013  Final Review 05/05/2018 Ref.:

41 Copyright © NASA thanks! 05/05/2018 Ref.: Copyright © NASA

42 HUMEX Study Recommendations
Achievements HUMEX Study Recommendations REMSIM output Improve & advance risk assessment develop risk criteria appropriate for exploratory Long Term Missions integrate risk assessment of radiation hazards in a risk analysis reduce uncertainties for exposure estimates reduce uncertainties for dose effect relations (late & early) TN1 TN2 Code 05/05/2018 Ref.:

43 HUMEX Study Recommendations
REMSIM - Achievements HUMEX Study Recommendations REMSIM output Minimise Radiation Exposure optimise shielding design (material & thickness) optimise mission design - duration - timeline relative to solar activity cycle - guaranteed shelter accessibility advance forecasting capabilities for solar particle events monitor and document - exposure history - health status TN2,TN4,Code TN3 TN3, TN5 TN2, TN5 TN5 TN1, TN5 - 05/05/2018 Ref.:

44 ESA concept (from HMM CDF)
05/05/2018 Ref.:

45 Interior Configuration Transfer Module
HMM CDF Interior Configuration Transfer Module 05/05/2018 Ref.:

46 HMM CDF (cont’d) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

47 Multi layer configuration
Geometry sets Layer configuration Multi layer configuration SIH (Simplified Inflatable Habitat) + shielding configuration SPE shelter SIH (Simplified Inflatable Habitat) + shielding + shelter + partitions configuration Complete vehicle 05/05/2018 Ref.:

48 Materials Kevlar Polyethylene Aluminum 2219-T851 Water
Materials analyzed in such configurations include – in order of priority – the following: Kevlar Polyethylene Aluminum 2219-T851 Water Nextel 312 AF62 Combitherm Betacloth Mylar Nomex Target is a box or cylinder of water. Depth(s) for dose determination: first voxel, 10 mm, 50 mm 05/05/2018 Ref.:

49 Equivalent dose calculation
Method Energy deposit in the phantom Dose per event : D Dose per second: where is the fluence The fluence is calculated from the flux given by CREME

50 Equivalent dose calculation
Method The fluence is calculated from the flux given by CREME Aincidence Projection of energy deposit on a plane perpendicular to the incident beam direction Calculate the radius r whose circumference contains the 90% of the energy deposit ( ~ 20. cm ) A = l2 where l = 2 x r y X Radius

51 Equivalent dose calculation
GCR GCR p GCR alpha GCR C-12 GCR Si-28 GCR Fe-52 Method Dose per second x Quality Factor = Equivalent Dose/s (quality factor from PDG) Calculation of equivalent dose per day for each kind of GCR ion with respect to the depth in the phantom Calculation of equivalent dose per day with respect to the depth in the phantom Calculation of total equivalent dose per day, based on the simulated ions Q = 5 for protons Q = 20 for ions

52 SPE shelter model Geant4 model Shelter air vacuum Phantom Geant4 model
SIH SIH/shielding + additional 10. cm water shielding Both GCR and SPE dosimetric effects have been studied Dosimetric effect of e.m. physics, hadronic processes added on top Shelter vacuum air Multilayer (28 layers) Phantom Shelter SIH + 10 cm water GCR and SPE particles Geant4 model Geant4 model May Bertini only New: Study of the dosimetric effect of different hadronic models Calculation of equivalent dose of GCR in the phantom

53 Energy deposit – e.m. + hadronic physics
e.m. physics e.m. + bertini approach e.m. + binary approach GCR p

54 Results – GCR, SIH + shielding + shelter
Total equivalent dose per day in the phantom, GCR: 34.86 mSv/day – e.m. physics 51.66 mSv/day – e.m. + hadronic physics – bertini c. 51.9 mSv/day – e.m. + hadronic physics – binary c. Hadronic contribution to the energy deposit ~ 48% WARNING The simplified simulation model is not adequate for absolute dose calculations Relative dose calculations are OK

55 3m toroid SHELTER Toroidal shelter ( 2m, length 3m) integrated in the habitat scheme of the AURORA CDF concept. At the outer diameter the electric current can be supposed to be returned by a few conductors 05/05/2018 Ref.:

56 Active shields in Inflatable modules
05/05/2018 Ref.:

57 - the outer part of the system must be deployed or assembled in space.
electric current B=0 inside B 1/R B=0 inside B 1/R return of the electric current return of the electric current a) -  the solenoidal configuration is not adequate and must be adopted a toroidal configuration where the field diminishes at the increasing of the radius; -   the outer part of the system must be deployed or assembled in space. b) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

58 REMSIM – Mars mission limits (RxTec)
The mission limits are based on stochastical effect considerations (3% increase in death risk, as in less safe terrestrial occupations). For shorter exposure to radiation, deterministic effects limits are more adequate for crew protection than stochastic effects limits. The 1 year & 1 month limits are based on deterministic effect considerations; these limits shall be referred to BFO tissues. The short time limits (1 hour & 1 minute) are intended as a SPE detection or co-detection for activating emergency procedures (assuming an average exposure to GCR of  0.5 Sv/h). 05/05/2018 Ref.:

59 In Flight Tests(1/2) PARIDE : PARticle & Ion Dosimetry Experiment *
Main parameters max altitude 304 km min altitude 262 km Orbit Inclination 63° Mission Duration 12 days On board the last Foton mission (Sep. 2007) to study the effectiveness of different radiation shelters Detectors to evaluate the neutron component of the radiation field: Bubble Detectors Neutron Dosimeter (BDND) Detectors to evaluate the ionizing component of the radiation field: Thermo-luminescence Detectors (TLD) Aluminum and Kevlar shelters to assess their shielding capability * Close cooperation with Marco Durante, Università Federico II, Napoli and Alba Zanini Università degli studi di Torino 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

60 On Flight Tests(2/2) PARIDE : Results 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

61 On Flight Tests Simulation
Neutron fluxes inside Foton M3 s/c obtained using GEANT4 The neutron dose per day calculated by simulations is about 6 µSv/d the experimental data are about (65 ÷ 88) ± 20% µSv/d Difference is due to the coarse approximations and simplifications made on materials and geometry A = neutrons from GCR protons B = neutrons from GCR alphas C = neutrons from Van Allen trapped protons 05/05/2018 Ref.: Date

62 Multilayered structures
+ OUT IN “Columbus” target aims to reproduce the shield of the ISS-Columbus module IN OUT + “Remsim” target aims to reproduce the shield of the next inflatable modules 05/05/2018 Ref.: 62

63 Shielding materials selection Target description
Innovative Materials Cella Energy Material A Cella Energy Material B Cella Energy is an 'Advanced Materials and Technologies' sector company safe, low-cost hydrogen storage proprietary technology Visit: 05/05/2018 Ref.:

64 Shielding materials selection Target description
In Situ Resource Utilization - ISRU Materials Mars Regolith Simulant  Orbitec JSC Mars1A <1mm (0.93 g/cm3) Moon Regolith Simulant  Orbitec JSC Lunar-1A <1mm (1.64 g/cm3) Moon Concrete  Dinitech D-NA-1 (1.76 g/cm3) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

65 Carbon Composite (Internal)
Shielding materials selection Target description Multilayer – Tested with Iron 1 GeV/n for Dose Reduction and Microdosimetry Columbus (ISS like shell) 3.8 g/cm2 Light Multilayer (C primary + soft MDPS) 1.4 g/cm2 Hybrid Multilayer A (Al primary + soft MDPS) 1.6 g/cm2 Hybrid Multilayer B (C primary + ISS MDPS) 3.6 g/cm2 Columbus Aluminum (external) Nextel Fabric Kevlar/Epoxy Comp. MLI Aluminum (Internal) Light Multilayer Betacloth (external) MLI Nextel Fabric Kevlar Fabric Carbon Composite (Internal) 05/05/2018 Ref.:

66 ROSSINI 1st Test Campaign @ NSRL June 2012 Experimental set-up
Lunar Regolith Lunar Concrete Mars Regolith 05/05/2018 Ref.:


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